* Posts by The Onymous Coward

84 publicly visible posts • joined 1 Feb 2012


Nick Clegg steps down as Meta's top flack in favor of more Trump-friendly candidate

The Onymous Coward

Positively buoyant

Clegg is proof that shit floats.

Imagine a land in which Big Tech can't send you down online rabbit holes or use algorithms to overcharge you

The Onymous Coward

Re: Some good ideas but at what cost

Aww, still viewing the world and its inhabitants through the lens of left vs right. How quaint.

Billionaire food app CEO wants you to pay for the privilege of working with him

The Onymous Coward

"The further education system is captured by corporate interests, let's take advantage!"

CrowdStrike file update bricks Windows machines around the world

The Onymous Coward

Re: Related?

Thatcher knew the railways should remain in public hands and refused to sell them. We've got Major to thank for that terrible decision.

More than half of UK workers would consider jumping ship if a hybrid work option were withdrawn by their company

The Onymous Coward

Re: Losing

And that is why successive UK governments have cut taxes to hitherto unknown lows - oh wait.

The Onymous Coward

Re: Losing

Perhaps you're being micro-managed because you are pretending to work. And a post-work swifty is basically a British institution. You clearly don't like to socialise, but has it not occurred to you that some people do, and may go to the pub to have a laugh with eachother, not because they want a pay rise?

The Onymous Coward

Love being at home, hate working from home

Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones, but:

- I love my commute. It's a 10 mile cycle ride through north London, so hardly a pootle through the Cotswolds, but it wakes me up and means I do at least an hour of exercise every day without even thinking about it. And, apart from the cost of tyres, chains and cake, free!

- I love working in the office. My actual job is slightly better than tolerable, but the people are a friendly, interesting and funny bunch.

- I hate working from home. I don't have a home office, but I do have two very young kids. It breaks my heart to tell them I can't play with them, because my laptop is more important than they are for ~7 hours of the day. Being at home is great. Adding work into the equation sucks.

So, for me, having an office to go to is the deal-breaker. Obviously, I like the flexibility of being able to work from home when I really _need_ to, and I really couldn't care less what my reports do, as long as they are productive. But WFH is rubbish for many people and, in my experience, largely enjoyed on a full-time basis by misanthropes and lazy feckers. Flame me.

Start or Please Stop? Power users mourn features lost in Windows 11 'simplification'

The Onymous Coward

Re: This entire thread is a dumpster fire

It's a good analogy, but they have managed, in the past, to make pizza that a billion people enjoyed.

Then they started to ask people who will eat literally anything what they want on their pizza, and they said they'd prefer it without any cheese, oh and if it could be shaped like an amphibious landing craft, that would be really cool. And they listened.

The Onymous Coward

There's a reason...

...that users had to have Windows XP prised from their cold, dead hands.

Does anyone actually use Windows outside the office and gaming anymore? I have to use it at work and get things done *despite* Windows, not because of it.

Richard Branson uses two planes to make 170km round trip

The Onymous Coward

Re: Blue Origin "Design"

Ribbed for passengers' pleasure?

BT promises firmware update for Mini Whole Home Wi-Fi discs to prevent obsessive Big Tech DNS lookups

The Onymous Coward

I've got six of these discs and only noticed what they were up to when I had cause to log into Pi Hole. I'd been wondering why Google kept asking if I was a robot.

BT's response is pathetic. This is fourth generation bork. Access points shouldn't care about internet connectivity. Doing a DNS lookup is a stupid way to test internet connectivity. Doing a DNS lookup for a domain you don't own is a stupid way to use a DNS server to test internet connectivity. Doing a DNS lookup once per second for every client on the network is a stupid way... etc etc.

The discs still point at Pi Hole for DNS, but ufw drops their requests. They don't complain.


Tiananmen Square Tank Man vanishes from Microsoft Bing, DuckDuckGo, other search engines – even in America

The Onymous Coward

In China, your "right to be forgotten" is exercised on your behalf by the CCP.

