* Posts by Concrete Cowboy

15 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Feb 2012

Pair of complete tits sorry for pervy app

Concrete Cowboy
Paris Hilton

Re: You should only apologize for behaviour you can control

The problem is actually that some women do dress in provacative fashion for the express purpose of attracting attention. They just don't want YOUR attention.

Possessed baby monitor shouts obscenities at Texas tot

Concrete Cowboy

Many ISPs supply combo wireless modem/routers. Theoretically, they might've had a solution. If nothing else, the ISP could warn other customers.

Concrete Cowboy

Re: Huh?

"Dad obviously forgot (or didn't know he needed) to put an access code on the built-in web server before he put it on the interwebs..."

RTFA: He said that both the camera and the family's wireless network are firewalled and password protected

-So, yeah. That's not it.

Hubble boffins: Incredibly old supernova could explain EVERYTHING

Concrete Cowboy

Just think...

The idiots keep trying to defund and shutdown the Hubble Telescope.

Dad hires online assassins to slay game-obsessed son

Concrete Cowboy

...“therapeutic” beatings?

Why does this remind me of Rowan Atkinson and his "Fatal Beating" skit?

Sarcastic tweeter jailed for mocking Communist Party

Concrete Cowboy

Re: Hmmm

WE ARE NOT!!!1!!eleventy-one!!

Swedish woman cuffed for sex with skeleton SHOCKER

Concrete Cowboy

I guess she got fingered by the long arm of the law.

Mozilla: Windows 7 browser bungle cost us nine MILLION downloads

Concrete Cowboy

Firefox updates

Yes, FF has lost marketshare, due in large part to its becoming slow and bloated. One of my primary reasons for using it was for its customizability through add-ons. What bugs me is that the ( ridiculously numbered ) updates have a tendency to break those add-ons, themes etc.

All you need to know about nano SIMs - before they are EXTERMINATED

Concrete Cowboy

Re: Or an alternative

"Bill's sim on a hand (in the hand?) is not a tattoo but an embedded chip which connects to the hardware through the pads of your fingers wrapped tightly to the phone. The future of mobile me thinks!"

I can hear tech support now, "You're holding it wrong!"

Got a BMW? Thicko thieves can EASILY NICK IT with $30 box

Concrete Cowboy

Trunk Monkey: The best security in the world

Everyone should have this security system!


Dinosaurs on a diet shed tonnes

Concrete Cowboy

Sweatin' to the Oldies

"He also points out that dinosaurs have been losing weight for years"

When I saw this line, I immediately had a vision of an overweight dinosaur wearing a glittery tank-top, shorts and headband 'Sweatin to the Oldies' with Richard Simmons.

Olympic Wenlock plod cops condemnation from Amazon wags

Concrete Cowboy
Big Brother

Big Brother/Little Brother

So, Orwell introduced us to Big Brother. Now we're introduced to Little Brother (Wenlock), via the Olympics. The brilliant move is in having people willingly paying for it!

ServiceKey protests innocence in Oracle 'grey market' spat

Concrete Cowboy

"ServiceKey protests innocence..."

I know what the title is trying to convey, but every time I see this sort of wording The Voices play it out thusly:

"You're innocent."

"No, I'm not!"

UK-French drone aircraft blueprints nicked at Paris station

Concrete Cowboy

Many Bothans died to bring us this information.

Vader will be looking for his Death Star plans.

Shakira attacked by sea lion who mistook BlackBerry for a 'fish'

Concrete Cowboy

Please do not feed the animals...

In these days of healthy eating, one should always check the list of ingredients. Do you know how much artificial preservatives are in the average celebrity?? And the amount of plastic packaging!