Re: It's floating around the web
So the question is, did el reg commission the design or lift it themselves?
454 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Dec 2006
Customer of mine several years back was going through a marketing refresh and had a proposed new logo. As soon as I saw it I said it was the same as Creative Labs A - the like-an-upside-down V with a line at the bottom. It wasn't similar, it was the same, thickness, font, distance between items.
They didn't use it in the end.
Once we get out of the EU and in control of our taxes, we can poach bigcorp back to our waters with favorable - eg, lower CT that Eire. Whilst we might make a loss on some taxes, by virtue of employing people the gov would recover that tax through PAYE / NI / VAT (on the basis that if more people are emploted there's more disposable income)
After all, being in control of 'our' countries finances was probably the key reason for people voting to break away from Brussels.
I got fed up of being hit with cookie messages so I have an addin in Firefox - temporary containers which opens links in a private session then when i leave the cookies etc are deleted. Seems to work well, especially when opening youtube links as I can now watch a clip without it knowing and saving what I watched.
I've looked after on prem servers for donkeys years, and Exchange from 2000 and I don't recall once ever having any outage. Small business don't need a full time IT, I agree, however I look after many small businesses with various versions of Exchange and them paying me is far better than them paying a foreign company and the UK gov losing out on tax.
I read up on GDPR and gave a reasonable heads up to a multi office consumer facing client, but it seemed that what I said couldn't possibly be right so they got a chap in at great expense which essentially repeated what I said and also gave them some long policy document which was specific to them. Nope, it turned out was a straight lift of documents that other companies had posted on the internet and this guy simply changed the company name.
I suspect that when smart meters were first considered, the old filament bulbs were the normal hence high consumption. My house today is all LEDs, not even halogen or CFLs so the overall consumption will be considerablly less. I don't need a meter to tell me that 100w filament uses more than 9w LED.
Moreover, the old whirly meters tended to be 10% in our favour, so a more accurate meter will mean our bills would go up.
More often than not the patches cause more headaches than they solve. Many times I have done a 'just released' patch and has forced me to roll back a VM. Worst case one was early 2017 when the update fully killed Exchange 2016 on reboot (I wasn't alone). All services failed to start and had to take it back to the snapshot. Now I only update that server once I have a fully tested patch on a lab backup and then only after a few weeks has passed.
Going gung ho on patches is very risky these days.
My home server has 5 x 4Tb drives as R5. It stores all the familys files, kids school / uni work, films, music, downloads from early 2000 onwards (mainly old games that the kids can't get any more). I also store various VMs and backups of old server OSs and at the moment I have 1.51Tb of space left.
I don't need speed, but I need capacity. Saying that, a single 14Tb is a lot of data to lose if it fails.
I don't normally have their support, but I did last year to catchup my perpetual license only to be told that I had to give them 30 days notice, only they send the invoice after the cut off day. All I got back from Sage was " if the renewal is not paid then it will be passed to debt collection and a 11% fee is applied on top of the total cost of the amount owed. "
Needless to say I will no longer deal with them and i'm working on getting my clients to move too.
Good that his bonus is being questioned. My rental goes up almost twice a year and the idea of a mobile only house becomes be appeaing. I'm looking to move to Zens FTTP and hopefully get away from BT billing for good. The business line is on VoIP and already thats halved the rental.
The issue with BT is that they are pricing themselves out of the market, same as postage stamps. I probabbly send maybe 10 letters a year now whereas it was anything up to 30 a month (invoices).
Plus I have no interest in sport, but I bet i'm subidising BTSports TV rights.
I decided to retire out my faithful oneplus one last week for a Samsung S9+. Reasons were due to the screen, battery life and some VoIP compatibility issues with bluetooth. It's been bl**dy fantasic mobile. The last phone before that was an S4 which I had for several years on contract (my lads got that now)
I don't need to replace a phone until I have to as the quality has improved over the years and there's very few bells and whistles that I can't live without.
A beer for my old mobile
Clearly this is no help to the plane, but maybe they should install sealed plastic balls so in the event of a crash at sea the balls are released and may give a clue to tidal direction. This is based on the rubber ducks that scientists monitor on the ocean. There's little or no weight and can be shoved in any void.
Some personalisations were lost but the biggest issue was windows flagging up with 'windows license will expire soon' every few minutes. Yet go into activation and its all activated and happy and has been for about 3 years. Gone back to the previous build and all is calm again.
I have sage running on a licensed W10 VM. Its become my dedicated 'accounts' computer as I got fed up of sage trashing my main PC or running into issues when I did an OS update. That aside, my biggest issue (and most of my clients) is subscription. I don't need to have their support, often it takes several days for any responce and usually the first 'copy and paste' reply from them isn't relevent.
I fully suspect that the likes of Quick and Xero etc., are hovering up Sage users once Sage refuses to update the perpetual license. I was quite happy on Accounts v19, it did everything I needed but changes at HMRC meant it was better for me to upgrade so now im on v24, but only because I stood my ground and demanded perpetual license.
If i'm forced to go subscription, it will be to the cheapest provider as I only need to manage invoices and VAT. I could go back to XLS but as the gov is pushing more and more for digital everything, a spreadsheet may cost me more in time to manually process everything.
This root issue with the license fee is that the bulk of it is wasted on over priced talent or high production costs. Yes we can all look at the ginger one and say how much he gets, but thats largley because he spreads himself all over different programming.
I remember him coming from BSB (before BSkyB) so fair play to the guy, he's worked hard and is sucessful. But Mr Evans aside, look at the fees for other people. Some are in the >£1/2m and thats where I have an issue. I care not one jot who presents a program if the program is good. I would have no issue if there was a constant churn of under 30 somethings coming into the industry willing to take a modest fee and slowly push out the money grabbers.
As I type this, I try to think about what I last watched live on TV, thats any channel, and the fact is that the wife and I work odd shifts so everything is recorded. We watched the first ant and dec saturday night whilst recording this weeks. I too have tried netflix and find that is wholly suited to our needs, hell, we are half way through series 2 of little britain having never watched it the first time around.
But the point is, the way people consume TV is changing. I could quiet happily not watch live TV based on my viewing patterns and thus have no need for a license, but there will be times, such as Christmas or other holidays when family come to stay and they night watch live TV, thus a license is required. Both my boys are at Uni and neither have a licence, one doesn't watch any TV whatsoever, not even catchup.
Ultimately, if the BBC went to PPV and scrap the license they would be in shit creak. They know it too based on the popularity of Netflix and they will fight to the end to ensure their TV tax is never scrapped.
I too was also on ADSL4Less, paid £14.99/month from around 2005 until present. Sad that they are closing down as it was cheap. Now signed up to Freeola on a 2nd house line so I can switch the office number to VoIP without losing the internet.
I'm on a Market A cabinet which means that there's no fibre and limited choices. All ISPs offer the world until I put in my details and suddenly there's no deals or the price doubles.
Customer server installed something last night and since then hourly throws this error...
File Server Resource Manager Service error: Unexpected error.
Error-specific details:
Error: GetVolumeInformation, 0x80310017, The data drive specified is not set to automatically unlock on the current computer and cannot be unlocked automatically.
It only started appearing in the logs after an update. They do have a bitlocked backup, but that has opened ok and the other drives are fine.
Still going strong, fast enough for me, battery still lasts a day. Whilst it may not have the very latest OS version, im still pleased with it. been far more reliable that the Samsung S4 it replaced (had 5 replacement handsets during the 24 months I was on that contract).
No need to upgrade yet.