Surely this was a good opportunity for investment?
Surely Reaction engines with their Sabre engines and Skylon would have been perfect to invest in? Sadly last i heard was that they had to go to the US for funding
5 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2012
This is true but most end users don't have the nerve or inclination to have a go. With most Windows 10 based modern computers you have to turn off secureboot in the bios to even stand a chance to load a different o/s. For the person who looks at the news or reads emails its like asking them to wander to an area with a sign that says 'Here be dragons...'
Unfortunately its not video but i use an extension on Chrome that replaces Trump pictures on websites with kittens! (Will replace other annoyances too eg Farage)
Didn't write it myself but thankful to the chap/chappette that did!