the whole waterfall idea was invented as a straw man
Ironically, Winston Royce worked at Lockheed.
12 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Feb 2012
If you haven't already done so, consider mounting your receiving antenna for the RFD900u as far away from other electronics as is practical, even if this means having it trail behind the aircraft. In my experience, maximizing physical separation is the approach to try first. One over R squared drops of very quickly when R starts out quite small.
I don't see how making a complete copy of an entire work and then making money from that copy can be considered fair use. Google may only be making snippets available in search results, but the value of the search comes from that complete copy that they made. Does Google sell ads along side the search results? Do authors/publishers get a cut of the ad revenue? Shouldn't Google have to get permission from the author/publisher for something like this?