That's fair - I'd hazard that you want an appliance, not a DIY kit. I generally feel the same way about my work computer and phone, although it hurts every time I hit their arbitrary limits. My personal machine runs Slackware, and while I do like things to work reasonably smoothly, I don't want them to be "easy" because that generally implies taking away choice. I place significantly more value on flexibility, customisability, and transparency of the system.
For example, I've swapped out the BSD-style init scripts of Slackware for an s6-based system (purely for personal preference, and as an experiment) with a bit of work but minimal pain, but I see no way to make something like that easy. Or, printing from my machine is currently broken, but I know pretty well where it's going wrong because I can follow the data path through CUPS and various filters scripts it calls in its execution in as much detail as I want. I prefer my printer system to be broken but visible and easily dissected rather than working but inscrutable, and I have confidence I'll fix it eventually precisely because it's so open. Given the same issue on Windows or OS X, I'd give up and buy a new printer.
I've used systemd-based distros (mainly on RPIs), and didn't like their restrictive nature. I'm happy there's still a niche in the Linux world that caters to my use case, despite creeping systemdization, and if there comes a day that even Slackware adopts the appliance model, I'll jump ship to FreeBSD while cursing Pottering for finally destroying my niche. The BSDs have their own issues, but at least I agree more with their design philosophies.
tl;dr, I think our use cases are mutually exclusive, because easy-to-use and DIY are opposite ends of a spectrum.