"They’ve discovered the nexus of antiquated copyright laws, paralyzing social stigma, and unaffordable defense costs.”
I think we need Judge Wright to take a look at the MPAA's and RIAA's *legal* abuse .."the only enterprise they resemble is RICO."
132 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jan 2012
what do Intel and nVidia have up their sleeves for CPU/GPU shared memory that will beat AMD out of the gate by a year to 18 months on a smaller process .. say 14nm ..
* HSA Foundation, of which AMD is merely one of many members along with fellow cofounders ARM, Imagination Technologies, Samsung, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, and MediaTek.*
Notable lack of Intel .. nVidia .. you'd think Google would be interested in the tech as well ..
down votes expected .. <sigh>
for over 30 years IIRC, in California, spec for a police interceptor is 115mph top speed .. and while some models can approach 130mph they are normally limited to 120mph for reliability issues and, believe it or not, legal liability issues .. Crown Vic is no more .. and I'll tell you at 120mph it does not handle safely on a typical urban - suburban Freeway
anything faster than 100mph .. we just bring out the helicopters and radio ahead
EA had an interesting and well designed game in Motor City Online .. over 12 years ago
.. was online only .. the net code was a lag filled clusterfuck and anti-cheat was non-existent .. bitched about it loudly during the beta test .. servers were shut down less than 2 years later
"Previous Motor City Online users were offered access to The Sims Online, Ultima Online, or Earth & Beyond"
so EA has long experience with dropping support once the profit's gone or if it's never made
exactly .. funnel the exhaust of fossil fuel plants to greenhouses .. mix with enough air to bring the CO2 level to something below 5000ppm .. and you get quite more efficient conversion into biomass than plants at the current 400ppm .. some Algae are very efficient at conversion at 5000ppm .. or grow other plants .. food .. all of which thrive quite well at 2000ppm CO2 levels
fossil fuel .. IE .. HYDROcarbons also release more H2O molecules than CO2 molecules when burned .. so you get humidity and warmth for the greenhouses in the bargain .. perhaps allowing them to work in places too cold for greenhouses normally year round
that "Once upon a time" was before 1.5 billion years ago, when fungi developed .. trees have been around for about 400 million years .. and currently lock up about 80% of the above ground Carbon
The last plant family to evolve .. interestingly enough .. were grasses about 40 million years ago .. able to deal with the lower and decreasing CO2 levels below 1000ppm starting 60 million years ago .. between 250 million years ago and 60 million years ago .. CO2 levels swung between 1000ppm and 2500ppm
over the last 600 million years there was about a 50 million year period when oxygen levels were as high as 25-28% .. 100s of millions of years that it was below 15% .. today it is about 21% ..
the largest dragon fly species had a 30 inch wingspan .. Late Permian . about 280-260 million years ago when both O2 and CO2 levels were similar to today's .. more likely ... those large insects had no predators like birds, allowing the large sizes ..
knowing a small OEM and repair shop that's been around since 1984 .. by FAR most customers, including gamers want the reliability first .. I don't care how "cutting edge" the PC a customer has .. they are NOT happy when hardware dies or glitches even occasionally
other than one failing hard drive I was able to clone completely, not losing a thing .. I have not had a piece of hardware fail in over 15 years .. all Intel CPU and the 2 most recent .. Intel Mobos ..
have a 200MMX Win95b machine that I boot up every few months just to see if it will .. same with a P3 667 Win98SE .. those both have GigaByte boards, in those times, the reliable choice
mini - usb adapter for smartphones .. unless you have that old boxy iphone that refuses standard connectors
btw .. the usb is for a new computer being used .. your phone is already authenticated if you gave the number to Google ..
I've never given my mobile number to Google and have no problem logging in to gmail or my webmaster account from different computers or my Galaxy SIII .. can Google ID the number of Android phones ?
I have to agree .. picked up an LG IPS 235v at Best Buy for $190 on Christmas Eve .. checked Amazon and it was not available there, but it said Best Buy was the best price .. only one that looked as good was a Dell .. put them side by side at Best Buy .. and the LG won out on price by a few $$ .. looked slightly better and the Dell had a 8ms response time .. not that I have a problem with Dell .. but we all know they are not a manufacturer .. while LG is
That being said, there are some very nice Samsung monitors out there as well for good prices, and chances are Samsung made some of the monitors in this review .. so surprised a Samsung wasn't included
1920 x 1080 is just fine IMO , can put 2 windows side by side, plenty of productive real estate .. 5 ms response time is just fine for gaming .. I'd suggest this monitor to anyone
it's a mix ..
we have very strong freedom of speech protection .. yet ..
the major news networks in the western world are following a script for the benefit of the central bankers and multi-extra-national megacorps
yet .. Alex Jones and the like remain on the web .. speak on the public airwaves ..
