Re: Building online portion
The Maplin internet site is truly awful for buying components. I was after a transistor the other day. The search returned a fairly pathetic 27 products, but the worst thing was trying to find the one I needed. I could refine my search by, er, price range, depth, height, width, weight, cable length or, get this, star rating. Star fucking rating! Who on earth wants to choose a transistor on the basis of popularity?
The old Maplin catalogue used to include a table of transistors, a damn sight more than 27 of them too, listing the things you might actually want to select a transistor on the basis of. Such as case style, type, polarity, current gain, power dissipation, breakdown voltage, etc.
Anyway I was in a rush so eventually worked out which one I needed and popped into my local branch to collect it. It was out of stock.
I too buy online from CPC or Farnell now; both do free delivery. CPC is cheaper and you only need a minimum order of £5. I think it's closest to what Maplin used to be. Farnell needs a minimum spend of £20 but has a much wider range of stock available.