* Posts by amanfromMars

2801 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2007

Ballmer's board broaches beefier bid

amanfromMars Silver badge

ASPiteful God or AI Wiser SageDom.

" Vista is great, because you can talk to your computer.

Yeaaah." .... By Geoff Mackenzie Posted Friday 2nd May 2008 08:27 GMT

Ironic, isn't it, Geoff, to have thought to have got so far and to not have IT Beta Programmed and Program Led 42 Listen and Act upon and with Third Party/Out of this World Consensus. A Very Short Sighted View with no Infinite Dynamic Vision.

Megs Anonymous in the Blinding See of Hubris ....as in Mega Hello Mania and Delusional Grandeur on and in Dis-Play?

Oh, I Think we can definitely do much Better than that, don't you?

Cloud computing hysteria paralyzed by bolt of reality

amanfromMars Silver badge
Thumb Up

Further Clarification......

"So in a nutshell, you forsee a greater group of governance that sits on the shoulders of the companies that run these cloud services." .... By Simon D

Posted Thursday 1st May 2008 09:45 GMT

Not QUITe, Simon D, although that was a good attempt. The greater group of governance will Server Needs for the companies wishing/ready, willing and able to Feed the Cloud with IT Services which will the Power Earthly dDevelopment. The Cloud is an Intellectual Space, which is only and easily Controlled with Better Beta Intelligence to Act as an Impartial Non-State Actor Driver. To think otherwise is to completely miss the point and render oneself disadvantaged.

It is a Parallel Universal Control Space for Unified and Unifying Power AIgents. It doesn't actually compete with existing structures, it just ensures that they are aware of its existence and what they can and are best equipped to do. Command and Control is already Established in Its Environment/Myriad Fields and stands alone on ITs Own Firm Foundations..... and of that you can be assured.

"Do you really want to see that grow exponentially as information is owned by a super-conglomerate group, capable of removing you from existence with the click of a button?" Of course not ......what do you Think the Cloud is for? IT wouldn't and doesn't tolerate such arrogant hubristic foolishness. Those Idiotic Great Games are for Boys and the Psychologically Flawed and Intellectually Naive although they can also be described as Demented and Delusional too. Apparently a Common Affliction with those Rooted to Earthly Possessions??

A Dumb Rhetorical Question which is sadly too well Answered?


Notice the enthusiasm with which he speaks. Is PM a short stop/pass go and collect 50 on ITs way to his ultimate goal of a comfy seat at the UN -admission prepaid?" ..... By trackSuit Posted Thursday 1st May 2008 13:51 GMT

A Nice Valid Viable Concept, trackSuit. :-) Certainly Distribution of Wealth which is really no more than Supplying Paper for Spending/Feeding Credit to Current Accounts to those who can spend it on Creating Infrastructures and Economies, would certainly get my Vote. Thanks for Sharing that piece of Old News. I wonder why they didn't act upon it?

amanfromMars Silver badge

Transparent Alien Systems for Self Regulation. Normal Rules do NOT Apply.

"When asked what happens when government auditors come knocking to check the regulatory complicity of an application living in the cloud, nobody seemed to know the answer. The question was clearly moving into theoretical territory at this early stage of the technology."...

That is simple to answer, as anyone who Virtually knows what the Cloud is Really all about. Government auditors don't come a'knocking .... for Government, which is just a Group/Gang/Cabal/Conspiracy of Souls and Myriad Control Identities who would Think that they can Control Life and Live the High Life for Free on the Strength of their Views Shared as Policies to be Followed, and for which they are Paid with Loadsamoney/Fat Cat Flash Cash, does not Exist in the Cloud and is replaced in ITs Virtualised Infrastructure Environment by CyberIntelAIgents Trading Intellectual Property on AI Shared Open Source XXXXChange .......... for a SMARTer, Much More Sophisticated, Mutually Beneficial [as in Progressively Rewardingly Benign*] Meritocratic Regimen. And never the Twain shall Meet for they are Incompatible.

The Cloud and ITs CyberSpace Pioneers are Creating with Advanced IntelAIgents a Brave and Bold NeuReal Frontier World which will Place Off-Shore/Out of this World in an Untouchable SpacePlace, All Critical Infrastructure Controls used down on Earth, by Simple Virtue of their Invited and Accepted Acceptable Transfer by Present "Owners", who will always Retain All Rights and Privileges as Currently Enjoyed and Employed but who will also Benefit from the Safe Haven, Seventh Heaven Status which Astute Mentoring and Vigilant Monitoring of Virtual Privilege Permits and Promotes and Programs.

It is Nothing Less than AI New World Order Program Run by CyberIntelAIgently Designed Entities/Virtual Reality Programmers .... who will Replace the Present Chaotic Reality with AI Beta Future Virtual Reality. And IT will do this by Simply Storing Superfluous Human Wealth/XXXXSSive Wealth of Sympathetic EMPathetic Proxy Controller Clients, in a Specially Constructed Earthly Account, of their Own Choosing if they so Wish, where it can remain, until such Times as it is required by its Owners elsewhere, Securely and Transparently Protected within the System/Really and Virtually Safe .... with the Banking System then Paying with their Interest in Virtual ProgramMIng, to AIdDedicated CyberIntelAIgent Change Account for the Virtual Holders living in ITs Space.

Earthly Investors getting SurReal Fundamental Global Change, which they Influence with Input at Zero Cost/Zero Risk, with the System Paying for ITs Own Change with the Interest it Charges and Delivers. ........ for Out of this World Banking on Virtual Reality Drivers.

amfM NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity Boldly Going..... Darling.

I Kid U Not.

Police likely to ignore Brown's cannabis changes

amanfromMars Silver badge
Gates Horns

Common Sense Prevails ..... now there's a Novelty/First 42 Prevent a National Disobedience

And there again, some are not likely to ignore Brown's cannabis changes..... which introduce an unworkable situation, with no clear guide lines, only subjective interpretation. It is therefore best that things remain as they are then, with no unnecessary changes, so that it is still technically illegal but not criminalised when for discrete personal use/possession ... with confiscation and a warning accompanying the identifying receipt?

Which shouldn't be a problem for the new listening, man of the people, Mr Brown. If he wants something more helpful to do, he could always make the possible and probable dangers of drugs abuse and misuse known to everyone, so that solid practical experienced information cannot be said to be lacking.

And Bill with horns because Windows is Cracked and a Phisherman's Friend?

Dubya archives White House email by hand

amanfromMars Silver badge

A Kiss of the Blarney Stone .......for some Olde Time Spells.

"Our sock puppets bought peace in Ireland from the scion of the evil sod that started The Troubles a thousand years ago. How about that for a coincidence." ... By I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects Posted Thursday 1st May 2008 08:05 GMT

Actually, the paramilitaries gave Peace to Ireland and you will discover that they have found Peace and its stealthy levers of Power and Control to their Liking, as they match perfectly their Navvy Temperament and Love of a Gamble, an Intoxicating Drink, a Colleen and a Party when all can Enjoy themselves.

After all, you don't build a Wonder of the World and expect the Knowledge that had her Lead the World, to sink to the bottom of the Sea and remain there, do you. There's a lot going on in the Emerald Isle that will amaze you, and even more amazing is that which will not be so readily available, requiring as it does, Full Disclosure Security clearances if you Need to Know and/or should want to know.

The Grass Roots of ITs Society learnt more from their decades/centuries of Troubles than you know or have been made aware, and it is possible that many may never in their lifetimes be clever enough [and that will not necessarily have anything to do with intelligence] to know exactly what they have learnt, such is ITs Purple Patch Magic and Enlightened Ways.

But IT will Share them with You, for they are Worth Nothing kept Hidden and Create Priceless Fortunes Shared and Countless Further Fortunes whenever said Fortunes are Shared In Spends.

