* Posts by doctariAFC

4 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Feb 2012

Big Data is now TOO BIG - and we're drowning in toxic information


The boat has been missed

Interesting article on big data, and yes, it is all teh rage, and yes, information germaine to answering the questions one may have is a valuable tool for decision-making, and performance evaluation of any initiative.

That being said, seems to me the writer of this piece believes the data stands alone, offers answers AND questions, which is the missed boat. It requires someone to understand the right questions to ask whenever any data is to be used as an "oracle of sorts". Spending over a decade in Marketing, I can certainly lend much insight into this. If you do not know what questions need answers, you do not know what data will be appropriate to answer said questions.

In other words, no matter how much data is collected, it still requires a human brain to understand how to apply the right data to get the right answers/ insights. This could be a lot of data, or a little data, or somewhere in between. If an answer to a question requires viewing a short-term issue, focused detail data in a short time window is needed (hourly price fluctuations, as an example). If you are seeking a more bigger picture kind of trend for decision-making, a longer period of less detailed information (monthly or weekly, rather than daily or hourly) will suffice.

It isn't the volume of data, rather understanding how to use data and what is truly appropriate, which then kills the noise that leads to "analysis paralysis", and rather leaves you with "signals" or results which are more redily identified, and easy to do if you have half a brain and an understanding of the subject requiring insight into.

Effectively, the message of this piece is hogwash, because it missed the boat.

Climate-change scepticism must be 'treated', says enviro-sociologist


I wise man once said "Skeptical scrutiny leads to deep thoughts, not deep nonsense".

It is no surprise that the MMGW crowd wants to silence skeptics, as they want to hold onto their nonsense to rape the world of treasure, while foisting an unprecedented violation of our natural rights to use our resources. Its tyrannical control found as the end result, wrapped nicely in a trumped up crisis made "important" due to hyperventillation.

Meanwhile, the biggest loser in this entire thing, beyond the people themselves, is science itself.

Science is not determined by consensus, never has been and never will be, no matter how hard you pound your fists and stomp your feet.

The reports that have been shown to be bogus was not fraudulent data, rather cherry picked data. That has been proven, and when one removes variables from a model to get the model to tell you want you want it to say, that equates to fraudulent representation of the results. Since none of the work that makes up the "groundbreaking report" was ever successfully peer-reviewed, and indeed once the truth of the cherry-picking was disclosed, this invalidates the report, and certainly at least illustrates what was done was NOT science. Its a sham.

Skeptical scrutiny leads to deep thoughts, not deep nonsense.

In order to preserve the deep nonsense which will lead to big piles of treasure, it is no wonder they want to shut down the skeptics. And whenever you are in doubt, just follow the money.


Re: Yep Yep

Men in Black - Tommy Lee Jones to Will Smith as Tommy Lee is offering Smith a job at MIB....

This entire article speaks volumes about these ideologues. They are getting a royal beat down by the science itself, them employ what is known as cognitive dissonance to explain away the truth with more make believe, and then when that still doesn't work because they still make no sense, despite the fact peer-reviewed (not independent reviewed, but peer-reviewed)science shows their assumptions are completely all wet, its "re-education" camps for you.

There will come a point in time when the chaffe will need to be removed from the wheat, and that day is coming sooner rather than later.....

Either that, or just hit the globe with a few EMP weapons and the emissions problems are solved in a second.... And it didn't cost everyone trillions to solve, either....

Study links dimwits to conservative ideology


sounds like Diederik Stapel has a new job...