.. it is in the USA's strategic interest to promote freedom and freedom of information ... errr ... chaos .. in places like Russia .. China .. Iran .. an open worldwide internet without filters is a threat to all oppressive governments .. and those that deny basic human rights to it's people
protected .. ironically perhaps .. by our Bill Of Rights ..
on a running centered 13th month average we are about 0.13C above both the 30 year average and 1980
maybe you can see that in the larger version
and you obviously have not read Hansen's 1981 paper well .. however looking at fig.6 of it, I will correct my statement ... he shows the medieval warming period to be 0.5C to 1C warmer than 1980, and the Eemian Interglacial, the previous one to be 1C to 2C warmer than 1980 ..
Hansen's predictions in 1981 for global warming trends, which were more conservative than IPCC AR4 2007 are already twice what the satelitte data shows since 1980
scientifically speaking the sensitivity of atmospheric temperature to increasing CO2 is not as sensitive as James Hansen and his employee, infamous blog network operator Gavin Schmidt thought it was, and this is being shown by observation, as well as studies showing cooling effects ( such as the increased worldwide vegetation due to increased CO2 levels ) and negative forcing from increasing low cloud cover
most people are some 8 years or more behind in better science than that released by Hansen's Goddard Center and the UN's IPCC reports .. Hansen is being discredited from within NASA and the rest of the scientific community because he is both a nutcase, and because he won't correct what is now shown to be incorrect
Hansen's conclusions that black soot is largely responsible for Arctic Ice melt was spot on though .. for some reason you don't here much about that ..
easy .. the UN / IPCC is a political organization, not a scientific one
representatives of UN member governments, that do not need to be scientists at all, must approve the wording of IPCC final reports and it's recommendations
IPCC does no original research .. produce no papers for peer review .. it parses bits and pieces from peer reviewed papers that support an assumption from IPCC's formation that CO2 increases causes global warming, that CO2 levels have not been this high in 1000s or 100,000s of years which is completely false .. it's a completely political agenda ..
again, government representatives from China, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Russia, US .. every UN member that is interested has representatives that MUST approve the wording of IPCC reports before publication .. it is political and the end purpose is to impose a world-wide carbon use tax that will create trillions$ in new phony currency held by the world's central bankers on "behalf" of the UN
If CO2 increase is a problem, the increased emissions are coming from China, the rest of Asia and India, which obviously are exempted from UN back *law* like the Kyoto treaty
Meanwhile, the US, Canada and most of Europe have been using less fossil fuel and using *cleaner* fossil fuels and therefore slowing emitting less CO2 .. the US is emitting at about 1996 levels today
IPCC's predictions are based in predictions of one nutcase physicist named James Hansen that were first published in 1981
yet the best data .. NASA's various satellites shows the atmosphere has only warmed 0.13C since 1980-1981, which is also 0.13C rise over the 30 year average 1981 through 2010
that is 0.043C per decade increase in global temperatures, and the trend has been ZERO increase for over a decade .. and well within Hansen's own very narrow assessment of natural variability
at the current OBSERVED trend, and there is good scientific evidence we might be entering a cooling trend over the next 20 years ( probably ) to 200 years ( based on long term solar cycles that are closely correlated to rises and falls in temperature over the last 9000 years ) ...
at the current OBSERVED trend since 1979 ... by 2100 the world's atmosphere will be 0.39C warmer than today
there has been ZERO increase in world wide cyclonic activity ( hurricanes / cyclones ) for the 25 years of good data available .. there has been ZERO increase in drought in intensity or number or area worldwide
Sea levels are NOT rising at a rate to be concerned with ( actually lowered by 5mm in 2010 per the data ) and that little rise observed is due mostly to thermal expansion .. not ice sheet melt
the sea level has been 2-3 meters higher in the last 9000 years a few times .. with out burning fossil fuels
according to Hansen's 1981 paper .. we'd need to have a 2C rise in temperature from 1980 to MATCH the medieval warming period temperature .. and 4C increase to match the peak temperature of the last 2 interglacial cycles about 100,000 and 200,000 years ago
the ONLY wide area with good ground temperature records is the USA over 80-100 years .. if you only count the stations with relible data over those 100 years .. there were WAY more daily high temperature records set in the 1930s ( 1936 in particular ) than any time since
and the Continental US is only 2% of the Earth's surface .. not representative of global temperatures
I don't deny at all that the world's atmosphere has warmed compared to 1910 or 1850 .. but it's completely accepted that it cooled from 1940 to 1978 despite steady increases in CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels, and the satellite data since 1979 shows there is no significant warming tend we need to be concerned about for centuries .. the observed temperature changes do not correlate well to the steady rise in CO2 emissions and those temperature changes can be explained with known natural cycles .. mostly ocean current cycles
what will NOT happen .. and has never happened in 100 of millions of years ... is RUNAWAY warming due to CO2 levels .as the computer models used .. predict will happen
this theory that by 2100 we will have a 2C - 6C rise in temperatures is neither supported by observation, the ONLY valid way to do "climate science" .. and is not evidenced by the history of climate changes over the last 2 million years, or 10 of millions of years
"Samsung turns screws on Apple, hikes A6 processor price 20%"
Samsung is winning this fight .. it's a lot bigger company . .. outsells Apple 2 to 1 in the smartphone market
world's largest electronics company .. #1 in DRAM, #1 in Mobile ARM ( 73% market share 2011 ), #1 Smartphone, #1 TV, #1 Monitors
Samsung is to pay Apple (maybe) $1.05 billion on about $26 billion ( more now ) earnings copying Apple's *look and feel* ..
