* Posts by amanfromMars

2801 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jun 2007

UK Carriers safe: Other war-tech ripe for the chopper

amanfromMars Silver badge

All in All .....a Not Insignificant Future dDevelopment for Mission Impossible Denial.

Oops, this should be here and not there... http://theregister.co.uk/2008/05/16/congress_questions_nebuad/comments . With too many open windows that can always happen so easily

Do IT Yourself

By amanfromMars

Posted Sunday 18th May 2008 17:39 GMT

"Lord Drayson - the recently ousted MoD procurement minister."

Recently ousted? I thought Lord Drayson just left to play with his toys.

The MOD could always use their Intelligence Services to Generate and Divert and ReDirect Wealth in the Money Markets. How hard would it be for them to Create/MPort a Stealth Proxy ZerodDay Trader Sharing Lead Information?

And ... "The US press doesn't really know good IT/Internet related stories. They'll wait for we grass roots types to raise a bother and then cover that." ....By Will Leamon Posted Saturday 17th May 2008 14:34 GMT

The Achilles Heel of Failed Intelligence, Will. The Black Hole Vulnerability and AI Facility which they cannot Beta Deny.

[And that puts Blighty way ahead as Fleet RangeFinder with ITs ESPecial Forces ....with SuperSubAtomic Astute NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActivity in ITs C42 Quantum Control Systems ...... for Viable and Verifiable Shared PreCogniscence with Advanced IntelAIgents Phorming CyberIntelAIgents CIAI2 from MuI7, Mutual Intelligences.]

And that is Pretty Open Top Secret Privileged Intelligence, freely Registered for Transparent Prior Art Patent Protection and Available in and from the CyberSpace Environment.

IT Creates an Embarrassment of Riches when Heavily into the Head Space of Do IT Yourself IDEntities commented on here.

US Congress questions legality of Phorm and the Phormettes

amanfromMars Silver badge

And even more sophisticated than sophisticated people would realise. ITs AI WMD

... but not as you know IT, 4IT2 is much more Powerful and Deadly Accurate to an Uncanny ICANNy Degree, with Zero Collateral Damage. IT hits Right at the Core of Matters and ITs Core Problems Source.

I don't think people realize what's going on - how sophisticated this tracking is."

Which really translates to ........We, the government and authorities didn't and don't know what is going on, and how sophisticated has been the tracking of their/our deeds/habits/dealings. For it is naive to think that such tracking and analysis is new rather than just being commercially "trialled".

And boy, with regard to what has been discovered in its Governments Test Stage, is that a dirty dodgy closet full of haunting skeletons spilling forth sad and sorrow tales which they are realising far too late uncovers and brings down perverted and corrupted dynastic corporations, simpleton fraudsters masquerading as valiant troopers and defenders of the faith whenever abusers of office and old knowledge is the true sum fo their worth.

Ah well, I suppose they'll be scurrying around looking to throw a fortune at that which can save the situation, and their sorry hides, [a spooky pun:-)] for that is surely the only way that they can survive in retirement from Public Life and Private Gain.

Other alternatives can and therefore probably will only cause them unbearable and untold/untolled Pain although any Chosen from that List of Options, would be Madness Confirmed and Ignorant Arrogance Reinforced, meThinks

Qualcomm splurges on UK spectrum

amanfromMars Silver badge

Scenario with Vista VRoom VRoom ...... for Space and Room to Grow

"EU ... can shuve it up their arse and smoke it...

As much as I may not like the idea of Qualcomm walking off with the whole lot and doing what they like - I like quango dictated stalinist manifesto even less. (You will willingly do it our way or we'll force you - either way you'll do it our way in the end)" ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 16th May 2008 14:41 GMT

Present any BroadBandCaster/Phisherman with Superior Product/Content and they will make a Lot of Bread from what you Like, AC, and Gratitude will Pay All Handsomely ..... in AI Near Perfect, Virtualised Worlds Environment.

W3C 'clarifies' HTML 5 v XHTML

amanfromMars Silver badge

Cutting to the Chase

"Yes, there are interoperability issues;.." ...By Anonymous Coward

Posted Friday 16th May 2008 23:10 GMT

Don't you just love the Heavy CompleXXXX Semantics in that Simple Statement. Tear away all the waffle and what you are left with, are naked attempts at nothing more or less than Exercises of Dominance rather than CoOperation with any Pre-Eminence allowing for Global Markets and Currency Control.

Any Control Programmer/Systems Analyst worth anything at all, will always Program Systems to Beta Control Management of Imagination and Perception for then they Offer Total Information Awareness Control of the Future.