'Imagine' if Virgin Galactic actually did sub-orbital tourism: Firm unveils new chrome job on SpaceShip III

The Onymous Coward

Given the laughable customer service I've experienced from Virgin Media, who had to pay me compensation after I took them to independent arbitration when they lost the cancellation letter of which they'd previously acknowledged receipt, and Virgin Experience Days, who seem to go out of their way to make it difficult to actually spend one of their vouchers, I don't think I'd throw any money in VG's direction even if I had a spare hundred grand knocking around.

The GIMP turns 25 and promises to carry on being the FOSS not-Photoshop

The Onymous Coward

If you have a Mac, spend £34 on a copy of Affinity Photo. It's worth it.

Brit MPs vote down bid to delay IR35 reforms, press ahead with new tax rules for private-sector contractors

The Onymous Coward

I'd advocate a simple rule that a company director may not take a dividend larger than their salary.

Tax take would increase, there's no ambiguity and no need to change working relationships.

But, one man band contractors would still be able to undercut the big boys providing Apprentice contestants for two grand a day. Hence the IR35 sh*tshow.

UK government puts IR35 tax reforms on hold for a year in wake of coronavirus crisis

The Onymous Coward

It's a bit late now. If anything, deferring just before the deadline will actually give companies more work to do - everyone has either left or prepared to switch to an umbrella. Now it all has to be rolled back.

Sir John Redwood backs IR35 campaign, notes review would have to start 'immediately' before new off-payroll working rules kick in

The Onymous Coward

IR35 originally came about because Arthur Anderson (remember them?) lobbied the government to implement something that would stop one man band consultancies undercutting them while providing a better service.

The Onymous Coward


Of course HMRC could achieve all of the stated aims of IR35 review without the uncertainty and opacity by implementing one simple rule. Company directors may only take 25% (or whatever) of sales as a dividend in any one year.

Take Sajid Javid's comments on IR35 UK contractor rules with a bucket of salt, warns tax guru

The Onymous Coward

I don't understand why they think IR35 is a good way of making contractors pay more tax. It's complicated, vague and full of loopholes. They should have just created a rule along the lines of "companies with 5 or fewer shareholders may only pay out 25% of profit as dividend" or somesuch. Same effect, no getting around it, no nonsense about "personal service companies" and "deemed payments".

What's that? Uber isn't actually worth $82bn? Reverse-gear IPO shows the gig (economy) is up

The Onymous Coward

Re: Efficient Market

I cycle around London at an average of 20mph. Drivers would kill to do even half that as an average. But they do nothing to safely allow me past - they just clog the roads up and pollute the air.

The Onymous Coward

Re: Efficient Market

One man's "offensive" is another man's "assertive". I'm not sure what you mean by "offensive". Taking the lane? Flicking Vs?

You ascribe a single riding style to all cyclists. That's untrue and nonsensical. If you ride dangerously, you die. In London, even if you ride safely, you can still die. There are morons using all modes of transport, however the data shows that cyclists are about 8 times more likely to also have a driver's point of view than vice versa. Your point about cars being more deadly than bikes means what? That riders should just allow themselves to be bullied off the road?

"I ride a bike too" is the new "Some of my best friends are black." It tends to be used by people who pootle around the park with the kids on a weekend, then get in their cars and punishment-pass those of us using a bike as transport, on the roads.

The Onymous Coward

Re: Efficient Market

Cyclists aren't a separate species, Jake. In the UK, 85% of people who sometimes ride bikes also sometimes drive cars. Only 1 in 10 drivers also cycle, however.

Do you now see why your post is ludicrous?

Idiot admits destroying scores of college PCs using USB Killer gizmo, filming himself doing it

The Onymous Coward

Re: Silly "victims"!

Almost there - it's "leetnin".

Who had 'one week in' for a Making Tax Digital c0ckup? Well done, you win... absolutely nothing

The Onymous Coward

Re: Anyone got a script?