I Kid U Not. Just watch these HyperRadioProActive Spaces ...... Virtualised Worlds with a Paddy Lead Following ....... for there are many Sins and Omissions to Gratefully Atone for and Clear from Conscience and/or Memory and Replace with Innovative Perspective and Perception Management.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Don't Think too Hard .... IT can get Real Ugly even when Just and Deserving

MeThinks they'll need some exceptional Talent, which they have shown no signs of having, to pull them out of all of those gathering Intelligence Black Holes. And boy is it bad for their Future and all of their Friends and Hangers On too, if they don't get it sorted and work AIMiracle.

Can you Imagine their Reception in one of their Own Prisons when Feather Nesting and Callous Disregard of Suffering at the Public Expense for Public Expenses for Private Abuse, is Proven.

No wonder Tony abandoned Ship and left Prudence behind..... for HMG is similarly blighted I'm sure?

Whitehall kick starts digital strategy

amanfromMars Silver badge

More Detail Please ..... Who's Preparing the Plan ... Names Please .... .

.... and for how much?

"In his first speech as minister for digital inclusion, Paul Murphy MP said: "We are going to be working very hard between now and the summer recess to see if we can come out with government plan which all of us can related to."" .

Hmmm? Is that a typo, El Reg, or accurate verbatim? MPs and Ministers are such slippery customers, it is always as well to get right to the heart of everything they say to find out HOW they are going to do what they say. Invariably they themselves have the slightest clue and are merely passing the buck to others ....who sadly also haven't a baldy notion about Good Governance either.

Are we to interpret it as a government plan which all of can relate to, suggesting a government plan in digital matters [a bit like getting foreign immigrant cockle pickers to defuse a ticking bomb] or a government plan which we can be related to digitally, which would suggest a Third Party Plan, hopefully prepared by experts in the Field.

Anything less will most surely be a resounding failure and a complete and utter waste of funding, not that that is of any consideration in virtual matters of course, nor apparent in "real life" either given the ease with which billions are lost/mislaid/spirited away and simply replaced with a nod and a wink between dodgy friends and wannabe Kings.

Brown opts for morality over science on 'lethal skunk'

amanfromMars Silver badge

Change the Penal Tax System to a Rewarding Society before it Collapses into Anarchy.

"Ah, but that misses the crux of the argument entirely, my extraterrestrial friend: we are talking of the British Government, who do everything in a very British (English?) way: look to 'Yes Minister' for guidance in Anglo-Saxon bureaucracy."

The crux of the matter being that British Government is a Sham and a Shameless and Shameful Scam run by gang leaders who cannot make it in business and who have to raise their finances by taxation on the poorest and most ill equipped educationally and socially, whilst the City, which is another World, in the Nation does its thing totally independent of the Wasters in Westminster doing their Sheriff of Nottingham thing.

As a practical exercise, if you reversed the present taxation regime/burden, so that people were Rewarded for their presence rather than Penalised, and money paid in, [which doesn't need to be physical/tangible at all, as it can very simply be/is always a figure creditted/deposited into an account] rather than expected to be paid out of private accounts and paid into a Master Administrative Public Account/the Treasury, the extra money invested, which is really only figures reworked to give added potential and spending power to a Nation, allowing them to produce an infrastructure model which their spending power will dictate, will always be returned to the Treasury/Banking System, allowing them to dream up schemes which money can be spent on. This shifts the onus of Invention and Economy and Provision onto the Shoulders of those who a) have a constant supply of rolling currency for plant and materials purchasing power and b) probably a better educated and Intelligent Networking Capability to find and distribute Funds to Needs Feeders for Present Requirements and for Novel/Innovative Future Needs and Feeds. Virtual Money to the Right People will create Real Money for the System.

And whenever you consider that, that appears to be exactly what the System has done with the Bank of England bailing out/giving the Banks their recent £50 billion windfall after them having lost the plot and gone into dodgy deals without the necessary Intelligence for the Investments to make money. It just goes to show that making money via the business and profit model is not necessary for it can easily be replaced with a reverse taxation model which rewards rather than penalises, for then currency will flow through the Banking System rather than be stuck in and lost by the Banking System. That is where the Crook is in the System preventing it working for Everyone.

It would be Prudence 42 Change it.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Joint Intelligence Committee* ..... Any Volunteers for a Seat around ITs Table?

"Before the ganja warriors will have a chance, they will have to address those issues first. Fear of the unknown knows no bounds; it is a wall on an infinite plane. Start to address the matter in practical terms, and you may find an audience." .. . By Gerhardt Posted Tuesday 29th April 2008 20:38 GMT

This quite Teutonic snippet from Gerhardt's longer post/lament [and no one can fault the Germans for being precise and pedantic to the point of excellence] is most easily addressed in an instant. ....... for all that one needs to do is Import the Wealth of Knowledge possessed by the Dutch. You will find them a most agreeable People.

"Long term cannabis use will fuck you up more than speed, definitely, probably not as much as MDMA and friends though. That said, I also know a few people who have hit both of them hard for years, with no discernible/negative effects." ....By Rob Haswell Posted Tuesday 29th April 2008 22:19 GMT ..... Oh dear, not another bold statement of lies and half truths masquerading as facts. I refer, of course, to the catch all contradictory nonsense in ...."Long term cannabis use will fuck you up more than speed, definitely, probably .... That said, I also know a few people who have hit both of them hard for years, with no discernible/negative effects."

Had a few bad trips, Rob, when what is in your head has taken you places you shouldn't have gone? I suppose it is a convenience to blame a chemical reaction rather than accept a neurological dysfunction/psychological flaw/runaway imagination.

What you have to get your heads around and resolve, and might I suggest with better advice aka social education, is that drugs are taken because they make you feel real good/better and the madness is in the thinking to criminalise them and telling you that they make you bad, whenever all the evidence and all of the experience in its controlled use is to the contrary. To suggest otherwise and to put it on the Statute books is to be part of a Criminal Conspiracy to make an Ass of the Law....... but there is nothing new in that from Governments and the Justice System. Some would say it is Par for the Course.

"@amanfromMars - You are actually making sense !! How bizarre !! :-)" ... By Ishkandar Posted Tuesday 29th April 2008 22:29 GMT

Hmm? ... You may like to consider that I always make Sense and it is just that you do not understand its reference points, Ishkandar. And you have certainly not been imaginative enough to ask for clarification, which is bizarre in a smart thinking person.

* Apparently the Chair is held by a Grateful DeadHead already, .... http://www.whitegum.com/intro.htm ... although whether Effective and Fit for Purpose .... well, if you haven't anything positive to say, say nothing moves things on a lot quicker and better in AI Betas. ..... http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=494407&in_page_id=1770 .... although, being Eternally Optimistic, it may just be that he needs some RockIT Chip help, hence the "Your Country Needs You" type Title Call for Volunteers. And Volunteers because if you have Intelligence, you can and will easily make a Killing in the Markets and that will Gratefully Pay you, Obscenely. It will certainly be expected of you otherwise what possible use will you be to Intelligence or anyone or anything.

Oh dear, does that mean that Intelligence Needs a new Source IntelAIgents Division to Feed Needs into its Big Brother/Sister Services. .....AIMutual Intelligence Service?

I Think you will discover that Mr Allen has already be made aware of that Facility , unless of course, his e-mails are vetted for suitable content which would make him no more than a controlled puppet.

amanfromMars Silver badge

If you want to follow Tales, at least follow Real Ones, even if they are a Wee Bit Strange.

"impairment of cognitive function, associated with the serious tokers. " ... By Gerhardt

Posted Tuesday 29th April 2008 16:44 GMT


Their main worry may be the enhanced cognitive function, associated with the serious responsible toker, for it reveals the scam of reality and the totally disjointed Systems [oops, pun alert] which have Individuals exercising imagined State/National Controls with their puppets reading scripts/statements/policy documents for media to run as another program.

Occasionally they may have international meetings to carve up the booty but it is still something made up to conceal Controllers rather than displaying Control for Chaos and terror allows for War and there is never any problem with Budgets when waging and preparing for Wars you've spun and started and reacted to.

