Re: no good deed goes unpunished
Is the world going to heck?!
That's twice in less than 12 hours that I've given B.Bob an up!
105 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jan 2012
I have a pick-up, a large "ute" a you call over the puddle. At 220,000 miles (about 350,00 kilos) I had the clutch assembly replaced due to a bad throw-out bearing. I use the "parking" brake daily to unlock the cage where I park during work hours. The only time I've had problems with the parking break "sticking" is after a long run on slushy roads when the temps are around 28 to 35 F (-3 to 2 C abouts) with the copious amount of salt they use on the roads, and an 8+ hour sit.
1) I drive a manual x-mission
a) no where near a sports car
2) 20 + y.o. vehicle
3) use parking/(semi)hand break daily
4) never had the cables replaced
5) haven't had the rear (drum) breaks replace'
a) yearly DMV/MOV inspection w/emissions
6) live in an area of salt 24/7/365 in the N.E. U.S.
What am I doing wrong?
' I do, bi-annually, tear down the break assembly, replace the springs and lubricate the wear areas as needed...
for the "trainees"...
I (we?) had the same problems in the '80's - got board quickly!
Teacher/Director gave an assignment to do in such-n-such, in the "X" language, (BASIC, ForTran, Cobol, etc.) in a weeks time (5-days) Majority got it done in a day or 3 (45 min. class time - not including login time) then simply didn't come to class.
The others did the same assignment using other languages.
Then a few (ahh...plead the US 5th.) got mischievous.. (false login, teacher accounts, SysOp accounts, f'n with other users progs, etc..)
The '10s the same as the 80's?!!
"The Occasional Stevie" and I (and maybe others) are:
In the U.S.
In the State of New York
in the Long Island region
in the county of Suffolk
BUT in two different townships - Him=Islip; Me=B(C)rookhaven
Less than 10 miles apart; as the crow/raven flies.
Stevie - has a choice of either CableVision/Optimum OR Verizon FIOS OR O.T.A.
ME - CableVision/Optimum OR Static (since 11 Sept)
B (C)rookhaven WILL not allow Verizon to install the "majestic cable of infinite freedom" [fiber] for some back-wood reason [cash in some political pocket], We even have a "Special" B(C)rookhaven cable T.V. line-up/channel listing..
The "best" of the competition is :
A) CableVision/Optimum over RG-59u (installed 20+ years ago)
B) Verizon DSL over Unshielded Twisted Pair (installed when the /YOU Red Coats where on this over crowded sand bar*)
Sh!t or sh!tter - that the choice?!!
*) 1775 - when the reds took much of this sand bar, South of Old Country Road. [I can not quote the source(s) at the moment - MY Friday.]
... The lockout they sent as an update has poisoned me to them. ....
Seems to be more than M$ cr@p - f'n with hardware.
Years ago (decades?!) I purchased a set of VR glasses/game combo. It may have been in the 286/386 era. It caught my eye at the time, since I had a 286/25 and 287 co-pro w/640 - a well respected system at the time. I WILL NEVER forget the the name :
What a P.O.S. (not Point of Sales)!!
Now, 20-30 years later, same s., different decade..
Just give my Netscape Navigator back!
FF has become more of a resource hog than anything else( in a W-7 environment, anyways).
Slowly switching OS's, but PaleMoon seems to me, at least, isn't as hungry.
If I wanted chrome, I would download it, or use a chrome book. I wanted something better than that, but am being pushed towards that with FF. Just (about 2hrs ago) had a pop-up in FF to upgrade to 45.0.2, why should I?
Give me an ole clunky, gear crushing, grease drippin', oil spewing, simplistic browser any day of the week...
MORE memory/system resources used now!
Ever since 40.x, (even earlier?) its become a HOG. 4 windows/ 5-7 taps open in each, it's chewing just under 2 GIG's. 2(3) "plug-ins" - No Script and, uBlock (maybe Kaspesrky has more effect than Avast?)
Granted, it's under a W-7 enviroment, but...
Hey Penguin users - How bad does it hog your system? I'm thinking going Mint. (Not just because of Mozilla) . . .
(Down-vote away..)
In my "town" X, in the "county" of X, [X=X in this exercise] (VERY little research needed) we can not get FIOS from V, (best is DSL over 60+ y.o. over-head copper [even voice gets graded to a 2/3 person "party line" in damp/wet weather] )
Even the "dominate" cable Co. has a "special line-up" for us "poor" folk in this "county" w/out fiber.