Amazing. That's the exact opposite of what they said when I asked them. Actually, thinking about it, not amazing at all.

Be interesting to see if they will actually support the numerous OAuth redirect URLs that will need to be configured.

The Onymous Coward

Re: Anyone got a script?

Don't ask me - ask HMRC. They mandate that anyone who connects to their API is an ICO-registered DC.

The Onymous Coward

Oh dear, it seems the downtime facilitated deployment of code that returns HTTP 500 for VAT return submissions.


The Onymous Coward

Re: Anyone got a script?

Here goes: www.xlvat.com

The Onymous Coward

Re: Anyone got a script?

The problem you'll find is that, unless you want to share your production credentials (I assume you don't, as you'll be on the hook for anything that uses them), everyone who wants to use your script will also have to demo it to HMRC, get it approved and get their own credentials - oh and they'll need to register as a data controller with the ICO and pay the £30 annual fee.

The Onymous Coward

The MTD service is being taken down for an hour tonight with less than 24 hours' notice. My heart says it's so they can fix their data, but my head tells me they're rolling out another breaking change like they did last week.

The Onymous Coward

Re: Anyone got a script?

Not quite; you have to save your LibreOffice spreadsheet in Excel format - you don't even have to have Excel installed, as the web app reads the file.

But I digress - yes, it was a pointless thing to automate, especially given that the stated aim is to reduce fraud, which MTD VAT does nothing to mitigate.

The Onymous Coward

Re: Anyone got a script?

It's just a REST API so you could just send a few HTTP requests in from Postman or whatever - if HMRC would give you production credentials following your demonstration to them of your approach, which they won't.

If you don't want to install anything and want to keep using your existing spreadsheet, web-based Excel bridging software is available from people like me for not much money (i.e. a tenner a year). I don't think I'm allowed to advertise on here though, so shan't leave a link.

The Onymous Coward

"As we did during the pilot phase, HMRC is continuing to ignore developers, thereby ensuring that our service is unreliable and that teething problems are, after a period of being waved-away, resolved slowly, if at all."


Facebook acknowledges asking you to invite your dead pals to parties is 'painful', plans to fix it

The Onymous Coward

If it's so upsetting, just stop using Facebook. The way it gets written about, you'd think participation was mandatory.

Sick of being the bad guy, UK taxman needs YOU(?) to help it be more 'customer-centric'

The Onymous Coward


You mean the one that's borked for many users as they've made a hash of the MTD migration but won't admit it publicly?

6 days to go, no sweat, just more than a million UK firms still to sign up to Making Tax Digital

The Onymous Coward

Developer of a cheap Web based VAT filer for Excel fans here.

The MTD go live has been a total clusterf*ck. HMRC's API returning false data, returning payloads that don't meet their own spec, blaming everything on us software vendors but refusing to deal directly with us to rectify their issues because GDPR.

The support model is a mess. Their technical team can't access the data they need to troubleshoot, but the data team don't have the technical knowledge to investigate issues properly. On top of all that, there's a 30+ minute wait on the user helpdesk line, and those users who are lucky enough to get through just get told it's the software vendors' fault.

Amateurs is too kind a word.

HMRC accused of not understanding its own IR35 tax reforms ahead of private sector rollout

The Onymous Coward

I've come to the conclusion that HMRC are a bunch of amateurs. I've dealt with them for my personal taxation, I've dealt with them for my business taxation and, now that my company markets a product that uses their Maxing Tax Digital API, I've dealt with them as a developer (if you want a laugh, take a look at https://github.com/hmrc/vat-api). So it comes as no great surprise that they do not understand their own tax code.

Peak Apple: This time it's SERIOUS, Tim

The Onymous Coward

Still using my iPhone SE and 2010 MacBook Air with cash ready and waiting to replace them when Apple again make products I actually want to buy.

Dutch boyband hopes to reverse Brexit through the power of music

The Onymous Coward

Re: Slightly wrong.

