"The US government wants developers to stop using C and C++"
Sounds like a good incentive to start using it.
413 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Feb 2012
"You're giving people you have reason to believe are adversaries the ability to potentially insert trojan horse code, as we've seen happen in the past."
The US also has a long storied history of introducing Trojan code into everything. We really need to get US contributors out of the picture by your logic.
"And people like them are putting my life at risk. I'm fighting breast cancer & (the next) red devil chemo mashes your immune system... But hey, let's not get immunised, let's go out with active cv19 infection. I can tell you Fibromyalgia, Carboplatin/Nab-Paclitaxel chemo, breast cancer and cv19 is *not* an enjoyable experience."
So, what you're saying is, they should be forced into medical treatment as a convenience to you.
Got it, you're as selfish as them. All you had to do was say that.
Hard to fix it if the fix involves connecting to the internet, and the problem is you need a network card driver.
Say what you like about Windows, but I've never had it 'helpfully' tell me I need to download a network card driver before. Unlike a few times I tried some Linux distros.
"We all know that the US government is an unhealthy mixture of paranoid, batshit crazy (well, half of them)"
To be clear, with half of them blindly right, and the other half blindly left, they are ALL crazy. Anyone not identifying as centrist, by definition, is indoctrinated into batting one way or the other, rather than for reasonable debate on a subject.
"So wrongdoings in the past couldn't have been stopped when they were occurring?!"
Not what he's saying. He's pointing out that until something has been done, that it can be stopped. But I'm sure you knew that and just wanted to sound clever.
I mean, if we use your logic, you're suggesting nothing bad has ever been stopped, right?
What was that about being naive?
As a Brit living in the US, I've heard many people saying that using Fahrenheit for temperatures is better because humans don't usually encounter temperatures outside the range 0 to 100°f, so outside that range represents too hot or too cold.
I've also heard people saying the Fahrenheit scale is more accurate, somehow. Apparently by people ignorant of the invention of the decimal point.
Neither argument makes sense, and when I tell them that, the potential for them to shoot me is the next thing they try using to convince me otherwise.
"YOU are aware that black means bad and white means good in that sense, right?"
Blackboards, those things that used to be used to... you know, educate people, were bad?
I think we understand why you think the way you do, now. You refused to be educated because of the evil blackboards that were oppressing minorities... (sigh)
"Firearms are designed to kill, therefor saving lives is not what they are designed for. People think they need guns for protection."
Clearly you have never sat in a tent, late at night, and listened to a bear two meters away, waiting to see if it was going to come through the canvas.... with a rifle in your lap, as I have.
Nor have you spent the night in the woods, surrounded by a pack of wolves, and hoping you have enough wood to last till daylight, as a friend of mine, who got a bit turned around coming home, did.
Nor have you had to deal with a wounded bear, big enough to have paws the size of dinner plates, the rest of matching size, as my uncle did on more than one occasion.
Get this a lot in the MGM hotels in Vegas?
"in the US you can shoot someone dead for simply stepping onto your property"
Liar. You still need a good reason.
Postmen/delivery drivers have 'implied consent' until you tell them you remove it. If a kid kicks his ball into your yard, you are not legally entitled to shoot them as they come up to your door asking to get it back. If a car breaks down on the road outside your house, you can't just kill the driver for asking to use your telephone.
Just 3 examples of how your statement is wrong, and there are many more.
Christ alive, if someone with your attitude is allowed firearms, it really does prove that the psychological checks they are supposed to carry out don't work.
Pluto's orbit is so far off the ecliptic plane, that it goes nowhere near Neptune's orbital path. It is correct, however, to say that it does approach the sun nearer than Neptune, because its orbit is so elliptical. This is in common with comets, as much as anything else.
"It's not Trump's feed. It belongs to Twitter. Never, ever, forget that you do NOT own anything that you post to so-called "social media". It belongs to the company running the servers."
Well, if its not his feed, and it belongs to Twitter, Trump shouldn't have been named in the lawsuit. And, further, it is Twitter who should've been sued. So, the judge erred on that count, and the appeal will fully dismiss the findings of the first hearing.
So, now we've established Trump is innocent, and the court simply found him guilty through corruption, the judge involved and the prosecutors should be sacked immediately, right?
Indeed, as a non-American, I just see this as a CNN type of tactic to have a dig at him... "because I don't like him" instead of it actually being some valid thing.
They can read his posts, and can comment on the official POTUS account, so what's the deal? If he just copy/pastes stuff from @POTUS to his personal feed, it's just representing his personal views.
That he blocks them from replying on his personal feed, and is now under fire legally for doing so, tells me that the courts want to effectively tell us that blocking anyone from replying to anything posted by anyone, is now illegal.
"Respondents, whose children do homework, were asked ‘In terms of accessing the internet for homework and educational content'"
Context is key.
These surveys might as well say that 100% of non-educational Internet usage is non educational, so the Internet isn't educational.
Or that, 100% of educational use of YouTube is educational, with the inference that YouTube is an important educational tool. Obviously that's ignoring the fact that 99.9% of YouTube is non-educational, which flies in the face of it being useful for education.
On the whole, these types of surveys are set to prove something the survey setter believes, with wording used to come to a specific goal.
I mean, they asked people whose children used the Internet for study, and only wanted answers relevant to educational use. Completely ignorant of children who don't use the Internet educationally, and those who don't use the Internet at all.
Frankly, I'm surprised such a massive number of respondents said their kids didn't study on the Internet, when a prerequisite seemed to be that your kid DID study online.
"someone discovered the racing game easter-egg in excel 2000 which was a sort of developer credit roll. And being part of excel, it couldn't be removed."
Which is why it won't be long until school computers have keyloggers intentionally installed, and that brings a whole new darker privacy concern than we have here.
But, thats the breaks you get for abusing school property, I guess.
"due to my tendency to move apartments once the council tax people had started to get stoppy"
You mean you evaded paying council tax?
Two minor points.
1. Why the fuck should everyone else pay for services you undoubtedly used, and yet you think you shouldn't have to?
2. Now you have revealed yourself as a tax dodger, much like the corporations who eventually get a 90% discount on unpaid tax, your story seems somewhat less than credible.
"4 - Massively marked up cables and connectors"
Actually, my issue isn't with this, since you could just not buy them.
No, my issue is with stolen cables. My mum bought a TV that clearly advertised on the box that it came with an HDMI cable, only to have the pushy salesman try to sell her an HDMI cable.
Turns out that Maplin, and I've since found out other vendors, remove bundled cables SPECIFICALLY to drive up add on sales.
That is why I've never shopped there.
"they had managed to find information on how to kill people with a car."
Running over them would seem to be both pretty effective, and easier than more elaborate ways.
I'd think the fact this is such common knowledge, pretty much nullifies any attempt at praising them for a 'job well done'on the subject.
"Why the **** should she have to pull her cell phone out & turn off cell data?"
Pointing out the obvious... so that she doesn't use cellphone data when she's as home.
Have some personal fucking responsibility, or are you OK with being pigeonholed with the same kind of idiots who run lawnmowers over their kids, then sue the manufacturer because the handbook didn't specifically tell them not run the mower over their child?