* Posts by windy_miller

10 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Feb 2012

GitHub merges 'useless garbage' says Linus Torvalds as new NTFS support added to Linux kernel 5.15


"In order to mount the disk read-write, Windows has to shut down cleanly and clear the journal, which Windows never does by default anymore"

You have to disable "Fast restart" mode in windows.


Whatchu got for us this week, Microsoft? Skype, Powerpoint tweaks and – oh – another foldable


Skype 7 is still working

I thought Skype 7 was supposed to have been disabled by now? Its still working for me.

Your software hates you and your devices think you're stupid


Re: AFAIK audio CD has no way to name songs...

Yes there is, its called CD-Text


However, even though my CD player supported it, I only ever owned one CD that used it (Wheatus' eponymously titled debut album). I have no idea it never caught on.

The Quantum of Firefox: Why is this one unlike any other Firefox?


Re: I went for the mobile version

> Gestures are gone forever. They cannot be done in the API.

The "Foxy Gestures" add-on works fine for me.

Faking incontinence and other ways to scare off tech support scammers


Put them on hold

I find the best course of action is to put them on hold...

Scammer: "Hello, blah, blah, blah"

Me: "Hmm yes that does sound bad. Can you just hold on one second?"

If you keep coming back every minute or two ("Can you just hang on a bit, I'll be with you shortly") you can string them along for ages.

UK Snoopers' Charter crashes through critics into the next level

Big Brother

"but the bill's nickname of "Snoopers' Charter" was insulting to the people who work to make the country safer"

Lets just call it the Spying C**ts' Charter and be done with it.

ZX Spectrum 'Hobbit' revival sparks developer dispute


I never managed to complete this game, even with a walkthrough. Gandalf has a habbit of just wandering off, especially in the dungeon making it impossible to get past certain sections of the game

BBC, ITV gang up on YouView with 'FreeView Connect'

Paris Hilton

Re: Starting Grid




Best budget Android smartphone there is? Must be the Moto G

Paris Hilton

No infra red port

So what? What is this, 1998?!

Orange San Francisco 2

Thumb Up

BBC Radio

If you just want BBC radio stations, you don't need iPlayer, just install the Tune In Radio app. This also gives you access to just about any radio station you can think of from anywhere in the world.

I have unlocked and rooted my SF2 and installed a custom ROM (Fish & Chips - available on the Modaco forums). It runs so much smoother without all the Orange bloat. That ROM comes with Flash and iPlayer included, but I removed them as I would prefer not to have flash on my phone.