* Posts by CHRoNoSS

29 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Feb 2012

Microsoft Dell deal would restore PC makers' confidence



embrace extend extinguish

get a grip its how its gonna go so windows 9 can be a totaly held held os and the migration of americans to retards is complete


hahah hahaha

sorry a tablet os and this makes WHOM happy oh you MEAN ONE PC maker


in fact it ought to scare them as ms screws up and takes out one more supply inthe chain for its own sake.

SORRY this is so funny

Microsoft to biz: Just so you get off XP, we don't mind if you go Win 7


xp vs 7

had 1st try at 7 other day and i hate it utterly

and i was gonna buy a new 2500 dollar pc to do high end graphics and stuff.

NOT doing it now and not bothering...

so not ony do some heavy costing software makers get no cash but its directly attributed to the bullshit interface of 7 ergo the vista upgrade.

and people tell me 8 is worse ? HOW CAN IT BE WORSE?

time for linux i guess and blender and such....ill just have to make do with what i can and at least this way i can go a grand or two off the pc ....



just saw a win 7 pc less then a few days old

25 virii

twenty 5

this person has never had virii in ten years a xp use....

this is awful sign.....

Microsoft: 'Update your security certs this month – or else'


apache friends xampp

has had 1024bit ssl cert making for self signed certs for a long time....

China to probe black holes, search for aliens


oh and that satellite could be turned back on earth to find alllllllll the secret things the usa is doing

and yes Canadians had this tech designed and hte us disallowed it oging into orbit....

BSkyB blocks The Pirate Bay for millions of Brits


billions a pounds a manure

yup tell me the shows that are riveting sci fi? tell me the fantasy show that rivets me and lasts more then 13 episodes ?

haha i feel soooo sorry for brits funny continuum is made in Canada so dont say its your show.....

boned boned boned i guess your all awash with fees is more like it.

time to turn brits into americanized dumb shit drones , thats your new world order YOU GETTING NO TV/ENTERTAINMENT that is allowed to stimulate your mind.....

NOW get back to ugh ugh thump wwe on syfy channel.....

Richard Branson gets nod to strap rocket on SpaceShipTwo



the owner of space x won't sell that is why. It also uses parts and equipment that are in competition to virgin.


Re: Virgin on the silly

escape velocity is approximately mach 5 and the further you go the less gravity earth will have and the idea is once in space you can keep accelerating till you reach orbit.

orbit is just a free fall toward the earth at an angle that keeps you form falling TO EARTH

its actually easier then you think its why we was doing it in the 60's , like 50 years back.....and technically low earth orbits (safest as your no where near the van alen radiation belts ) are not really space ...you need to get a bit further ....and actual space travel now thats tricky stuff.

and i'd like to hear anyone say they solved radiation shielding as currently i know of no none way to do it.


Re: Lovelock

and whose to blame so now he creates space craft so he and his rich buddies can escape the crap they done to all of us.

time to rise up and take back our planet

Ubuntu will hit the big time on Amazon: Here's how


welcome to the attempted scam called cloud

that's all it is DON'T BE FOOLED, its a scam , how you say? LOOK at whom is pushing it around the world and i mean the people saying it. THEY often are unsavory capitalistic scammers that will do anything for a buck as long as it involves NO WORK.

the cloud is storage somewhere not in your control. SORRY that's not only NOT new its dangerous for companies to "get on board to it and think your stuff is safe"

last time i give a warnign cause after this you deserve what you get.

Sony stock slides to 30-year low after record loss


rumor time

WHOM would buy SONY?

NO really? Microsoft? Apple? Google? One of the surviving hollywood houses?


Re: You wonder why..

and for the 4th year in a row MS makes literlly zero money trying to kill sony WHOM also sells at just barely a profit per unit and with the 1st two years of loss per unit well it made no money ...

ya you wonder how stupid idiots make posts like yours ...

Senator demands Congressional vote on ACTA


Re: It's astonishing...

Nothing actually and that's the funny part , anyone read a book lately that's 28 years old ...not many i bet.... same issue its nickel and dimeing buy the big boys....a tax if you will.

AND to prevent competition form occurring as people could start up on older books and do a sequel to ....whatever....series. god forbid people got doing stuff.

what about the original basic edition of dungeons and dragons form 1977 - 35 years old still under copyright....i could do some neat stuff but i'm not going to as long as they own rights to what the now two dead authors have giving to a rights company WoTc. THEY tell me i can do stuff as long as i don't make a dime. OK not doing it

see there's your digital economy


Re: Democracy be damned.

NO this isn't democracy it never was during cold war the corporations had ot act nice to us cause of the idea that socialism was evil. TURNS out capitalism is just as evil in fact its even more evil.


Re: It really doesn't matter

and the costs of the prisons will go up , the taxes then need ot go up and eventually you have a situation of so many in prisons that would regularly be paying some forms of taxes that are not now that the govt goes broke for other stuff like health care militaries etc. IN time this adds to the debts and in time this then directly adds to the levels of unrest and one day it explodes. THEN we out law patents and copyrights for what they are a tax on humanity and no terms. YOU want to create do it cause you want to do something to share.


Re: Duration of copyright

POOR disney and then at one point like we are in now they just make one film maybe every 3 years or 4 and nickle and dime ( tax ) society for any enjoyment for all time. IMAGINE how much wealth we all would have to spend on local economies if it was 14/28 years.THE jobs created from such might just help the world get back in order. YOU keep this up and the revolution will happen. AND then you will get nothing.


Re: Duration of copyright

YOUR rights should end when you do. WHY should you kid get to be lazy on your coat tails make the bastard earn a living like the rest of us.


Re: Duration of copyright

so you'd have to wait 28 years MORE then likely me they who created to begin with would have done much more the public wants and if its priced right as they have to ... then you waiting 28 years will be out of the loop

ha kinda makes people get DOING rather then sitting around giving us utter trash they do now.

Anonymous hackers leak Scotland Yard-FBI conference call


WRONG we paid for it

our taxes our buying products etc

it should belong to all of us

NOT 1% elite

you think all that money means anything to me ? ALL the cash they have and they still cant control the world should tell you something



THEY whomever THEY are are but a small slice of hackers that can and will join in this war on our freedoms we are watching.....never for get that


that old system was replaced in late 90's

nuff said by time you saw the movie its already old


trust me when i say they will make someone a patzy but it again won't be the real deal.....

his name is robert poulson



I can verify that this is not gov't types pretending to be hackers, i can verify that there own networks and communications are compromised....and ya can't chang that system cause to do so will cost huge bucks, BUCKS the usa don't have.....nor does britain...

remember remember the 5th of november.....

http://www.uha1.com/15-mug.jpg <----- a little reminder from ten years or so back




we know what the fbi had in 2000

and it was a sandbox

they don't put mission crit stuff on networks you can easily access which is why this is funny they don't know......


this breach is months and months old its matter of time befor eit gets found or leaked

dont act foolish , go ahead fix it we/they/them/us/you will get back in

you cant stop freedom


Anyhting made by idiots is just idiotic


tip for you

encrypt your message with two types a encryption before you use the email program and just attack it and hten encrypt again....

might help stuff like the carnivore and echelon and hte new program they use and those hundreds a pcs they have decrypting your messages get painfully slow when we all do it

SO after a decade of hackers is the net actually a bit safer? Have you learned to be safer and keep your data safer ? HAVE YOU?


Anonymous also hacked half a dozen police websites

ya think the federal network is compromised yet?

OH nooos terrowists are gonna harm me now