best piece I've seen at El Reg
when is the book appearing on clickbank ? just got a great deal on a billion ultra targeted verified email addresses for only $97 .. usually $1995 !
132 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jan 2012
The next O/S will be so improved .. more stable .. better features
repeat for next O/S
I always thought Windows ME was purposeful shit to tout Windows 2000 and eventually XP, when Win 98 SE served most people's purposes just fine ( never had a problem with it )
geeee .. I seem to recall a time when Apple was close to going under and had Microsoft in court over the Graphic User Interface hoping to collect some 100s of million$ .. Jobs was gone but Billg had not forgotten about Xerox and walked them in .. opps .. MS pays a cheap $150 million to settle all patent and licensing problems and IIRC, called Steve and had at least some hand in Steve's return to Apple
kinda sad Steve didn't get to see Apple hit $600 billion cap .. finally becoming more valuable than the only company that had got to $600 billion before .. Microsoft
there was a simple but harmless trick years ago, where I'd create a webpage with a big title I SEE YOU and within a large iframe have the path something like /My Documents/My Pictures which would display the persons My Pictures folder on their screen
I'd post it on forums to people I didn't like and totally freak them out, they thinking I could see into their computers .. was especially effective against computer *experts* who would threaten to report me to "authorities*
such fun .. if I had the time I'd post the code, set the page up and test it again .. might still work seeing as iframes still work
>>Of course these worlds may - probably do - lack any life at present<<
of course ??
we have no clue whether different conditions within a certain range would develop life faster or slower than here, whether intelligent life would develop faster or slower, and I'd think the process could have started a couple of billion years plus or minus on other planets
iow .. it seems just as likely life on another planet could be a billion years less advanced or a billion years more advanced .. and it's a huge stretch to say planets that are life friendly would "probably ... lack any life at present"
I've never seen "science" with so much fudge factor as climate "science"
is CO2, 9% of the green house gas effect, or is it 23% ? .. well , it's the range climate scientists use .. sorry not accurate enough for me to make conclusions from computer modeling
is water vapor 30% or 70% of the effect ? .. would seem that would be important to pin down .. and in any event, water vapor effect is definitely larger than CO2 effect, yet we can do ZERO about the increase in water vapor , and might not want to, because long term, the increase in water vapor means an overall increase in rain and snowfall, that will eventually cool the planet, cool the ocean, which will absorb more CO2 in time, and the planet will go into the next great ice age, as it has every 100,000 years or so for about 2 million years
I do think the current warming is man made, but it's because we reduced real pollution, free hydrocarbons and sulfur aerosols dramatically from 1980 on, cleaned the air dramatically, letting more sunlight in .. this may be reversing due to increased pollution from China and India, however, per the global warming goes on forever camp, you can't draw long term conclusions from any 15 year period, despite their long term conclusions and projections being based on an 18 year period from 1980 to 1998 .. you get a different trend from 1993 to 2011 for instance, and there is little or no credence given those 18 years in their long term predictions
the sea has risen some 320 ft in the last 12,000 years, all part of a a natural cycle, and geological history shows clearly that we are near the end of the current natural warm period of the last 8000 years .. the blessed warmth, that has allowed humans to progress so dramatically, will be gone .. and unless we progress to the point where most of the world's population has fuel for warmth, an excess of food production well below the 40th parallel , we'll see billions die .. this could happen even with a mini-ice age .. 10s of millions could easily die from a couple of very harsh pair of winters right now
the tipping point I think we've reached .. is that the warmth increases moisture / water vapor in the air .. that eventually results in more cooling rain and sun reflective snowpack at high latitudes, while the tropic oceans, which will take 100s of years to cool, keep pumping moisture into the air feeding a return to a major ice age
NZ and the USA have had an extradition treaty since 1970 ..
The crime must carry at least a 12 month possible jail sentence in the foreign country and in NZ
I don't quite understand how you see that as "the folding of yet another country (NZ) to their will (USA)" ? If the situation were reversed, with NZ seeking extradition from the USA, would the US then be " "the folding of yet another country (USA) to their will (NZ)" ?
Apparently NZ has a similar law to the one Kim violated in the USA .. with at least a 12 month maximum sentence
It would seem the more important issue are the laws themselves .. and that both NZ's and the USA's politicians are bought off by corporate copyright holders, and IMO, copyright / piracy law violation should only carry civil penalties and no seizure of a person's general assets allowed prior to conviction
at least in the USA, if the cops screw up on the search and seizure side in a criminal , the accused will almost always walk (because the evidence can not be admitted) and get their stuff back .. we'll see what happens in the NZ courts on this next week ..
at least since 1990 , NZers have had a Bill of Rights similar to the US Bill of Rights
the heat in a chip is generated mostly by lost voltage / electrons converted to heat .. ie ...
less voltage loss means lower voltage can be used, and less heat generated .. besides ..
what is being talked about here is not multi-layered "3D" chips , and even 2D layouts have thickness of components .. hence are 3 dimensional .. and likely thicker, at the current 28-32 nanometer processes, than these 3 nanometer cylindrical wires
seems to be admitting that sound travels in space with all the crashing sounds ..
