Where on earth is the redundancy? BT really are pants.
What I really don't understand is:
This took our most of WGC, Welwyn and many surrounding areas including most businesses in the town centre including most banks as well as the local Police headquarters. But Why?
Why on earth would scumbags nicking cables take out such as huge area. Unless of course BT only backhaul this to the docklands via a single point of failure? What on earth is going on with that? Do we really have a monopoly national Telco running such important infrastructure and not demand that they at least make their exchanges fault tolerent? It's not as if they don't own all the fibre between the exchanges too. Why in their right minds would they not put a resilient connection in which doesn't run in the same ducts?
Unforgivable and something needs to be done about it while this cowboy outfit runs their national monopoly.