Re: Your JS can KMMFA.
USENET just called and said you are full of crap.
261 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Jan 2012
'oh! DNS lib underscore bug bites everyone's favorite init tool, blanks Netflix
I repeat: why the hell is this legal? Why is Microsoft allowed to get away with this? The disasters of the Win10 virus are just super-high-tech dentist has his advanced dentist chair running off Windows. I saw the "upgrade" icon on the screen. Wanna bet Win10 won't work with his highly-specific equipment? Same deal at my vet's. I don't want to see what's on-screen in my local hospital.
NO, there was no evolution. SystemD was FORCED in place, and dependencies on SystemD were SHOVED up our asses. There was no "choice," there was no "evolution." It was largely unwanted, with good reason. Look at Pottering's other messes, like Pulse Audio.
WHY exactly does a so-called "init" replacement need access to iptables? Oh give it a few minutes..the breathless SystemD people will announce yet another module. And the SystemD astroturfers will be out in force.
This is exactly why I started looking at FreeBSD. I didn't need Microsoft-like astroturfing and megalomaniacs like Pottering and Red Hat.
FreeBSD already "neatly" starts up. Oh I don't want to hear about it about the RC* files. The SystemD apologists wax lyrical about startup time but they all ignore...this is UNIX. When the fuck do we actually reboot? Not very often.
Pottering is an ass. Forget SystemD, let's talk about his other abortion, Pulse Audio.
Either this is a backdoor attempt at getting Pottering's idiocy into the BSD world, or Canonical is making the same mistake Red Hat made with "RMS Linux" (if anyone remembers that stupidity).
Why would anyone take apt over BSD's native pkg system? pkg is far superior and much faster.
No, I think this is more about establishing systemd in the BSD world. Just watch and wait. It will happen.
Aw I hurt poor Steve Barkto's feelings here. I've hardly "gone to bat" against Windows 10. Just stated it like it is, as have many on this thread. It's a piece of rancid dingo's kidneys and I should know, having to administer a brace of such monstrosities for my full time job.
Read my lips: Microsoft has done NOTHING to make my job easier with the garbage they've been pumping out since Windows 8.
And outside of work they've fucking made it a nightmare amongst family and friends who have come to me wondering why the hell their previously working Windows 7 machine has turned to poop. I put a lot of effort into getting my elderly mother's laptop up and running, previously bulletproof, with Windows 7. Along comes Microsoft to forcibly FUCK THAT UP.
And nevermind that she's on a bandwidth-limited DSL connection. The idea that they can just shove gigabytes of this shit onto people's laptops is screaming "class action lawsuit" as it burns through bandwidth caps.
Got it? Every bit of my loathing of Windows 8+ comes from real world experience. Slashdot? What the fuck is a Slashdot? As I said before Barkto, get out of the '90's.
Hey same situation here. I remotely administer my mother's laptop and that god damned icon keeps popping up. At some point they're going to force the update aren't they? And then totally fuck things up.
My wife's Windows 7 laptop just received a huge update...I can only assume it's Microshit's spyware bundle. It totally fucked up the laptop.
She turned to me last night and said "I want Linux on this laptop when you get a chance."
It amazes me just how much pain Windows users will continue to put up with. Even when they get a pineapple jammed violently into their rectums, they continue making excuses.
The only thing FUNNIER are the handful of "Steve Barktos" coming here to astroturf for Microsoft. Boy do you guys ever stand out in a crowd. Here's a hint fellas: It's not 1995 anymore and no one is buying Microsoft's bullshit.
The TF101 was GREAT until Ice Cream Vista hit it. Then it became an unusable pile of junk that randomly crashed, locked up and otherwise didn't work. I never heard ANY concrete reason why although it was strongly inferred to be caused by the NVidia chipset.
The TF700 was awesome...for a while. Then it starts to get slower. And slower. And slower. No amount of resetting, rooting and putting on new ROMs will ever fix it. The last I heard is that the SDRAM, which was already criminally slow, actually deteriorates in these things until you really can't use them anymore.
Too bad Asus makes shitty, buggy hardware (as in the TF700 and it's regressively slow sdram that actually deteriorates physically until the tablet is nothing but a useless slab).
I loved my Transformer. It was a great little travel laptop with an unprecedented battery life. But after watching my TF700 turn into an unusable pile of junk, i won't be getting another.