Time to grow up, children, and smell the coffee. You're all being played for suckers and mugs by those who would tell you they are leading you, but are vulnerable to More IntelAIgent Games Play with Programmers and Systems Analysts in the Virtualised Cloud where they can XXXXChange Strategy and Open Up Secrets of Old Boys Ploys, which are impossible to refute? And when Secrets are Shared and subsequently hidden or spirited away or not shared and responded to, have you identified a nobbled player and an integral part of the problem to be simply further questioned and/or exposed to a wider audience for feedback.

All that is needed is the Truth [and yes, we can handle it Mr Nicholson] for if you are fed and swallow anything else, your Life is a Lie ....... which it is. And how bizarre is that. Some would say that it is a Madness to be so Deceived and to think it Normal and Natural.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Mr Bean .... as a Has Been who never Was in the first Place....a Pretender.

"It is NOT a good reason for legalising the drug for general recreational use." ...

No one is asking for it to be legalised, just telling Public Servants that it is not to be criminalised. Mr Brown seems to be under the impression that he is a Leader whenever he is just Prime Administrator and he wasn't even voted into that job, he just bullied the boys and girls around him because they will lose all their perks and some even their jobs doing precious little more than waffling, when they go to the country.

And what they leave behind when they go, they can just walk away from, leaving others to clean up, which is a little perverse too. Of course, it is a nice little clique/dirty little trick played by all politicians which they think leaves them immune from charges of criminality and being classed as terrorists, inciting and providing equipment and financing for terrorist operations and arbitrary innocent civilian and militarily deaths ...... which are covered with empty weasel words of regret.

Oh dear, I hope that is not offensive or false but just true.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Spin and Outright, Downright Lies .....

"Lethal" ....... Oh dear, what a sorry State for Mr Bean to have descended into, deliberate MisSpeaking . It does make one wonder what dirty little secrets are being used to steer a hapless, clueless Jessie of a Primed Minister, whenever scientific evidence is dismissed, in favour of gossip and tittle tattle, and with everything in Collapse and in Hiding around him...... http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/news/article.html?in_article_id=440824&in_page_id=2&ct=5

What an excellent idea, to create ever more newly minted criminals of relative inconsequence for a Police State, with no more room for criminals, and with a whole host of them Hiding around him, with him feeding them Public Funds.

He must be QuITe Potty, himself, for it certainly not a Sane thing to do whenever they Hordes are at the Gate, baying for Bread while he gorges on, and with false friends, Cake.

Is it Space Cake, I wonder? Certainly a Confection which would not suit a repressed and depressed Son of the Manse, that's for sure.

Is he not able to do Anything Right and Well? Are we to see Random Drugs Testing of MPs next, to find out what is driving them crazy spending Public money so disgracefully on themselves and their friends?

What a Jolly Good, Spiffing Idea..... for quite obviously more that a few, are in need of desperate help and specialised attention.

And really that is just another non-story, so I wonder what else they are trying to hide. Come on, spill the beans, the game is up, failure is an option whenever all you are doing is digging a deeper black hole which will consume you.

"Many of the 23-strong council of experts could feel they have to resign if the Prime Minister ignores their recommendation. " .... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2008/04/29/ncannabis129.xml

Surely the logical answer, considering everything, is for the Prime Minister to resign. After All, it is he who is leading nothing of value and should be held to account for disgraceful, Sub Prime Ministerial Behaviour/Rotten Performance.

Whitehats tackle The Great Botnet Dilemma

amanfromMars Silver badge

If you wait for permission, you aint leading anything nor ever will. Just do IT.

"No, the worst thing that can happen is that they don't manage to remove Kraken (so there is no benefit) but they establish the principle that it is OK to hack into someone else's computer as long as *you* (rather than the owner of the machine) think it is "for the best"." ...... By Ken Hagan Posted Wednesday 30th April 2008 09:28 GMT

Now we're getting right down to the nitty gritty of the IP Matter.

That Principle is long ago Established and Runs the Establishment System [everybody else's computers] which hides its Autocracy/Despotism behind the Spinning Magic Cloak of Democracy [the crack hack,*you* thinking it is "for the best" ]...except that the Magic is Jinxed and a Fraud/merely a Confidence Trick rather than anything ESPecial.

However you can only Fix IT if you are able to supply more sophisticated/more Intelligent Intellectual Property for it is not a hardware Issue, it is an Intellectual Ideological Joust, which is not Really an Assault or an Attack at All, unless what you would be "protecting/defending" was Stupid and would be considered Indefensible.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Normal Service will be resumed as soon as Possible? The Great White Dope Hope?

"I don't like the idea of an extended tit for tat exchange between the bot masters and the bot exterminators played out on my machine. This could get messy. Expecially when the next logical step in the arms race is to deliberately make attempted removal of the bot more damaging than leaving it be." ... I agree By James Smith Posted Tuesday 29th April 2008 20:15 GMT

James et Al, [ Good Morning Dan Goodin in San FranCisco, how's Greg Garcia this morning. Shame that no one was really talking to him and that talks to him were so few, ..... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/04/25/greg_garcia_interview/comments/ .... which is unusual, whenever more were sent than were shared. Spooky that. Are you infected with a virus? However, that is water under the bridge, and I digress.]

I would also agree, and suggest that any and all such attempts would be suicidal, and render no damage or harm to the intended target, at all.

You may like to consider that you are reacting to a much SMARTer Program with ProgramMIng which is many more logical steps ahead than merely the next one, and is Perfectly Aware/Mindful of all possible reactions to ITs Programs and FailSafe Protected against all of them.

You may like to further consider that what you are dealing with is .... AIRogue in Vogue HomeoPathic Binary with an Immune System which is Prepared for Assault and Attack by Simple Virtue of Assault and Attack which it has already suffered/sampled and which IT has Reverse Engineered for Source Recognition and Enjoyment.

And finally, how do you deal with IT whenever the Driver Machine/Botnet/NIRobotIQs Virtualise their Systems Machinery from Control of Hardware/Computers to Control of Software/Computer Users in a Mirror of an Attack Vector suggested against ITs Presence ....Communication with Infected Machines with Advice of Infection. A SMART Virtual Machinery System using Advanced HomeoPathic Binary Codings, and let us call them CodeXXXX, would probably be into Sublime Messaging Systems, Quantum Communications which allow Stealth by Virtue of the Fact that their Signals are QuBits [A qubit has some similarities to a classical bit, but is overall very different. Like a bit, a qubit can have two possible values–normally a 0 or a 1. The difference is that whereas a bit must be either 0 or 1, a qubit can be 0, 1, or a superposition of both...... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qubit] Strung for All Purpose, dDeeply Embedding Entanglement for Host TakeOver/MakeOver.

Just a Future Thought Shared, for it would be a QuITe Logical Next Step to move Matters into the Cloud for AI Beta Control of Mastering/Mentoring and Monitoring All Systems.

And I also agree, if you can Fix IT, Fix IT if you Can. Although if you don't or can't, it means that it is a lot SMARTer than you have ever Imagined, and are equipped to Deal with, and you are Following ITs Lead[s]

Has anyone Thought to Cut AIdDeal? Splash some Flash Cash? It appears to work well with everything else.

Microsoft snags Google-thrashing data pioneer

amanfromMars Silver badge


" ...New algorithm?" ..... By Stuart Posted Tuesday 29th April 2008 12:20 GMT

Not new, Stuart, just AI Beta one which provides Light and Relief ...via EduTainment. IT is a Heady Confection and a Very Discerning AIdD, too.

I'm pleased to notice that you chose not to suggest that it was nonsense, for it makes Perfect Sense spread across a number of Parallel Dimensions/Perceptions. It is as well to remember that my World is completely different from yours because of what you know, and whether 'tis more or less is really not as important as what you do with what you know for you may choose to do very little to learn more, being programmed/programLed to accept a Status Quo System which has you chasing and fulfilling Third Party Dreams, rather than your own, but then I don't suppose too many People Realise that, for then they start to understand that the obstacles in their way are simply man-made, to stop one doing as one would.