"The first vid, dubbed "Evolution of the Moon," traces the likely origin of the Moon, starting around 4.5 billion years ago when it is thought a chunk of Earth was knocked into orbit after a major collision."
the video does in no way show that origin .. did the author actually watch the video which starts at the cooling phase of a well formed round moon and shows nothing to indicate it's earthly origins, nor, really, anything about the moon's origins ?
How well was ocean ph measured 100 years ago .. or 50 years ago so as to determine that it has dropped 0.1 ? .. is this some average measured over 100 years in many locations ? .. how many measurements mid ocean vs coastlines where other local activities
like to point out as well .. that it's unlikely 100 years, or even 1000 years of a 0.1-0.3 change in Ocean ph would show distinctly in Ocean floor sediment 1 million years ago .. or 10 million years ago .. much less over 300 million years
"The objection costs $10,000, but complainants get $8,000 back if they successfully persuade a World Intellectual Property Organisation panel that the gTLD would infringe their trademark and damage their businesses."
nice scam .. set up the problem and provide a *solution* that costs a minimum of $2000 (plus the cost of a lawyer) .. not to mention the real possibility that a "World Intellectual Property Organisation panel" *might* be subject to bribes and other forms of corruption, corporate and political pressures
what is is proper American-English phrase here ? ... Clusterfuck
well .. they are still the second largest search engine and web front end / mail servers for AT&T internet accounts .. a whole lot of people still use free @yahoo mail as well
a lot of lost potential for sure .. but I sure wouldn't want the likes of MS or a lot of other companies having access to my email accounts .. yahoo does nothing with @att.net or @sbcglobal.net accounts that I can see, and when I need to use it (rarely), the web interface for my email is pretty nice
another example how intel and nvidia are co-operating to dominate quality chip production
you can see the marriage plainly here .. intel motherboards .. intel bridge chips .. with nvidia GPUs ( onboard? )
intel did not pay nvidia $1.3 billion just to settle IP .. it involved an agreement to stay out of each others' core businesses and use each others' strengths together
nVintel Inside™ .. now that might play Crysis
so is yours
big difference between as many as 5000 miners dying per year in China from accidents and the current US average since the 1990s of well under 100 per year ...
we have around 20,000 injuries per year in mining .. if the death to injury ratio is about the same in China, that's about a million mining injuries per year for the *Peoples* Republic
I'll agree their is risk (which our miners are well aware of), however, I think it wrong to have allowed China in the WTO considering that country's horrible record on basic human rights
it is NOT fair trade .. and there are many more important issues in the world today than whether you can have a shiny new vanity smartphone for 10% less or a coffee maker for $20 at Walmart, all resulting in decreasing real wages and profitability of companies that manufacture in their western homes
that being said, western governments need to make the business environment more friendly and less expensive tax-wise .. a good example is Canada in North America, and despite high wages and very good working conditions, Germany, who are the 2nd largest net exporters of goods ( 2nd largest trade surplus ) in the world
"At least EU parliamentarians get to debate the issue – the Obama administration claims that no democratic vote is required on the treaty since it an “executive agreement”.
Since when does Obama have squat to do with the EU parliament ?
most Americans don't accept Obama's interpretation of our laws, why would any in Europe give a rats ass about his opinion of EU law ?
if you had bought Apple stock in the first months of 2011 at $325
you might be actually happy if you had bought APPL in the middle of 2010 at $250
and perhaps very happy if you had bought in late 2009 at about $180 a share
APPL started 2009 at $90 a share .. lots of happy Apple shareholders over the last 3 years
.. that pocket could hold enough for Apple to buy Intel which ... has a market capitalization of about $136bn ... Apple could buy AMD with only a mere 5 per cent of its cash – that Intel rival is worth around $4.5bn ..
.. drawfed by chipbaker Intel's massive capex outlays of $10.7bn in 2011 and $12.5bn in 2012.
so in another absurd comparison .. Intel could buy AMD for less than half it's 2011 capex
THEN Apple will buy Intel and the world's entire computer-network-communication *thang* will be ruled by the ghost of Steve Jobs
seaweed is algae .. so yes ..
however there are 7 distinct genera of seaweed with 100s of species, so I doubt the particular e.coli would work on all seaweed
the number of algal species is unknown, at least 10,000s , including Cyanobacteria, until recently considered an algae that is the cause of many "algae blooms" ..
unlikely this e.coli bacterium acts on Cyanobacteria "algae" ..
so probably no , or not effective on most other algal species