This is what you get when you try to shoehorn cellular networks into radio network duties
Airwave uses narrow, 25kHz channels in UHF, which has much better propagation than any of the current 4G/LTE bands. It is also specifically designed for low-latency group calls, has built-in mutual authentication and strong encryption, in short, it was designed for what it is used for today. There is NO reason to replace it with anything else, as it can nowadays carry IP traffic (slowly) if required, and the emergency services have never really needed large data capacities. While you may need good quality real-time video sent to a command center, it's very infrequent, and you could use 4G/LTE modems for that specific capability, without having to move your entire comms system across. I've been involved with emergency services communications for 25+ years, and while transition to digital voice was eventually accepted once tech matured, 4G/LTE is completely the wrong solution.