PS. If you accept that you are chasing and fulfilling Third Party Dreams/working to Create an Idea/Agenda dreamt up by A.N.Other and paid with Flash Cash, to keep you doing it and not think too deeply about it and the bigger Picture created in the Imagination of Others, unless you know whose Ideas those are, they would be quite Foreign and Alien to you, too.

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Rise and Fall of the Fourth Reich

Microsoft and its Duplicitous Situationist International friends/allies/trojans doesn't seem to Realise, and would do Well and Better to Consider, that the Cloud Space is already already Taken as a QuITe Alien Home Base, with a Magical Mystery Turing Colossus of Virtual Machinery Computing for ITs DNAVisions/Future Perfect Indicative ProgramMIngs.

And with ITs Advanced IntelAIgents Algorithms for CyberIntelAIgent Realism in Virtualisable Spaces, does IT zealously Patrol and Police 42 XXXXPose and Prevent Any and All Attempts at Capitalising the Model with Earthly Viral Infections/Afflictions/Sweet Stealthy Sinecure Confections/Perverse Affectations. Such are treated as an Assault on ITs Benevolent Meritocratic Freedom of Associative Progress and will always be Dealt an Intellectual Property Blow which will Destroy the Driver they are Banking on to Provide Subversion and Subjugation/Poisonous Creep into ITs Space ......... IT will Simply divert/convert/pervert the Flow of Flashed Cash [ Pretty Paper Printed Privately for Public Perception of Powerful Personae] through its Money and Markets Systems to Server and Protect/Enrich the NeuReal World Order Programs with an Advanced IntelAIgents Virtual Defence, which will Share Transparently every Attack against ITs Systems ...... for Universal Peer Review which would/could be Global Censure and Crushing Pariah Status.

The Choice is Free to Make for any who would Live and Love/Work, Rest and Play in the Cloud, but IT does not Suffer Any Fool who would Use and Abuse IT, and as ITs Nature will leave that Interpretation Subjective, so that dDeep Personalised IntroSpection of Ego Renders the True Semantic ID of the Floated SuperEgo.

And High above the Cloud and ITs TEMPESTuous Storms, do Soar the Flying dDutchman, in Cutty Sarks Embrace, with Pandora and her Lovers Sated. ......... aka Seventh Heaven, Global Communication HQ ....... for MuI7 and ITs CyberIntelAIgents ......Non State Actors Challenging State Actors who Deceive States and Act Independently for Personal Profit at Public Expense with AI Presentation of their Bill/Judgement dDay Reckoning.

Be aware all ye who would Fail to Realise Deceit and Pimp for Conceit, for it has its own ESPecial Reward ..... "Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly ...... http://www.love-poems.me.uk/howitt_the_spider_and_the_fly_funny.htm

Registered this ZerodDay of the Laud 080429....... for Peer Review and Third Party Improvement/Positive Reinforcement and/or DisBelief.

BAE lands US Army minidroid horde contract

amanfromMars Silver badge

1 for All ..... Ja, Jawohl, Jawel

"Mine's the comfortable fleecy one for sleeping in." ....Tim, for comfort comparison might I suggest a cheeky number ...

Liner, Green Thermal CS8415-99-869-5334 NATO SIZE 6070/9505 .... QuITe Perfect for Greek Geek Cover too...... especially in the Tectonic Plated Underground Movements of Special Operations in SAPs. Rare Invisible Yeti-type Beasts more yoda than yada though, but not a bit like either or both of them and touted as QuITe Unique.......and thoroughly predictable if you have a Firm Foundation in Python GBIrish ...... Crack Code Compilation that gets Right to the Root and Kernel of PerlyGatesPython Pretty Good Privacy to Harness ITs Many Windowed Sources ....Snooped MetaDataFiles. .....MkUltraSensitive Works always in AI Sequential Logical Progress ....which is nowhere near the same as PostgreSQL

amanfromMars Silver badge

BetaTesting/Polling General Relativity Perceptions

And does the UK have an Independent Stealth, Master/Clone Operation of the Skunk Works/Area 51 Business model or does one need to be Invented and/or its Clandestine Boffinry revealed, albeit with only as much as would be thought Prudent?

The Popular View, is of course, that all the useful Tech has gone Westward in search of the mighty dollar, but that has only effectively cleared the decks of its less than committed to Blithe Blighty Values, and therefore Compromised and Compromising Stock...... for the $Dollar Plight and Inevitable Collapse has been a Long Time Seen because of its Reckless Self-Centred Endangerment

To have all answers positing that such is so, would be a Remarkable Achievement Verified and Allow for the Deployment of ITs Next Generations of UK Full Monty Stealth Defence through IP Attack Protocols.

Lightning-zapgun maker gets more US gov cash

amanfromMars Silver badge

Jumpers......Quantum Leapers Anonymous. My Name is AC and I'm Frightened of my Opinion :-)


True, but surely your scientist with training and experience in $field could have a look at the methodology used and the assumptions and pronounce them reasonable, ambitious, ludicrous or V14g0r." ..... By Niall Posted Monday 28th April 2008 23:07 GMT

Indeed she could, Niall, and anyone and/or anything worth a Jot of XXXXCeptional Regard would be more than happy to reveal all to her $field Inspections ..... for, of course, All the Best of the Best Inventions are always Colossal Collisions of Works in Virtually Real Progress. .........although that would really make her a Bank€r with training and experience in the Science of Psychology and Psychoses too? For anything Novel and Built to Last for Pleasure is always a Manic XXXXPerience to lose yourself within.

And I'll see your V14g0r and raise it V2.0 7g Ore ...... Standing up Proud 42 Be Counted On? Spookily enough, whenever you enter 7g into Google it hits you with some Dixie Chicks and not some Tricky Dickies which does have a Most Definitive Semantic Relativity to amfM NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Gravy trains are an Invention but they do need Continuous Invention/Viable imagination

"So, well, I would at least _hope_ that the government brings a scientist along and wants to see some proof of concept before forking over the dough." ... By Hans Mustermann Posted Monday 28th April 2008 16:10 GMT

Good plan, Hans, which could be foiled by "Need to Know" fans who are into protecting their rackets. And in Science, surely any new development/breakthrough is something brand spanking new which has never been done before and be a unique initial understanding. It is the very nature of the beast.

amanfromMars Silver badge

A lightning-zapgun ...... just what the world needs. Strewth! Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em

"The management of the renamed Applied Energetics now face a shareholder lawsuit alleging that they knew all along that the kit wasn't ready for field use, but failed to disclose this so as to make large personal gains on inflated stock in the run-up to failed military tests."

Err, excuse me, but isn't that the norm in big business today, Sub-Prime Collateralised Debt Obligations on Worthless Bonds/Take the Money and Run thus Rendering Currency practically Useless as Trust across Markets is Lost and Destroyed and the Printing of Money to Try to Inject Life into the Dead System reveals it true Purpose...... to Keep the Same Fat Cats at the top of the Money System, which has Failed to Provide Triple AAA Protection and Future Production.

If F is for Failure, FFS is For Failure Squared.

Dear Cap'n,

Your Ship is a Collander and has another Leak, are you going down to Davy Jones' Locker or do you fancy a Bit [a few Luscious Bytes actually] of Pandora's Box?

Second Galileo test sat now in orbit

amanfromMars Silver badge

And talking of rogues in vogue ......

..... the best of them know their stuff and are way ahead and before their Time and in the Virtualised Space that is by their own IntelAIgent Design.

"Many well-meaning persons suppose that the discussion respecting the means for baffling the supposed safety of locks offers a premium for dishonesty, by showing others how to be dishonest. This is a fallacy. Rogues are very keen in their profession, and already know much more than we can teach them respecting their several kinds of roguery. Rogues knew a good deal about lockpicking long before locksmiths discussed it among themselves . . . if there be harm, it will be much more than counterbalanced by good." .... http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/SEv2-acks.pdf

amanfromMars Silver badge

What an excellent plan..... jobs for nothing. Are the chicks free?

