Re: PAM?
How exactly will lubricating the device make it more secure?
214 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2012
1. This "upgrade" is not forced on consumers since newer releases of Android will still run on older phones. Not so with iPhones.
2. $99 < ($199 || $299 || $399)
2.5. If the $99 rumor is not true, then it'll still be a helluva lot cheaper to upgrade storage (via SD card)
0/10 must troll harder
There's a pretty significant difference between the three that you (conveniently) overlooked. While security researchers are supposedly working to improve the product they analyze, bank robbers and burglars have a malicious motive. Doesn't take an AC to understand that.
I'm saying that researchers might make more of a difference in the long term by helping repair broken security, as opposed to the more easy (and rewarding in the short term) task of poking holes in the work of others. If you are a researcher solely dedicated to discovering vulnerabilities, then good, your work is much appreciated.
But I do think we need more people interested in proactive security.
Let's not attack strawmen, RICHTO, m-kay? If you read what I wrote (instead of drunk-skimming,) you'll see that the only observation I made about global warming was this: How the fuck could you possibly start a conversation about it in a thread regarding Death Stars?
Last I checked, the IRS != the American people. Unless you honestly believe that ~315 million are in support of Scientology, then maybe you (along with most rational thinkers) can arrive at the correct conclusion that the IRS screwed up. Maybe they're fearful of what would happen if they revoked their tax exempt status.
Now, please take your contrived arguments elsewhere.