Might as well be living in the sticks - it would be quieter than listening to the wigger "thump-mobiles" with my garbage/rubbish can for a muffler..
All, on this "Over Crowded Sand Bar"
"... Common sense probably means he won't be around long after the next administration take office (even if not officially a political appointee, too lazy to look if he is) as that is not how DC works. ..."
And that UNcommon sense in a high-level government position is unheard of.
Unfortunately, your are probably right - either outed on being an appontee, or gets "elected" out for someone elses BFF. Too bad though.
I keep waiting to see their logo changed to a giant stylized M with the slogan "Over 42 billion sued!"
Wouldn't it be a stylized "I" ?!
"I" 'm the bestest - me, myself. "I" made over $50m last year - yeah me, err "I"
They seem to be worse? (than the Umpossible that buy "a/the/some patent" troll, then head to E. Texass..) A quick glimpse of what they hold, if I fart, and lift either/or/both cheeks, I'm infringing...
? "Toyota Corolla" (Auris to you Europeans)
"Wot? What is this Europe that you speak of? Autotrader is full of Corollas, ..."
I'm sure he made a mistake, it's not a Corolla, but a "creamed-over". Lil'l things like that, like a stone in your tyre ,a "Fit", "Smart", or a "Leaf" make that unforgettable sound.. tick.. tick.. tick.. thunk, when it finally flies out...
(still drivin' the '91 Cheby 3500 4x4 w/5.7l [350 c.i.] {with MAYBE 20 BHP, down hill, with a tail wind} gas guzzlin, oil eatin, grease drippin, anit-freeze spewing, brake-line leakin', pay-check robbin, winter-beater, POS...[can't find ONE panel that's not rotted out])
"Being mostly charged with coal they are not green .."
Totally agree with you, BUT, the US uses mostly "Black Gold" to run the spinning parts in electrical generation. The other part of "mostly" is natural gas, and hydro (Niagara, Hoover)
" It's all social medial. It is a societal killer. Less and less face to face interaction and more and more avoidance of real people."
I'm anti-social to begin with (I see dumb people everywhere). So, if I use some sort of S.M., (not S&M...) they may be 2 outcomes..
A) I'll become more "sociable" and interact more with strangers
B) I'll become a pathological killer in/of society
I think "B" may be more my route...
Could this be a way of getting a foothold in the Indian market?!
Verizon - Ma Bell child - National land-line + cellular
AOL - old ISP - can they press/copy enough CDs'/floppies for the entire population of
India (atleast 10x over)
Yahoo - old search - can/could they be an unbiased search (can't be any worse than
".. expect to download and install a few gigabytes of code for the move to Windows 10."
Then the mandatory updates, and the other "optional" ones, and "wouldn't it be nice" crap, since you have/used "x"; we recommend you install "y", and you are up/beyond gig country, and entering teara town...
M.S. - "I" Can not say enough, LEAVE ME THE F. ALONE!
IF I want to, I will, on my own free will. Ya just keep pushing this bs, and I'll keep pushing back. So will others.
Please, MS, view my previous post, here, on El Reg :
"Taking the 71 months would have been the brighter option . . ."
Root of all evil.
In about 6 years, in Fed Med, he WOULD'VE been "free-n-clear" to claim his stash. But, like an idiot, just got greedy. Now he can look forward to a med/high Fed Pen, and at least double the time
Got Vasoline?!
Sue me!
No - Sue you
Oh Yeah, Sue you!
and sue you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you and you
And Dr. House would prescribe me an 1000mg dose, taken 4x daily, of Fukitol (r) with unlimited refills, or 50 years, which ever comes first....
Dumb question - but why don't have a(n) intra net- ie ALL "national"/ E. Union/ States have a closed off intranet for their "geographical" area?
I get people move about, but don't most accidents/injuries happen less than 10 miles/Km.s from home or office?
If an "international" person does get injured, yes I can see having some sort of "global" db to point to their local community/state/region db for stats.
Me - f. a chip, I have my dog-tag permanently engraved (ie - tattooed) to my chest. I didn't/don't trust the US Armed Services to screw up then, and a hell of a lot less now.... (that's about 28 years ago then)