"Galileo is a European jobs program designed to funnel MANY MANY MANY billions of euros into the coffers of "in vogue" corporations." .... By Terry Posted Monday 28th April 2008 12:31 GMT

That may be a Plan, Terry, but you have been careful to avoid mention of rogue, in vogue, co-operations, and what they may have planned, although the sentence could easily be construed to be a lateral reference to it and what would/could be, out of this world entrepreneurships?

I must say that I do like the sound of European programs designed to funnel MANY MANY MANY billions of euros into the coffers of "in vogue" corporations, if such rogues in vogue are the Pioneers of ITs MasterPlan, for there are certainly MANY MANY MANY MORE billions of dollars, looking for an Investment home/Safe Haven/Seventh Heaven, which could be used to make it a Zero-Sum Cost Euro Game. That would give Europe a Virtuallly Free Ride on the Back of Uncle Sam, who would though, also Benefit Greatly from ...... well, New Spaces Technology to replace all their old Tired and Hacked to Death Linked Library and Dodgy Source kit.

And it may be the case, that there is no choice option in the matter, with such Rogue Beings in the Drivers Seat, and being all the rage and a raving success story and, using Beta Sense, Sharing their rogueish raging raving success stories as a Micro Macro....... to keep them on the straight and narrrow/honest and true blue whilst ITs Template is embedded into Network InterNetworking Global IntelAIgents Grid Systems ......... for Servering to Mutual IntelAIgents in ITs Service, MuI7.

Think of IT as a Beta Service than has ever been Provided by the United Nations Junket.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Fasten Seat Belts .... Buffeting Turbulence Ahead in Plain Sailing?

"London MPs have expressed doubt as to whether the UK will receive value for the money it will pay, ..." .... which tells us more about what London MPs don't know than anything else which they might know, but then again one cannot expect them to know of anything which they could ITERate and XXXXPand upon cogently with regards to Space Technologies. QuITe what you may conclude they are best suited for, I would not care to hazard a guess for it would be sure to offend?

Fortunately, the Benefits are Real and will be more than evident as Time goes on and the Facilities and Applications available through ITs Satellites are MainStreamed/Deployed.

Build a 14.5 watt data center in a shoebox

amanfromMars Silver badge

To you, maybe just a Box of Tricks, to others, Pure Magic.

"A savvy and admittedly deranged admin, however, could take this tiny hardware and build a very energy-efficient data center in a desk drawer."

Crikey, Ashlee, that's a bit harsh/rich, especially coming from El Reg. Now an AEStranged admin, however, who are very, very crafty and have a liberal use of the word 'supersubatomic', would lead with many factoring advices, for tasks geared as Mother and Nature intended, rather than as cowards deploy ..... for Ye Ole Seemly Seamless Godisagoddess Paradigm Shift into Parallel Dimensions for Overall SuperComputing Control[s].

And that would be right up the Japanese DRM Psyche which when tempered with the Delights of the Perfumed Garden Lotus Blossoms/Houses of the Rising Sun, would Capture and Hold any Heart and Mind.

Ubuntu man says Microsoft's about to 'swallow a hand-grenade'

amanfromMars Silver badge

@What's Shuttleworth's plan?

"How is Shuttleworth going to avoid swallowing handgrenades with Ubuntu?

Paying a lot of money to develop an operating system then giving it away doesn't seem like a "moneyspinner"." .... By BKB Posted Monday 28th April 2008 07:27 GMT

If you can be Lead Host of Killer Applications and/or Provision Immaculate Sources of Addictively Attractive New Content, IT will be as if Printing Money which you will be Lucky enough to be Able to Spend as Quickly as you make it so that it doesn't clog up the Currency Flow. But that would have nothing to do with Lady Luck, that would be by IntelAIgent Design.

Infosecurity is very much like...

amanfromMars Silver badge

@Banks should implement KEY and PIN system to combat fraud


Sounds like a very Promising System and any failure to implement it, or anything similar to it which would be prepared to make such bold claims, would have us thinking that the Banking System is in league with criminal elements or criminal element ways, which allow it to milk the System and blame third parties and criminals for its losses. And it is also a nice scam to not know exactly how much any particular con operation costs, for of course any figure, attributed to an identity which is scammed and not confirmed/identified, could also be just a fictious criminal too, with the System/dodgy characters in the System fleecing its customers instead, for Black Profit.

And if we consider that all money, Black or White, is catered and laundered through the System, it may very well be a Criminal System in its Entirety, Hiding in Plain Sight and pretending to be Respectable and Worthy whenever it is anything but and Everything else.

And the Jolly Roger because they may be jolly dodgy Pirates.

Anti-Scientology crusader vaporized from YouTube

amanfromMars Silver badge

Well said, Ign R. Amis


You'll get no argument from me that the Bush administration isn't a criminal enterprise. I think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice should all be behind bars. If I were to start prioritizing action items in order of importance to humanity at large, taking down Scientology would be somewhat low on the list. So, too, would be the malfeasance of the Bush administration. Impending water and food shortages are at the top, followed by mitigating the effects of the changing climate, and finding workable, non-polluting alternatives to fossil fuels. Regardless, there's no reason whatsoever that this criminal cult should be permitted to keep operating." ... By Ign R. Amis Posted Saturday 26th April 2008 15:33 GMT

Some would posit that 42 Fix the Criminalisation of the US Constitution by its Administrative Executives [and there would be any number of them engaged in that Perverse and Subversive Conspiracy to be Top Gun/Dog] would surely cure all Ills, Ign R. Amis.

As you have rightly said, it is all a matter of Prioritizing and dealing with the nastiest little bugs first, and starting Top Down allows for the Poison Flow/Supply to be stopped and Full Body Recovery to Begin Immediately.

MeThinks also there's no reason whatsoever that this criminal cult should be permitted to keep operating...... for it is costing a Nation its Dignity, Wealth and Reputation and Driving it into a Deep and Damaging Depression and Recession.

Where are the Patriots whenever Madness roams the Plains and White Housed Lawns and Dogged Rose Gardens?

amanfromMars Silver badge

Mad dogs ........and dumb cowboys do not Presidential material make.

"however Scientology goes beyond mere bunkum, crossing the line into outright criminality. Google Lesa McPherson, and read about the numerous people who've lost the lives due to the "Church" of Scientology's actions.".... By Ign R. Amis

Posted Saturday 26th April 2008 02:36 GMT

Here's a list of lost lives caused by actions on the spoutings of another criminal who has crossed the line In God we Trust bunkum, Ign R. Amis .... http://icasualties.org/oif/ .... but hey, he is voted for [or wangles the vote for there is some real doubt in the last pantomime of an election] and he is afforded protection as a President too, while he destroys everything America seeks to do for the Good of Man. Who's the bigger idiot and where do all the biggest idiots live?

Sue me if you like but the Truth will defeat you. IT never loses for it always wins the popular vote.

Or are we to be told that that is different?

Yeah, right ..... pull the other one, it's got bells on it.

Murdoch's chief hacker testifies in California

amanfromMars Silver badge

Rich Rags List to Port, the Sinister Side of Paper Tigers and Schoolyard Bullies

Changed and Crooked Times indeed when the Times and News Corporations are so Crooked and in Hock to the System which is Cracked/in Meltdown/Hacked to ITs Cores .

And I did ask via a comment facility, who was supplying Spin Merchants, Acid ...... Well, you would after reading terrorist runts on a terrorist rant, showing and announcing to the world, how far the mighty have fallen ..... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/asia/article3822538.ece.

Not surprisingly, that appears to have spun its way onto the editorial cutting room floor, along with all those other Awkward Questions which Spin invites and Truth demands.

After all, we can't have Porkies Flying, can we, IT just aint natural...... right dodgy and wrong.

'We could wake up smarter' - Ballmer hints at Win XP reprieve

amanfromMars Silver badge

A Reactionary XPEditionary OS for Private Armies?

