* Posts by Cousteau

5 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Feb 2012

Google asks Blighty to slave over its Maps for FREE


It's a pity they don't allow you to add fixed and mobile speed camera locations as a category - That would really be useful.

EA sues Zynga over ripping off Sims Social


Nothing new here

Super Mario Brothers vs Great Giana Sisters - The original game ripoff ?

Bill Gates: iPad is OK, but what Apple really needs is a SURFACE


Microsoft Surface was unveiled 5 years ago


Big Media drags 142,000 through UK's courts in a year


@ Jean

The TV licence fee is automatically charged on French Property taxes as you say.

However you failed to mention that it is added in as a separate "line" and you can get a full refund if you sign a declaration to state that you do not own a Television.

Once you have claimed your refund, they will send you a letter in advance of next year's property tax bill enabling you to declare in advance, your TV Tax is then not even charged.

French National Front woos internet pirates


Blank Media Levy

So if the proposed blanket licence goes forwards, I presume they will repeal the blank media levy (Loi 311-01 and 311-04) that already exists in France, and which already compensates artists & producers - how many times do these people want paying for the same thing?