Apple may have an inflated US market capitalization .. but it really is small fry with some questionable IP and what is quickly becoming an outdated design and no more "wow" factor
we need an icon with an iPhone 5 in a light saber fight with a Galaxy S3
just a thought .. outta here ..
when all I needed was a cheap reliable well built flip-phone for voice .. I could care less about the maker
it happened to be a Samsung replacing a lost LG, serving for 5 years, though the battery was giving out and need charging every other day
I listen to a radio program that reviews and discusses tech issues , this person buys each phone himself and uses it .. glowing reviews for Samsung S3 .. now his main phone .. and the same from 2 people that got one prior to getting one myself a month ago .. it's a great phone ..
Interesting a well, is that main chip is a Quad-core 1.4 GHz Cortex-A9, a.k.a Nvidia Tegra 3
so much for the small screen .. lookin' old iPhone design and lock ins ,, pffffffffffffft
*The US seems to be following in spending more than half it's budget in military related expenses*
actually .. about 24% ... depending on what you consider *related* that is still something more than $700 billion and perhaps as much as $900 billion
in my mind WAY more than needed for defense .. though if Iran blocks the Straight of Hormus .. it's going to be the rest of the western world that will be happy that the US naval task forces are there to open them back up
after 6+ years with a cheap Samsung - Verizon flip phone I didn't even text with .. and needing a better camera than an equally old 5MP Kodak .. and needing a video recorder for an event filled weekend ...
got a Galaxy SIII (Verizon) 2 weeks ago .. this thing is really cool and much more impressive than that old boxy design of Apple's
fact is that better looking / taller people tend to do better in life and are more likely to be self-sufficient because ... well .. they are more likely to have better income .. they tend to have a more positive attitude towards life
anyway .. if Mia Love gets elected in Utah .. she'll be the most attractive lady in Congress by far
and how can one not mention the the great looking Sarah Palin in an article like this?
what's being missed here .. is that JUST because the media has changed .. there is no reason that copyright law should change .. meaning ..
if you BUY it. it is yours to copy for personal use and backup .. and that should include software as well
"licencing" when you are in any reasonable context "purchasing" is a scam designed by lawyers to get around first-sale doctrine
the practical benefits of digital media to the commercial side are enormous .. that ease of copying, and the low cost of doing so far outweigh the supposed "loss" of personal copying
go after commercial counterfeiting and distribution like industry goes after all counterfeit products
otherwise .. if I pay for something that's not a rental agreement .. it's a purchase .. the form of the media should not make a difference in the principles of copyright and the exceptions to it, such as fair use and first-sale doctrine
ranked by 2011 revenues of nearly $134 billion, Samsung Electronics is the largest IT company in the world . and Samsung Electronics is just part of Samsung Group ...
Apple for 2011 was ranked 6th with a bit over $108 billion in revenue
really .. $1 billion is just not that big a deal to Samsung Electronics . sure they made much more profit already from the *infringing* products .. than they may have made with out the *copying*
cost of doing business
"Reminding me of Unreal Tournament"
IMO .. Unreal was forced to go with client server software because of Tribes ..