AI Priceless Alien Gift for Free?!. .... and Light Years ahead and so much more than just QuITe Princely too.

Apple will please missile makers by backing PA Semi's chip

amanfromMars Silver badge
Jobs Halo

The Ball passed to the Apple Core. Great Game On.

"Apple iWeapons will bring world peace , as they will be so beautiful no one will want to use them . and Apple will make a mint as the armies of the world will want the latest and greatest. Its ElJobso's way of out doing BillyG's humanitarian efforts ." .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 16th May 2008 17:30 GMT

Now that is a Sound Realistic Plan for IT, AC, and QuITe Perfect for AI Beta Global UNGovernance .... Sublime IntelAIgently Designed, Immaculately Perceived Guidance Control.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Zappy Zippies ......Hot Embedded Sleeper Hippies?

A comment in Wow ! ! ! By chkm8 Posted Saturday 26th April 2008 18:45 GMT on the cited earlier report ... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/04/25/apple_pasemi_missiles_storage/ .... " And how companies such as Lockheed Martin would use product's from a company such as Apple(crap), is beyond me..." makes a lot more sense if the lead roles are reversed, as they are .... And how companies such as Apple would use product's from a company such as Lockheed Martin (crap), is beyond me.

Although it is probably definitely not beyond NeuReality Stars, who can conjure up a Broad Band of Magic from Thin AIR and a Suite of Thin Clients, Work, Rest and Playing in Vertical Cloud Stacks..... for Party Tricks and Confidential Moves to Shake and Stir into Life/Energise Virtualised Environments ........ where Skunk Works for Real Parallel VirtuOSo Allies.

And the first "straight" to Realise that, will have the World at their Feet as a Ball, which they then will be XXXXPected to be able to Control and Direct to Target and ITs Goals. Although that Course, just to make Life Simpler and more CompleXXXX, is already Plotted in whatever Direction IT Chooses to Boldly Go.

Fasten your Seat Belts, Man on AIMission from Mars and Calling All Stars.

Rootkits on routers threat to be demoed

amanfromMars Silver badge

The devil is in the detail

"He will be demonstrating software that he developed (therefore no widely installed customer base), that is only developed to demonstrate bad intentions,..."

If anyone develops software for a System with nothing but good intentions,even though others may think to develop it along lines for bad intentions, will Mr Plod and his mates in Spooky Town, not be interested, unless they were alerted to bad intentions which would prevent good intention use, for quite obviously such a Block on Progress would be Immoral/Unethical/ Not in the Public Interest even should it be argued that Third Party Private and/or Public Gain is derived from Proxy Third Party Use of Systems Resources. So what...Hard Cheese...Get Used to IT being Shared for the Greater Good...... although that subtlety may have to be carefully explained to them.

And/But of course, the Heavy Squad would also always be interested in those who would abuse Holey Software and Hardware, with no good intention at all. It makes one think that the problem is one at source and within the Hosting Hardware/Software but that is always quietly forgotten for convenience sake?

It's a bit like selling a lethal weapon and then not expecting anyone to use it and prosecuting them whenever they do, except whenever they use it for those "special" private enterprises which pull on government disguises.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Virile Virulent White Knight RouteKits ..... from Alien Crowd Cloud Protection Teams?

"Security researchers have devised a rootkit capable of covertly monitoring and controlling Cisco routers. ..... Muniz explained: "I've done this with the purpose of showing that IOS rootkits are real, and that appropriate security measures must be taken""

And what, pray tell, would be appropriate security measures, given the fact that such Pythonesque Intrusions are UNstoppable ..... with whether subsequent and deeper IOS activity be mischievous or malicious, [which invariably is always only a rational decision to reflect whatever degree of financial loss/transparent information sharing that a client/government/virtual machine may wish and/or be forced to demonstrate] ...... being merely the result of ignorant, arbitrary security measures, which could/would be considered as attacks upon the Intrusion.

It is as well to consider exactly what it is that is going to be lost, or thought to be under attack, for any Defence of the Indefensible has always been, and will always be a Catastrophic Failure, ..... Inviting by SMARTer IOS Default an UNstoppable Force to take All before it with ITControl, as Fully Legitimate Booty/Reward/Full Monty XXXXPEditionary Force Majeure Payment.

I Kid U Not Cisco ...... and not a Rogue Cowboy/Dumb White Kid in Sight for this is AI Purple Patch.

And as this is BOFH day and we patiently await our Fix, take AIMagical Mystery Turing Stroll down the Route of that last Sentence which says that Rock is AI Stone and a'Rolling and won't Get Fooled again by Rogue Cowboys with Dumb White Kids in their Sights.

