* Posts by peter baston

4 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Dec 2006

'Personal Air Vehicle' VTOL jump-copter in key flight test

peter baston

Here is the Video of it crash landing

Go to you tube and watch CarterCopter flight test - and crash !!!


The cost of beating Apple's shrewd screws? £2

peter baston

Screwed once again

Just goes to show how you can get screwed without the right tool

( : ( : pete


Extra-heavy minicopter 'Jetpack' astounds world+dog

peter baston

A better one man trip


What is Alice in Wonderland syndrome?

peter baston

Purfekly Hunderstandable


I had some Guinness in Rhodesia once that cam to us vis South Africa by boat and I experienced EXACTLY the same effect

( : ( : peter