Dynamix's Tribes was the first shooter released with free client server software ( the first combat game with client server software included was Dynamix's Red Baron 3D .. an upgrade to Red Baron 3 released a month before Tribes )
Tribes was also the first game that allowed one to move seamlessly between indoor and outdoor environments
wouldn't it make more sense to break out those 10 and clear the way cleanly for the other 1090 to be sold ? .. are those 10 so valuable that it would create an undue burden on creditor recovery ? .. is that more important than establishing clearly who is the inventor ( still the way it works in the US ) and therefore the owner of the property in question ?
that being said, should not have Apple (and Flashpoint) challenged those 10 patents when they were made public if they were the inventors ? .. don't tech companies like Apple have a department of engineers and patent lawyers looking over patent grants ?
if they didn't know they were contributing inventors or sole inventors at the time .. it seems suspect that they've figured it out now
actually ... I'm highly educated in the subject including the most recent research
the only "tipping point" we might be headed for is the equivalent of a little ice age .. between going into the cooling phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation .. the cooling phase of the long term Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation .. we are looking at a 20-30 year cooling cycle that may have already started 2-3 years ago .. plus a significantly weaker solar cycle and the next cycle predicted to be even weaker .. possibly the start of an approximately 200 year cycle that fit's the warming and cooling periods for the last 9000 years
if CO2 is driving warmth .. how do you explain that it cooled 1940-1978 as man's CO2 emissions steadily rose ? .. the temperature did jump 0.2C 1979-1980 .. but from 1980 .. according to the NASA satellite data .. the temperatures actually cooled, quite a bit by 1985 and were below 1980 by 0.15C average until 1997 .. and we are only about 0.2C above 1980 today .. though April and May were warm
and get some education in the math and science on the subject ...
Dr Spencer's page at NASA just in case you think he's unqualified
it's really easy guys and gals ..
as it warms, there is more evaporation of water .. warmer air holds more water vapor ..
but it has been found that the overall humidity has increased very little .. instead there is more cloud cover ....
... which reflects more solar energy back into space .. and increases rain and snowfall
so this is nature's balance as the air and oceans warm .. it is the negative forcing of water vapor and clouds by reflecting and scattering the more energetic shortwave spectrum .. and cloud albedo reflecting the suns energy back into space that not only balances water vapor's (50%) and clouds (25%) 75% of the greenhouse gas effect .. but also balances out CO2's 20% greenhouse gas effect
Warming causes CO2 rise because warmer oceans both release more, and absorb less CO2 than cooler oceans .. this is partially offset by trees absorbing CO2 faster, growing faster but still sequestering that carbon for an average of 200 years
BTW .. when you burn a HYDROcarbon .. you actually emit significantly more H2O than CO2 .. so by burning fossil fuels we emit more *trapped for 100 million+ years* H2O than CO2
let's see .. water (vapor and clouds) is 75% of the greenhouse gas effect ... we emit more H2O buning fossil fuel than CO2
CO2 is 20% (at most) of the greenhouse gas effect ..
yet we ignore man cause extra H2O emitted .. and don't call for reducing water vapor .. WTF?
and the "cleanest" fuel is methane .. one Carbon .. four Hydrogen .. burning creates one CO2 and two H2O .. OMG .. twice as much of a MORE dangerous greenhouse gas
We need to dry the earth's air before it's too late .. water vapor and clouds have almost 4 times the warming greenhouse effect as CO2 !
not a solution at all with their current population .. likely 100s of millions would starve going back to *natural* conditions
from 1958-1961 .. over 40 million died from crop failures ( and mismanagement of distribution ) .. with a population around 600 million .. China's population today exceeds 1,300 million
the world only grows enough food because of a green revolution in selective breeding, farm management improvements and the use of petrol based fertilizers .. one third of the world's farmland depends on that fertilizer to be reasonably productive, and when the price of oil is high, poor countries can't afford what they need, and people go hungry ..
The US, for instance, has had about the same 300 million acres of planted farmland yearly, it has had since 1900, but it is many times more productive per acre, and one degree or another so is the rest of the world .. the US produces more than double the rice per acre than the world average
that Intel and nVidia have a peace treaty, paying each other chump change for each others tech and expertise .. nVidia GPUs are showing up next to Intel CPU .. including on high-end intel main boards and in HPCs
nVidia's kicking butt in ARM processors and GPUs .. and Intel the CPU and systems to tie them together .. it's everyone else that has to play catch up on the 3 platforms, smartphone, tablet and laptop/PC
Tribes / Tribes 2 had the sweetest network code for gaming in 2001 .. that became torque game engine ... there's still this open source version that hasn't been updated since 2005
forced all the other games and sims to go with client server software for online play, and often give the server with the game .. 128 player server software is pretty standard now depending on how much action is going on to be pushed to all the clients .. single socket server and a big enough data pipe with minimum packet loss is all that's required
over 11 years ago I had some jerk republish a bunch of my game mod artwork on rapidshare.de bragging on forums how he had put my files up in a "more convenient form" .. I told him on the forums myself to take them down .. he refused .. I sent rapidshare samples of my file dates and they asked their customer/jerk to take them down .. he did not .. I sent another email and they canceled his premium account
a lot more options today of course, but back then rapidshare was one of the few for people to easily share .. I was pleased with their response considering I was in the US and they Germany
these days when people put up large legal game mods .. they use torrents