Saudi Shock
Regardless of his potential "agenda" is making this announcement, it's an obvious sign of the times that the one nation in the world, literally sitting on billions upon billions of dollars in fossil fuels, says they want to pursue renewable energy. Most hopefully, it tells the rest of the world to get in gear and not let the oil rich Saudis lead the way on any renewable technology. I'm keeping my eyes on Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. Truly clean, endless power created from the temperature difference in shallow and deep water. It won't work for the Saudis, but they don't really want it right? For people living near tropical locations it will cut their dependence on fossil fuels, and the only byproduct is clean drinking water. So yes, clean energy and clean water. That's the kind of energy source we can all be proud of. Right now the Bahamas are working on 2 OTEC plants, and other Caribbean nations are following their lead... lots more info on that deal at The On Project...