Let me're one of the brainless turds who used to fawn to Lord Kimble of the Kimpire on his sadly-defunct ego site back in the day? I can smell a true believer from swallowed Kimble's line of bull about being a "leet uber hacker" hook line and believed he was a super-dooper billionaire building "Kimpanies" and using his super-dooper-hacker-brain to Dataprotect your data, right? And you probably believed him when he founded YIHAT, his super-dooper-leet skript kiddie "hacker" group who were gonna git that bin Laden guy with their incredible batch-file writing skills.
Get it yet? Who's the moron who's been HAD here? Or were you even aware that "Dotcom" is really Kimble the charlatan all along? Did you really believe the big fat fraud was some kind of big fat Robin Hood?
A bit late for that. As a PC gamer I was vividly aware when Microsoft took the knife and stabbed PC gaming in the heart when the X-Box started to sell. Their laughable "Games for Windows" pledge a few years later only proved how cold the corpse was.
Fortunately Valve was paying attention as well. I wouldn't say that Windows has any killer feature in gaming anymore given that most current Windows games are terrible console ports. And getting old Windows games going...well, that's hit or miss since Vista.
Oddly enough, it's getting SO much easier to run old Windows games under Linux via Wine. I've got Thief: The Dark Project (and it's sequel) running flawlessly, DeusEx, System Shock 2, Fallout 1 and 2... The number of Linux and Mac games on Steam is quite frankly impressive.
Microsoft is trying to catch the horse long after it bolted and the barn burned to the ground.
Beauty is entirely in the eye of the beholder. XFCE as shipped with Linux Mint (including Whisker as a launcher) is a lot like KDE or GNOME before they married Yoko. And it looks just fine to my eyes, I could care less about jumping, dancing, shiny animated buttons or slippy-slidy transitions. I just want it to work without eating up all my RAM and not piss me off. XFCE does that. Every time I check out the latest KDE or GNOME I end up angry and wondering why my hard drive light doesn't go off.
This has to be the biggest "fuck you" to all the people who donated money for this thing...only to have it shunted off to the sewer of the web before it even breaks the champaign bottle. Someone got REALLY RICH off all that free kickstarter money, and anyone who donated got a proverbial kick in the goolies. Notch of Mojang pretty much said the same thing. I doubt he'll be the only high-profile dev to say it. I have a feeling Mr. Carmack woke up feeling like "someone made him his bitch."
TuneIn is crap. The android app is riddled with bugs and they refuse to fix them. I paid for the Pro app for the recording feature...worked fine until they broke it with a 'new' release. Repeated e-mails to their support people have been fruitless. Just look at the reviews on Play, lots of very angry people.
You're obviously some kind of fucking idiot. Seriously. You have two kinds of phone but you "don't upload" to one just to spite them? And you believe the Almighty Hallowed Be Thy Name Apple is somehow better?
It takes a SPECIAL kind of zealot to do the shit you do. But here's good news: you haven't made ANY difference whatsoever.
Outside of XBMC, Android as a "set top" OS is awful. You basically need to attach a USB wireless mouse to it because EVERY application responds to a remote control differently (if at all). Gaming? Sure you can get a PS3 controller working nicely with Android but...every damn game responds to the buttons differently...if at all.
Now XBMC + Yatse as a remote...that's awesome.
Oh and Shiny entertainment? Earthworm Jim was Doug TenNapel's baby. You know, the guy who created the Neverhood. Having Doug back making games would excite me...oooh wait, I see he's got a kickstarter for a new Neverhood game! Sign me the hell up!
Both of you fanboy idiots on either side of the aisle comparing penis size seem to be incapable of asking the 45bn dollar question: what makes anyone think a tablet of ANY brand is "good for education?" I've yet to see a single example where a stupid tablet has done anything other than provide distraction in the classroom. A school not far from me blew the budget a few years back first on Playbooks (don't laugh) and then, after throwing those in the landfill, on ipads (creating an even bigger crater in the school's budget). And yet Johnny still can't read or do basic maths.
Hey I had a Big Trak back in 1979. Mine came with a dumptruck attachment that you plugged into the main unit. So you COULD use the thing to bring a gin & tonic, as long as you didn't program it to "dump." Mine broke an axle as well (must have been a common failure point). And actually mine was a dark shade of gray, not white like in the picture.