I think he means the public vote that had the highest turnout of any vote in UK history. If you cast your mind back to 2016, you'll remember that the actual opinion polls were completely wrong.

Microsoft sysadmin hired for fake NetWare skills keeps job despite twitchy trigger finger

The Onymous Coward

Despite having many years of experience as a Product Manager, I still get agents phoning me asking if I'm interested in a Project Manager role.

In ten years of contracting, I'm yet to deal with an agency that adds anything of value to the hiring process.

Apple's launch confirms one thing: It's determined to kill off the laptop for iPads

The Onymous Coward

Re: Would they allow it if...

The most distinguished online trolls reside beneath Tickle Cock Bridge, Castleford.

The grand-plus iPhone is the new normal – this is no place for paupers

The Onymous Coward

Is it just me?

Apple have now killed off my favourite laptop form factor (the old Macbook Air) and now my favourite phone form factor (iPhone SE)

I'd have paid good money for a retina Air with 16GB of RAM, and I'd pay good money for a smaller phone with up to date specs, but Apple won't make them. Shirley I'm not alone...?

Gmail is secure. Netflix is secure. Together they're a phishing threat

The Onymous Coward

This <> a story

This isn't even a story; it's part of RFC 822. I use this gmail feature all the time and find it very useful. Some use cases:

- Abusing offers such as "10% off your first order when you sign up to our mailing list".

- Managing multiple accounts on the same website, for example several personas on a single social media service.

- I recently had a website refuse to forget an old billing address that I couldn't change or delete, which meant my card payment wouldn't authorise. Support was useless, so I just created a new account, with an extra dot in my email address.

- Throwaway email addresses without having to use another service (mye.maila.ddre.ss@gmail.com)

What's happened is that a developer who thinks he's too clever to fall for a phishing scam nearly fell for a phishing scam, so he's looking for anyone other than himself to blame.

Google sued by Gab over Play Store booting

The Onymous Coward

Re: So Google told them to fuck off

"Since when was no-platforming neo Nazis wrong?"

Congratulations, you've made my argument for me. Gab aren't neo Nazis. The majority of people no-platformed by people calling themselves liberal aren't neo Nazis either. To simply call someone who disagrees with you a Nazi is to lose the argument.

We used to have a thing on the internet called Godwin's law, you know.

The Onymous Coward

Re: So Google told them to fuck off

The "alt-wrong". Very cocksure for an anonymous coward.

It's this no-platforming, refusal to engage in debate, dismissal of any argument as simply "alt-wrong" that has led to an increase in genuine extremism. The branding of any and all opposition to so-called liberalism as alt-right/fascism is the death of genuine liberty.

Google have a monopoly on Android app distribution. Apple have a monopoly on iOS app distribution. To deny this is to support corporatism.

How does Apple chief Tim Cook's package look now? Like $89m

The Onymous Coward

"Apple outperformed the middle third of the companies in the S&P 500"

Surely they outperformed the bottom two-thirds?

The ultimate full English breakfast – have your SAY

The Onymous Coward

We've always done the standard sausage, bacon, eggs, beans, mushrooms, hash browns, fried bread and, err... kidneys. Always had 'em.

Oh and it's called a BREADCAKE.

10Mbps universal speeds? We'll give you 30Mbps, pleads Labour in leaked manifesto

The Onymous Coward

Re: Blah blah blah Labour debts

You know it's not "corporations" that end up paying corporation tax don't you? It's the customers of those corporations.

Amazing new boffinry breakthrough: Robots are eating our brains

The Onymous Coward

Re: @ The Onymous Coward

@DougS - I agree; my point was more that the long sabbatical is much more prevalent than it was even ten years ago. We're /on the way/ to working fewer hours, but I'm not sure whether a legal, cultural or economic impulse will usher in the 4-day week.

I would suggest that most office-based staff already do a 4-day week by dint of long lunch breaks, copious web browsing and the odd day "working" from home, but it would be nice not to have to pretend.
