Windex? Because it turns your screen blue and wipes everything off of it?
Posts by JustWondering
308 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Feb 2012
What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you
Stalker attacks Japanese pop singer – after tracking her down using reflection in her eyes
£99,999, what's your emergency? Paramedics rush to OAP's aid after shock meter reading
Careful now, UK court ruling says email signature blocks can sign binding contracts
How long is a lifetime? If you’re Comcast, it’s until a rival quits a city: ISP 'broke' price promise
Remember that crypto-exchange boss who mysteriously died after his customers' coins disappeared? Of course he totally stole them
Let's check in with our friends in England and, oh good, bloke fined after hiding face from police mug-recog cam
Tesla driver killed after smashing into truck had just enabled Autopilot – US crash watchdog
I can't say Mike Lynch knew about Autonomy dodginess, star witness tells High Court
Let's spin Facebook's Wheel of Misfortune! Clack-clack-clack... clack... You've won '100s of millions of passwords stored in plaintext'
Yelp-for-MAGAs app maker is warned there are holes in its code. Does it A. Just fix the problem, or B. Threaten to call the FBI, too?
Demand for HP printer supplies in free-fall – and Intel CPU shortages aren't helping either
Web hacker 'Alfabeto Virtual' thrown in the clink for 3 months by US judge who wanted to 'send a message'
It's OK, everyone – Congress's smart-cookie Republicans have the answer to America's net neutrality quandary

Small time chicanery
Here in the northern colony, a while back we had our government introduce a bill called the "Protecting Children from Internet Predators Act". This sounded very impressive, until everyone realized that except for in the title, neither children nor Internet predators were mentioned.
I won't bother hunting and reporting more Sony zero-days, because all I'd get is a lousy t-shirt
Who cracked El Chapo's encrypted chats and brought down the Mexican drug kingpin? Er, his IT manager
My 2019 resolution? Not to buy any of THIS rubbish
Re: Hospitality sector had it coming
"Like mortgage brokers"
Here in the northern colony, they do amazing work for people with less than ideal credit ratings; they certainly save on shoe leather and disappointments. They will also usually get you a better rate than if you walked into a bank yourself.
Ding dong merrily on high. In Berkeley, the bots are singeing: Self-driving college cooler droid goes up in flames
Here's 2018 in a nutshell for you... Russian super robot turns out to be man in robot suit
'Say hello to my little vacuum cleaner!' US drug squad puts spycams in cleaner's kit
Peak tech! Bacon vending machine signals apex of human invention
GOPwned: Republicans fall victim to email hack
Cops called after pair enter Canadian home and give it a good clean
With sorry Soyuz stuffed, who's going to run NASA's space station taxi service now?
$200bn? Make that $467bn: Trump threatens to balloon proposed bonus China tech tariffs
Facebook insists it has 'no plans' to exploit your personal banking info for ads – just as we have 'no plans' to trust it
Trump 'not normal' FCC commish reveals amid Sinclair-Tribune mega-media-merger meltdown
Fukushima reactors lend exotic nuclear finish to California's wines
Will this biz be poutine up the cash? Hackers demand dosh to not leak stolen patient records
A curious tale of the priest, the broker, the hacked newswires, and $100m of insider trades
Uncle Sam is shocked, SHOCKED to find dark-web bazaars trading drugs, weapons, etc
Tesla fingers former Gigafactory hand as alleged blueprint-leaking sabotage mastermind
Oddly enough, when a Tesla accelerates at a barrier, someone dies: Autopilot report lands
UK's first transatlantic F-35 delivery flight delayed by weather
'Incomprehensible failure' – Canada's $1bn Phoenix payroll IT fiasco torched by auditors
So when can you get in the first self-driving car? GM says 2019. Mobileye says 2021. Waymo says 2018 – yes, this year
UK age-checking smut overlord won't be able to handle the pressure – critics
Wow, braking news: Overworked, tired ride-sharing drivers declared a public health risk
You. FCC. Get out there and do something about these mystery bogus cell towers, huff bigwigs
Hackers pwn Baltimore's 911 system?! Quick, someone call 91– doh!
Suspected drug dealer who refused to poo for 46 DAYS released... on bail
Woe Canada: Rather than rise from the ashes, IBM-built C$1bn Phoenix payroll system is going down in flames

Where to start
One of the problems with this is the government had a few ideas to customize the program. One of these ideas appears to have been that instead of entering an employee's actual negotiated wage, the program would automatically enter the lowest wage possible for the position.
When it came time to roll out the program, those working with the program said it was not ready, but the executives looking to collect their bonuses said it was.So guess what happened?
To add to the fun, years before they had removed the pay advisors out of the various offices, reduced their numbers by more than half, and centralized them in a smallish town on the edge of nowhere.
Fun times. These are just a few of the highlights.