Re: Like that?
This is exactly what the PS3 was doing and what allowed it to be hacked back in the day
21 publicly visible posts • joined 9 Jan 2012
Because those people were banned for trying to incite violence, and the other was a single employee mentioning that there were Nazis storming the Capitol. Legit nazis too - there are people wearing shirts that say "Camp Auschwitz" with "STAFF" on the back. Bit of a false equivalence isn't it?
It's more an improvement of the development experience - which is a VAST improvement at that. I spent good part of a decade working with statically typed languages, and being forced to use JavaScript for web stuff was a real struggle. Not only because it was easy for type errors to creep in to code (especially on large teams) but my speedy workflow became pretty much reliant on good autocomplete and intellisense, both of which are lacklustre if you don't have full type information. TypeScript solves those problems, and it solves them very well!