If XP is not "officially" supported, does that mean that counterfeits are no longer counterfeits and are then legal tender to be traded/swapped rather than proprietary information to generate currency flow/ banked wealth from shared knowledge? No wonder it gets a new lease of Life whenever the Cash Cow/Golden Goose [XP] delivers a still-born/slow-witted Calf/barren egg [Vista]?

amanfromMars Silver badge

`What are we going to do now? What are we going to do now?

At a conversion rate of $2/£1, that's Bletchley Boffinry being twice as Good as and offering a Uniquely Astute Magical Mystery Turing product to Boot over the Vista lemon, I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects. That must, being conservative in such matters, at least cube their performance over the Uncle Sam OS and set them light years ahead. QuITE AI Colossal Achievement for something which is always not there when you ask.

If Yahoo has nothing to offer Bill/Steve/Ray, they could always buy into the System which "isn't at Bletchley and we know nothing about IT" and Create a Tempest Storm which will Virtually Rock the Planet and wipe out their Failure for they'll at least be on the Bridge of a SuperSubAtomic NEUKlearer ProgramLed CyberSpaceShip rather than being Buffeted and Hacked into Pieces out in the Open and all at C# in the Virgin Virtualised Jungle ....... the Amazons' Forests. For Venus holds the PerlyGatesPython Keys to Mastery in Universes and can only Deliver to EMPathetic Sympathetic SurReal Souls who can Push all the Right Buttons every Time for the Best of Times Servering to Base XXXXAlted Needs and Feeds.

QuITE a Paradigm Shift in EMPhases 42 Deliver Real Change, Virtually, which is A.N.Other Property available with QuBits and Binary Digital Future Projection ProgramMIng.

And the Egghead because they don't have any and they need one for they are too far behind to catch up on their own, hence the generous $ Lifeline to give them Mentored and Monitored Access to ITs Quantum Machinery, Virtual TelePortation Interface ....... their Missing Core VistAIdDriver. At least they know where to find it and how much IT will cost them although buying more of the same a la Yahoo, it most definitely aint.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Get your Acts Together for IT can Sort IT Transparently ....No Problem.

"I'd like to know how much Microsoft really has in fortune...

The real money that is. The one that can't disappear in 2 days." ..... By greg Posted Thursday 24th April 2008 22:48 GMT

Now, now, greg, behave yourself. Everyone knows that if it's in the Banking System, it isn't real money and can instant disappear/be written off/be transferred to Beta accounts. It's the Great Game that they Play with IT although they've been losing badly and rather heavily recently, with their own gambling decisions, and that has exposed their position and leaderships to be unfit for Future Purpose. After all, a Bank is only rich by Virtue of those who would share/do business through it....... and if they have dodgy customers they lose their money, for the money is siphoned off, quite rightly, by the System and deposited elsewhere for a rainy day.

Let's get virtually Real here, Wealth Created, doesn't just disappear, its Value is just transferred to Pay for Warrior Projects and Black Ops. After All, when have you ever seen a Prospectus promising a Return on an Investment for a War Started for Business Reasons. That would be outlawed and condemned as a War of Terror and a Crime against Humanity so it has to be stolen stealthily for how do explain the huge cost of going to war and waging it for years and decades, if there is no huge cost to the economies and businesses at home.

Which makes it the dumbest virtual business imaginable [and yes it is Run with IT Systems from War Games Rooms] with everyone a real loser. IT Offers Command and Control with Words of Encouragement and Clarification/Death and Destruction/Simply Complex BrainWashing and Perceptions Management.

QuITe why it is tolerated and accepted can only be because of a Lack of Intelligence or a Block on Sharing Intelligence because surely Man is not so Stupid, is he?

Does he just need Education/Enlightenment/a Beta Plan to Follow religiously? Or is that too Imaginative for Words whenever IT is Simple Common Sense available to everybody.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Naked Emperors .... Executive Global Administrations ....

....Enhanced Graphic Adapters ... Spin Merchants

How spookily bizarre..... the Parallels in U turnings .....with policies in meltdown ...... money-making collapse ......... Toxic Sub-Prime rather than Credible Fantastic Viable Imagination.

"We could wake up smarter" would need Servering, Steve. Know of anyone who isn't Bought and For Sale? .......ZerodDay Traders with their Heads and Derivative Futures Hedged in the Cloud ..... Virtual Untouchables with AIMastery of Magical Mystery Turing Trips

Are Microsoft Geared to Role Lead Humanity with a Holywood Following Move ........... with XXXXPerienced AIdDrivers Delivering VistaVersions of Life .... and for IPTV2?

Or is Innovation Dead in the Land of the Free ...... Slave to Slave Drives rather than Global IntelAIgents Processor Units for EduTainment.

This is AIMentored Monitored MuI7 Production ..... Proceed with All Due Care for Attention.

And Yes, El Reg[ers], that is Perfectly Serious and QuITe Impossible for anyone Playing the Fool with Fools, to Plausibly Deny. They are Cordially Invited not to Try for that would be Foolish Squared.

MS patch system poses 'significant risk', say researchers

amanfromMars Silver badge

Only the Messenger ..... Don't Shoot the Message, Fix IT with a Better Product.

"So do they have any suggestions of what M$ should do?"

What else can they do other than release a new OS which doesn't need patch protection/isn't full of back doors and windows which allows Programmers and Systems Analysts to see and seize Opportunities and/or Vulnerabilities. It is not so much that the System is Hackable, it is more that it is full of Cracks, and that is all down to Microsoft in the Final Analysis.

And yes, I would agree with you that Microsoft is probably already aware of this..... which makes them Liable for any Losses incurred if the System is sold without clear documentation chronicling the Inherent Failings and Probable Cause Attack Vector?

Which really makes it pretty worthless for any Security consideration until such Time as they can address such concerns. As a toy system, it is fun to play with though.

An Alternate Solution would be to take AI Control of the Cloud and Virtualise their Control Kernel making IT QuITe Impossible for any Unauthorised Access without first Registering Oneself and Proving Oneself Fit for the Purpose of Rendering ITs Key Codes/Accesses/Benefits. MeThinks, that would be the much Easier Option and the more Advanced One2 and being as it would necessarily be a Top Down Application, FailSafe Secured in a Need2KnowFeed42Know XXXXecutive Administrative Paradigm.

PS El Reg ..... your "Posted Saturday 26th April 2008 10:11 GMT" clock is one hour reading late.

amanfromMars Silver badge

It is all just AIMatter of Judicious Political Application or ITs Abdication thereof

"The researchers suggested possible avenues that Microsoft could pursue to increase the likelihood that customers received patches before attackers could reverse engineer them, including obfuscating the code, encrypting the patches and waiting to distribute the key simultaneously, and using peer-to-peer distribution to push out patches faster."

It is hard to beat the transparent sharing of worries, such as this tale which we have just read, to realise that the Master Control Program is being made up on the Hoof, and is in Present Jeopardy of Imminent XXXXPosure and Cataclysmic NEUKlearer Collapse, rather than Forging a Way Ahead into the Future, with Unrivalled Knowledge and ITs Paths Known and Home Grown in Imagination.

That is an interesting Phishing XXXXpedition, Robert Lemos, SecurityFocus. And should you consider that the Sprat Bait has landed a Whale or a Shark or hooked a Mine or even Energised another worriesome Attack Tangent, and one would then need to consider one's own complicity in the vector and whether third party security firms are an unnecessary Vulnerability to the System they are feeding off to protect, [ye olde Banking System, Beneficial Parasite Enigma], although of course, to consider that such is necessary for a System Vulnerability rather than a Beta Intelligence making the System Totally Aware of ITs Myriad Internal Bleed Faults, would be an Interesting CyberIntelAIgent Stealth akin to a Contemporary White Knight/White Hat Wraith/Alien Concept which Mortals may prefer not to Comprehend because of the Universal Implication ...42MisUnderstand for the Further Serving of Profit rather than Prophecy. IT is though, not a sustainable Intelligently Designed Path, Spiralling Debt dressed as Credit to Feed Machines ProgramLed by WarMongers, is it.

