Welcome to 2015....USA...
"Shopping" or druggies using stolen cars to smash into store fronts off hours and grab what they can is the latest crime thing here...
"Working" or druggies ripping copper wiring out of vacent houses and back alley phone cables is a crime that started 10 years ago...
Scrap copper can legally be turned into a recycler in California w/o a bill of sale by the scrapper from the origional owner... not so in Oregon, wire theft is a felony, the wire cannot be sold to a recycler w/o paperwork... so the druggies steal bronze grave markers and aluminum truck rims... those folks go to jail here in Oregon, not so in California...
IMHO= it is a law enforcement thing... or at least a law thing.
Q= why can't we get fiber cable w/ CS- copper-steel line wire n hubs everywhere... no one wants that stuff (CS wire has no scrap value)... at this point it isn't copper anymore, but still cheaper than copper.
note= 100 percent of commercial AC power cabling is aluminum, both overhead or buried, just not used in buildings or homes where copper rules...RS.