* Posts by David Eddleman

217 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jun 2007


Firefox lances IE bug

David Eddleman


"An even more severe client-side risk comes from a pair of unpatched flaws in the Trillian multi-protocol IM client."

Waitwaitwait, is this *new* news? Trillian's always had tons of bugs, this is nothing new.

Got the notification to patch on the other machine, going to do it here now and see how it works out.

Buffy and Neighbours thesps join Torchwood

David Eddleman

@Matt Owen as well

As I've told the other morons who can't seem to figure it out, don't read the 'Odds and Sods' section of El Reg if you don't want non-tech news.

C'mon, it's not *that* hard to figure out!

A serious browser vulnerability, but whose?

David Eddleman

It's not Firefox, it's BOTH!

Well, in reality, it is both. IE's fault for being exploited, and also Mozilla's fault for not properly parsing the input from IE.

Police hunt renegade cow sex youth

David Eddleman

Re: Excellent

Or those sods could do as I suggested: not read the odds and sods section, which typically has nothing to do with IT ever. But I still read it, because there's always something interesting in there.

Oh well, I suppose whining takes precedence over common sense now.

Sole competitor comes second in cake-baking contest

David Eddleman

Re: Alistair

I can only suggest that you not read the Odds and Sods section, then. Instead of getting in a huff and denouncing the site as a whole. Subscribe to the rest of El Reg without the Odds and Sods section if it really rogers your hammerstein so much.

Talking Trojan taunts victims

David Eddleman

Not really...

Or, it could be an indication that, like many of us suspect, that they're not from a country that has English as it's native language? Russia, perhaps.

Unwanted e-card conceals a Storm

David Eddleman


"Therefore, this trojan/virus is actually Bill Gates' fault."

Who let the troll out of his cage?

As for the whole "virus/malware" thing, "malware" is anything dangerous to your system. It's a much wider grouping than "virus" or "worm" or "trojan".

FTC sides against Net Neutrality

David Eddleman

Well, yeah, but there's a reason!

"In unrelated news - wink, wink, nudge, nudge - union group Communication Workers of America released a state-by-state report Monday that showed US internet connection speeds are far behind other industrialized nations."

There's a good reason for that: it's called our government has not put any initiatives forward to wire the country up and promote broadband usage. Hell, in Japan, a 10Mb line is about the equivalent of mediocre-fast dialup here. Know why? Because the government paid to wire the country and give everyone these benefits!

Don't touch that Microsoft Security Bulletin email

David Eddleman

Re: The stupid should just stop using computers

If they did, I'd be out of a job. ;)

Europe's banks must inform customers of US snooping

David Eddleman


Yet another reason why I hate living in this country (the US). Various "security" agencies becoming paranoid and rapidly demanding that they get access to everything that foreign companies have.

Symantec offer sticks in craw of some Chinese users

David Eddleman

Is there an echo in here?

In all honesty, who the hell didn't see this coming? It's like a story I read about on b3ta: Bunch of people get sick at a restaurant, health inspector is called in, finds many problems, restaurant owner /tries to bribe the inspector with free food from the restaurant/.

What surprises me is why other AV vendors aren't jumping in and waving their products, effectively kicking Symantec out of the Chinese market. "Had enough with Norton? Here's a free one-year copy of AVG."

Also, kudos to El Reg for the 'cockroach salad' idea. Marvelous, and made me chortle plenty.

Dell cleans up crapware

David Eddleman

Better than third-party

Build your own.

Or, if you need to mass-order, it doesn't really matter what crapware they come with, because you'll be re-imaging the machines en masse anyways.

Ubuntu computers? Don't make me retch, please. Ubuntu is a glorified *nix distro that destroys all of the good commandline work.

And don't get me started on the pretentious Mac users...

Voltage secures patents on identity-based encryption

David Eddleman


"but Voltage reckons the advantage of not requiring the recipient to sign up first will drive greater use of encrypted communications and as long as you trust Voltage then there's no problem."

So what happens when the Voltage server is broken into by cyber-crooks or some kiddie (refer to the security person's adage: "the only completely secure system is one disconnected and buried in concrete")? Does Voltage have to suddenly generate new keys for everyone and inform their entire clientèle that they've been breached?

These guys aren't very keen on security methods, so why should we trust them with crypto (one of the first lines of defense)?

Symantec showers free software on bug-afflicted Chinese

David Eddleman

Great Deal

"Our software is slow-as-balls, offers a host of crippling bugs, and has a mediocre detection rate, but we're giving it to you for FREE! What a deal!"

I really hope that Symantec falls flat on it's face one of these days.

Yahoo!'s pink liberation army a threat to America's youth

David Eddleman

I wouldn't call you conservative either...

Just an ignorant Bible-thumper ("You know, if I wanted to go to hell.").

I must say, shame on El Reg for letting this homophobic trash called news on their site. Shame on you!

To Mr. Otto Z. Stern (which sounds like a fictitious pseudonym anyways): Hope you come out of the closet just fine! Those who are the most anti-homosexual are invariably deep-closet homosexuals themselves. Well, it would explain why you're using a fake name.

Russian trouble makers find Quicken backdoor

David Eddleman

Trouble makers?

Are you bloody insane? These people aren't troublemakers, they've found a backdoor and have notified people of it, rather than exploit it for their own use.

The culprits here are Intuit, who put the backdoors in there in first place. Administrative-placed backdoors are nothing but bad.

Apple TV gets its first critical security patch

David Eddleman

More proof...

...that Apple's products are not tightly-locked boxes, but have their shares of flaws that ALL OSes do.

Maybe with this sort of shit happening those twunts who parade "better security" around will slam their pieholes shut.

It'd be doing everyone a favor.