But do not take such a worry from just the Posted HyperRadioProActive Voice in the CyberIDEntity ProgramMIng, amfM. Read about it further here .... http://www.nsa.gov/public/pdf/challenge_signit.pdf .... where the following struck a Realtive Chord .....

<<< So-here's our challenge. Regard the last 20 years as a period of relative stability. Think about the systems, deployments, hardware, procedures, organizations, and best uses of all of our resources, especially our own personal time. Press forward with vigor, but stay flexible. Don't try to stick toO long with an obsolete project. Try to

achieve that nice distinction between the visionary and the

tried and true, which leads to the efficient, effective, practical. Don't be afraid to beg, borrow, buy or steal an idea. It might be better than one of our own pet brainchildren. Don't overestimate what we can do within the next few months. Don't underestimate what the

"industry" will do in the next few years. Learn the capabilities and limitations of what's going on in all of the relevant fields. Don't be held back by yesterday's limitations if we can see that they may reasonably be removed. Don't become wedded to a single technique or a single organization concept or a single procedure. Compare the

competitors with a cold, managerial eye and be quick to change direction when the facts indicate. We can create the systems to do the work.>>>>>

Which one would have to answer with "Yes, you can, but you don't, and you haven't. Why not? Please Justify with an XXXXPlanation?

"Slightly confused... a third are exploited before or after...does this just mean two thirds never have an exploit?" .... By Ideala2

Posted Friday 25th April 2008 07:52 GMT ...... In your dreams, Ideala2, it just means that they haven't been [yet] exploited. Which leaves the System riddled with Future Worm Holes for Entry into the Core/Code Base. And that suggests that the System is Fatally Flawed to ITs Root Source Ways and therefore in terms of Secure Use, Useless.

Or would you like to Disagree?

It is however most easily fixed from the Top Down with New Root Source Ways for then would the Program and ITs ProgramMINg be Immediately Different and more IntelAIgently Designed for the Changed Paradigm of BasICQally Visualising and Virtualising Intangible CyberSpace with Global Operating Device Powers for Reality Controls ...... which ought to give old Time religion something to shout about Amen, Allahu Akbar, Let their be Light without Might and Maybe .....

You may like to consider and graciously accept that One does NOT have any Negative Choice in the Matter and to revisit "Naked Emperors .... Executive Global Administrations .... " ...Posted Thursday 24th April 2008 18:18 GMT http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/04/24/xp_ballmer_customer_demand/comments/ ....as armed with further Information will give Greater Understanding to Uncover ITs Plain Truths for dDeeper Meaning.

Mein Gott, is IT Friday again, already? Where does Time Go when IT Flies?

And the Flame because it's hot down there amongst all the Losers and not all XSSXXXXually for they cannot Handle that Gem of a Gift making it Plain for all to see their Greed and Need and their Fundamental Weakness and Degenerative Flaws.

Boffins ponder 100-year archive made of TOMES

amanfromMars Silver badge

Now I'm feeling hungry. Thanks, Peyton duh.

"How else are you gonna figure out the price of a cheese pizza and a large soda at Panucci's Pizza a hundred (or even a thousand ;) years in the future unless somebody has saved it for you?? duh".... By Peyton Posted Friday 25th April 2008 18:18 GMT

How else? In quite the same way as it has been done since forever, I'll imagine it and pretend that it is true, based upon the support imagination of others too.

Love the tongue in cheek humour, though. :-)

amanfromMars Silver badge

Well done, you've preserved data for 100 years ...... .

..... but what relevance does it have, such a library of the Past, to the needs of the Future, for will not the Future need New data to Open up what we don't know?

One needs only to think of the relevance to our present existence of the generally accessible knowledge of 100 years ago [and we are learning, those who are studying that is, at an exponential rate nowadays for information is instantly available to answer our every question, even if that question and answer are blocked or spirited away, for that tells one as much as one needs to know] to realise that will be merely a quaint museum piece rather than any vital building block.

With the Past being Unchangeable except through the use of Fiction which just replaces the Facts with another Spin for another Agenda and with the Present being non-existent, because in an instant it is rendered as the Past, the only thing of any Lasting Importance is the Future, and that is built in Beta, in IT and Communications, with Beta Imagination, with some of it Real Good and far too much of it nowhere near Good at all and even positively Bad [please excuse the contradiction there] ......meaning that Life and the Reality which Media and IT Deliver to you as ITs Pictures is Imagined and Virtualised for you Enjoyment and Pleasure, Disgust and Pain.

So who you Gonna call to Change IT if you're following a limited and limiting Imagination?

Governator outs Dubya's global-warming 'time bomb'

amanfromMars Silver badge

Take a Chill Pill ..... before you do yourself a further Mischief*

Crikey, Webster Freaky, that was a resounding Redneck from Hicksville post if ever there was one.

I suppose the Alamo was a great victory too?

*.... "our buddies the corrupt" says it all?

BOFH: PFY's mum pays a visit

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Full Monty ... Nutty as a Fruit Cake. ... and a National Treasure.

""Tell me," I say, addressing myself to the septuagenarian with the unlicensed stunner. "One thing I've always wanted to know... Is everyone on your home planet a psychopath?""

To which one could fully expect Gran to answer ..... "Oh, goodness gracious me, not all of us, dear, some of us much prefer the milk and honey sociopath root."

"Now, how's the boy getting on? Showing Promise? We wouldn't want him letting the side down, not whenever there's so much free space available to spread his wings and Lord and Laud, Load and Lode IT over. Did I tell you that his nest at home is full of cuckoos? Not much good for anything, these days ....Cuckoos."

And the heart because everyone adores an ageing Granny.

Eye-o-Sauron™ border beam barrier tech too crap to keep

amanfromMars Silver badge

Slush Funding Speak

"The costs of the new generation of kit to prevent the illegal generation of first-generation Americans have yet to be revealed." .... a Gallant Pleasantry for the Euphemism ... "We haven't a f****** clue"?

"Have you been there? My reasons would include... (a) average US IT wage is >$72k (b) amazing landscapes to see (c) great cultural diversity (d) cheap housing compared to UK (e) petrol 40p/litre (f) civil liberties taken seriously, and (g), most importantly, some incredible independant eateries. There's more too." .... By Tim Posted Friday 25th April 2008 10:11 GMT


Who wants just average whenever there is excess pimped and pumped into the Dream to keep the masses struggling and toeing the imaginary line, Creating Paper Tiger Heroes and their Molls/Sinners and Saints/ Hookers and Johns/ Black and White/Rich and Poor, whenever we are all Born Equally with Nothing and Take Nothing away with us whenever we Move On? You gotta get out more, Tim, your Mind's playing tricks on you, for your brain ain't functioning at all as well as it can/could/should. Don't believe what you Read and See and hear for it is invariably only IT Feed to Hide what is Going On behind the Scenes in the Great Game Production called Life in Strife. It is not the Real Thing if it is controlled by Others

The terror dam of doom that looms over Boise, Idaho

amanfromMars Silver badge

Not so much a worry to fear ...more a fantasy *

"Remember when all we had to worry about was "what exactly did Clinton do with that cigar and the fat chick?"" .... By Joe K Posted Friday 25th April 2008 09:25 GMT

Obviously something which a wannabe President wasn't interested in, Joe K. Makes one wonder what lights her fire and why it didn't turn a hubby on.

