* Posts by zentechinc

3 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Feb 2012

Behold, Microsoft SQL Server on Linux – and a firm screw-you to Oracle


As a data-guy I find your understanding of NoSQL as a quip against MS disconcerting.

It's like saying: 'I hate Hickory Farms because I personally dislike their sausage and think they sell too much around the holidays, lets all eat cheese!'

Got news for you bud: while some Hickory Farms is gross, lots of that crap is deeeeelicious. They also sell cheese too... Just like MS also has NoSQL tech (increasing all the time).

Use whatever tech is best suited ('most delicious') for the job. Brand loyalty/prejudice is for suckers.

Microsoft burgled, only the APPLE iPADS stolen - cops confirm


my thoughts too

developer guts for office for ipad maybe?

Google Wallet PIN security cracked in seconds


Roger Smith cannot fool everyone!

Anyone remember how Verizon 86'ed Google Wallet on its upcoming phones... related maybe? If i remember correctly there was an article here on the register that quoted a Verizon rep who indicated security concerns regarding Google's product.

Anyway, i could be off base, but am actually impressed with Verizon for making a good call. Not surprised Google's product is crap, but none-the-less.still impressed with VZW for noticing a golden turd as turd regardless of its golden luster.