Re: Herb Sutter on Safety+Security
And Herb again, only a little more recently :-)
13 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Jan 2012
I was driving along a main highway, when I noticed an accident scene ahead (police/ambulance/fire vehicles, lots of flashing lights...).
I slowed down, approaching cautiously, when a police officer started waving me forwards.
I drove forwards slowly, but stopped when I realised (by looking up through the sunroof), that the police office was actually waving in a rescue helicopter to land on the road! I was seriously p*****d, as they hadn't actually done anything about closing the road before landing a helicopter on it!
On a side note, the actual accident was an interesting one... there was a fairly sharp 90 degree-ish corner (with a Cafe on the outside of the bend). A truck going around the bend had an insecure load, and a tyre rolled off the truck deck, and bounced its way through the wall of the Cafe into a patron...
I fondly (???) remember switching between using eve on VMS at University, and Wordstar on CP/M in side-line work...
Deleting lines got interesting at times :-(
(Delete line in Wordstar was Ctrl-Y, Ctrl-Y on VMS was the interrupt key that generally killed whatever you had running!)
WordStar was the first editor I used extensively. Sometime later I started using VAX/VMS, and deleting lines in the editor was painful :-(
(The WordStar command to delete line was Ctrl-Y. On VMS Ctrl-Y was the interupt process...)