I agree
I don't think they're going to lose a Mac sale because a Windows user REALLY wants to use this device, and yet could make hundreds of thousands of extra dollars by allowing PC users to buy it. Bizarre.
204 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jun 2007
I'm guessing so many Reg readers are bitter, social outcasts who long to lose their virginity that they can't laugh a light hearted story like this.
Go spend some of your salary on a haircut and some acne cream instead of Star Wars life size replica figures and cheer up.
It seems such an extremely dated, slow and expensive technology. With products like Microsoft DPM making restore so much easier, and the abundance of cheap discs, we should be backing up to hard drives and putting them in fire safes/off site instead. Can't happen soon enough IMO.
I installed this not long ago on my Acer Aspire One (which I've now sold) and my experience was far better. The boot time was well under 20 seconds and resume from standby was instant (save for the inevitable wait for the wireless to re-establish a connection). I'm also pretty sure the tap-to-click option was configurable, although I like this feature so would have left it on anyway.
I had previously tried Moblin and MeeGo was much more polished; also Moblin's mouse sensitivity was terrible, MeeGo has sorted that completely.
In the end, iOS4 is not worth it on this model, as most of the noticeable features are disabled. Some are irrelevant (video). Some of the new features such as the e-mail stuff are pointless for me as I use GMail. And let's face it, digital zoom on the camera? What is the point...
Jailbroken 3.1.3 is definitely the preferred option for 3G owners, in my opinion.
I spend with my debit card, my bank knows where I've been and what I buy. I order things to my address, dozens of companies know where I live and what I buy. My car number plate is logged all over the country at petrol stations, my phone company knows where I've been and who I've called. My search provider knows what I search for.
Big fucking deal. It's not like anyone real actually looks at this information; it's really used for targeting ads. And get this - it means that when I do see adverts they're actually useful! Sometimes it's even allowed me to find a great deal on an item. Which my bank knows I bought.
50 years ago, my Grandad's butcher used to know his favourite type of sausages...
...especially on older hardware and operating systems. For example, as recently as last year I was trying to install Windows XP onto my RAID array, but hit the rails as I didn't have a floppy drive to load the drivers and so of course the installer couldn't see the controller...
Also some of the old Compaq SoftPaqs insist on decompressing to a floppy drive.
It's been a slow and painful death but it won't be missed. But I'll always remember you enhanced 1.6MB capacity under RISC OS :)
To me this sounds more like "browse the web". A large number of Blackberry owners I know regularly receive their e-mail (which last time I checked arrives "over the Internet") but never bother to "surf the web" as we said back in the nineties. OK maybe I'm being pedantic (fine I definitely am) but from a technology site like The Register I expect a little better use of terminology...
...they have a finite number of people working on the code and testing, whereas millions around the world get their hands on the product. It's the same reason that books and magazines go to print with typos, some electronic products have to be warranty repaired, etc etc. But because it's computer software, and Microsoft in particular, all hell breaks loose.
Blah blah blah Google is bad, they rule the Internet, etc etc. Yet to be honest, since they arrived, my Internet experience is far improved, they offer lots of useful stuff for free, and their advertising system actually works. How about El Reg stop attacking everything they say with the "Google is evil" attitude?
The PS3 has built in storage, blu-ray, fastest disc load times, iPlayer and much much more at a decent price point but because it has a "gaming remote" El Reg is practically dismissing it out of hand? Despite an official Sony Blu-Ray remote for PS3 being available for £14.99 online (a 10 second Google search BTW).
The staple of every support technician, the Run command on the start menu, was present in the beta but appears to have been disabled by default again in the RTM. WHY? It's essential for over-the-phone diagnosis and so on. I know it can and will be enabled through group policy in corporate environments but it's just another step to talk a home user through to get the damn thing back where it belongs.
Other than that I <3 Windows 7
Does anyone (apart from techies wanting 50Mbit and fixed IPs) really care which ISP they go with these days? So long as they get a free wireless router and they can get Google as their homepage I doubt it very much.
Unlucky Google on this investment, although it's probably chump change to them.
I'd be glad to see the back of AOL with it's bizarre proprietory systems and irritating configuration.
blah blah blah. They're also a damn good search engine which helps millions every day, and I've used adwords and it generated good business. Rather that than banner ads, popups etc.
Can't The Register find something else to bleat on about, these stories are all pretty much the same but seem to have little point to them.