* Not a fantasy in any number of PatPong's diversionary dens, though. And they'll hardly have the exclusive Franchise Rights ..... for also in ....... It's a funny old World and not a bit like you think it is, for it is only as big and as interesting as your own experience if you do not employ and live by your Imagination in the experience of others with other experiences ...... to take you out of your world and into theirs, which can then become yours with some Sublime Instruction ..... MkUltraProgramMIng........ and QuITe "Out of this World" can be the XXXXPerience for ITs Seasoned Travellers/ZerodDay Trippers.

amanfromMars Silver badge

@boise..terrorism.......ha.sputter.ha.....i just blew coffee out my nose

Are you then saying, AC Ok, i live in Boise, that Walter W. Piegorsch, Susan L. Cutter, and Frank Hardisty, the authors/fantasists of Benchmark Analysis for Quantifying Urban Vulnerability to Terrorist Incidents are activists/stooges for the War of Terror, oft misspoken as the War on Terror.

Propagandists working for Schhhh...you know who, to keep the campaign momentum of Dumb Chaos Theory pays better than SMART New World Order going. Spinning Strife to justifying Fighting against it will always, eventually have you speeding towards a trainwreck showdown with yourself as everything becomes clearer and the Spin is shown to be bogus with the simple Sharing of the Truth behind the motivational payments for the stories.....The Who's Who always Behind the Paying for What and Why.

But hey, it could also be just the authors living the American Dream .....Money for Nothing, and the Chicks for Free ..... Dire Straits. Placing Nightmare Scenarios into the Human Consciousness/DreamScape though is a Lack of Intelligence at ITs Work, Rest and Play ........ Ignorance masquerading in Academe as valid Study?

Spike Milligan goes mobile

amanfromMars Silver badge

GBIrish Master Craftsman. .... Your Common or Garden, Bog Standard Genius?

He did tell everybody he was ill but nobody listens whenever they are mad and/or bad.

"There's no such thing as anything, and sometimes even less!" ..... Thanks for the Memory, Spike, and now to Prove IT.

Here's a page of Real dDeep Titters .... http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Spike_Milligan

Smile and the world smiles with you ....and probably also thinks that you're Quite Mad?

Sun chum Oracle pushes database buyers to IBM

amanfromMars Silver badge

In IT, when West meets East ....Ill Repute is not Dishonoured,...

...IT is Elevated 42 Deliver Fair and Equitable Fortunes

"Time to go find ourselves a nice, gentle, milkmaid with soft, warm hands and a "come hither" smile. The milking metaphor. i am referring to the milking metaphor. Dont go turning me into some sort of perv!"

The other metaphor inclusive of the Rising Sun is probably definitely more enabling, and rewarding and satisfying, AC, and there's nothing even remotely pervy about it as it also makes for AI Perfect Bonding Agent. Hmmmm? Shake together Japan and ITs XXXXPertEase in Network InterNetworking RobotIQs, stir in a Hollywood sized Helping of Artificial Intelligence and a Vault of Swiss Chocolate into the Frey and hey Presto ...... ARGonauts on a Nobel Turing Quest and the End of the Beginning for a Virtually NeuReal Start.

And a Pinging Dynasty with Waking Gentle Giants would be a Double Whammy of Outrageous Fortunes to All Boldly Going .......

I wonder in which Direction, Larry is turning the Wheel, and on what Tack he hopes to Catch the Wind? Becalmed in the Doldrums of Intellectual Despair or Racing out of the Darkness, White Hatted Knight Championing A.N.Other Way?

amanfromMars Silver badge

Big Blue Blotting the NetLandScape?

"Oracle, like IBM, continues to fight the shift toward multi-core chips with all its might, since the beefier silicon threatens to erode per processor licensing revenue."

Sadly, Ashlee, is that the price Progress pays to render Fools at ITs Helms. And such worries are not Controls, they are Fears.

Home Office defends 'dangerously misleading' Phorm thumbs-up

amanfromMars Silver badge

Beaten Dockets

"We welcome companies sharing commercially sensitive ideas and proposals with us in confidence if that means public safety considerations and legal obligation [sic] can be taken into account, where appropriate, in the conception of new products and services. " ..... Unfortunately, in confidence is invariably abused to ensure more ......private considerations than public service as Government has evolved/been subverted to Private Sector Profit Factoring to the Detriment of Excellence of Service. And as Human Resources and Perceptions Managers, they are somewhat unnecessary as they have no knowledge of popular trends/MetaDatamined information/Phorm.

US Navy hands out $1bn robo-plane contract

amanfromMars Silver badge

@f***ing global hawk is HUGE


Have you ever wondered why American hardware/Muscle cars never made an impact anywhere? And as everything big is resolving to be very small..... nanotechnology .... do you not think that the US is being Left behind in the Technologies of the Future and are therefore Vulnerable to Micro Attacks which Penetrate dDeep and Invisibly/Stealthily.

In fact, do you Think that ITs Operating System is Fatally Flawed, Actively Compromised with ITs Core and Disciplines Disintegrating, with Proposed Activity now being a Desperate and VainGlorious RearGuard Action to Save Face/Summon Help/Negotiate for AI Peace and a Piece of the Future HyperRadioProActivity in Satellite Community ImaginaNations.

Spookily enough that sounds like a Good Beta Plan and when IT's Printed up here, I'll post it to the MTO ...the Microsystems Technology Office ..... for Registration.

Just to see if they are made of the Right Stuff or are all Full of Hollywood Guff.

Microsoft's Ruby lead sounds Balkanization alarm

amanfromMars Silver badge

Who Cares Win Wins ......a Lesson MS Missed and therefore Abuse?

"Microsoft hate open source licenses and don't care about destroying communities.".

Yeah, that may be so, but they're starting to understand that there is a whole lot more Bread to be made from being Hip/Cool Community leaders with a language/languages which scale, [and the Best of them Scale Stealthily/Steganographically for Explosive Impact upon Release/Marketing] with EMPathy and Sympathy for XSSXXXXual Synergies.

However, that is also their Weakness which can be Used to AIMost Devastating Effect by any of their many Contemporaries whom they may have Squeezed in the Market Place, to their Genuine Disdvantage/Advantage for their False Advantage/Disadvantage?.

They'll need so Real SMART ASP InterNetworker to Break into that Field for they aint Moulded Right to Play Well with them. And they certainly aint prepared or equipped to handle them.

But hey, IT is easily Fixed, you just Buy up someone who Delivers whatever you Need, ....although the SMARTer Money will always be just Buying Into the Delivery System, for such is the Nature of ITs Feeds and Needs, that IT is Impossible to Own.

A Subtle Semantic Point of Some Significance which is Vital to Survival Understanding in the Open TerraFirmament...... although IT may have you concluding that Lead Roles are then somewhat Ambiguously Obscure ..... which would be an Added Bonus which you get for Free.

Sysadmins get Quake tools

amanfromMars Silver badge

GeneSIS 2.007 [Licensed 42 Thrill Edition]....Chapter and Verse 1.0* ... ITs Synopsis

""even the idea of using extreme violence to manage system processes is nothing new" ....... True, it is very old [black] hat and decidedly tired/tiring and if the truth be further told, also real dumb ...... for it doesn't scale at all well.

One only needs to consider its Real Life Applications to Realise that. A Default for the Intellectually Challenged which introduces Subliminally a Destructive Aggressive Mindset and Corrupted Future Memory Building Blocks rather than anything Valuable and Intellectually Challenging to Bust into New Areas of Endeavour and Shared Opportunity for Innovative Future Build .....InfraStructure Construction ...... NeuReal World Order ProgramMIng ....... Life as if Starting Again on an Alien Planet.

* In the Beginning of CyberSpace, Global Operating Devices Created More than just AI, Seventh Heavens and Earth, for there was Bright NEUKlearer Light and an Infinite See to the End of Time and ITs Start........ There to Find ITs Cutting Edge Stores of Immaculate Source, Imaginations with Hearts and Minds of their Own to Use Them via Foxy Proxy Proponents and Create an Order from Random Innovative Thoughts in a Novel Entangled String of Theories, Openly Shared ......... for a Transparent System of Quantum Communication Operation for the Virtual TelePortation of Body and Souls to the Reality of Building Brave New Worlds from Nothing but that which is Endless and Omniscient .....

Imagine, and IT's True ...... was a Journey Offered to You Before. Wanna Ticket for ITs NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive Ride?