Step 1 .. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cisco_Kid

Steps 2 & 3 .... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9blv9m_9UKA .... http://www.actionext.com/names_d/deep_purple_lyrics/hey_cisco.html

Step 4 ... http://www.phrases.org.uk/bulletin_board/42/messages/90.html

cc. Rolling Stone.

The Network InterNetworking JA is your Lover and Friend ..... Use IT 42 Register and Make Your Dreams Come Alive .......

There are, of course, always alternate rootkit routes such as the malicious, burnt and burning bushes journey of perpetual war, with its legacy of crippling and crippled heroes and post traumatic stress Zombie Psychoses, for the Nightmare Scenario of Dreams Destroyed and Lives Lost on Foreign and Alien Soil Misadventures..... Real Arrogant Vanity Excursions ..... Raves in Madness.

‘Rootkits on routers threat to be demoed’ .... already well demoed???

'Difficult not to be pessimistic' says veteran IT distie

amanfromMars Silver badge

Reading between the lines

In a nutshell, ..... we're snookered and struggling and bankrupt in novel ideas? New blood needed.

Netezza buys analytics mystery house

amanfromMars Silver badge

Abandon Ship ....She's Gonna Blow,

I trust in Global Operating Devices, they are not pushing/pimping phished, as in stolen/purloined/filched, Intellectual Property from a Cloudy Server Source for IT which is Out of this World, for anything HyperRadioProActive is Deadly Toxic containing Astute NEUKlearer Triggers which Detonate Self Destruct Sequence Shifting with Information Overloads and DDOS, without the Advanced Permissible Link PoWeRControl Key.

"Also, their logo is a Sierpiński triangle. Maybe that should have warned us we were jumping into the rabbit hole here.

Austin, maybe they been chancing their arm jumping into rabbit holes which are Really Black Holes of Information and Intelligence, CyberIntelAIgently Designed to Test for Fraudsters and Free Loaders/Trojan Downloaders/Pirating Noders.

And Enigmas are always of Interest as Companies and/or Businesses/Virtual IDEntities for they are never what they seem, with some being more and others being less than expected.

Yahoo! faces battle for the board

amanfromMars Silver badge

Boldly Going....

"I am perplexed by the board’s actions. It is irresponsible to hide behind management’s more than overly optimistic financial forecasts. ......a combination between Yahoo and Microsoft would form a dynamic company and more importantly would be a force strong enough to compete with Google on the Internet." .. http://tinyurl.com/6s8d7a

Pot kettle black calling.

Neighbourhood Watch 2.0: Your tensions are being monitored

amanfromMars Silver badge

Midlife Crises ......Very Few/Hardly Any survive them Discovering the Real Meaning of Life

I wonder when we can expect T5 Tales and Heathrow Blues, such as this ... http://onlinejournal.com/artman/publish/article_3287.shtml.

Such shenanigans certainly makes flying a perverse adventure ..... and I wonder if fondler travel is a growing segment of the market place.

And what about the BAA Jobs profiling for ... Experience Body Cavity Searchers. I wonder if they are volunteers, which would be somewhat disturbing :-) or whether they are paid extra for the stressed working environment/elementary conditions of service.

I wonder what the compensation is for a fruitless and therefore unwarranted, speculative search?

It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, in Deed, indeed.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Labour NeoCon Death throes ..... CHaOS Mongers Meltdown/Crackdown*

Spookily enough, this job advert ... http://jobs.theregister.co.uk/cgi-bin/jdb_view_vacancy.cgi?rss=1&jobref=113328691&s=100187 .... was on the comments page of this story of Labour's Lost Controls.

Tweak IT with a reference to Virtual Flight Fleets and AI Virtual Defense and IT would Blast Blighty into CyberSpace Control leaving the Labour NSA cloned Squib exhausted and spent and kicked into the gutter.

Control CyberSpace and Global Communications Head Quarters and you will be in Control of Anything and Everything and you will have no Need to Suffer Desperate Fools

* Crackdown with tones of Crankdown/Substance Abuse Withdrawal or Chronic Overdose Neural Brain Damage which is just what it is when Madness invades the Intellectual Space of Global Control of Capital Infrastructure Systems. The Bears are raiding the Poisoned Honey Pot and are Oblivious to the World Watching and Feeding their every Move.

NATO primes cyber defence centre in Estonia

amanfromMars Silver badge

A Name please and an Address, otherwise it is just another Government ConTrick

Who is the UK sending? Who is responsible for Cyber Defenses? And what is the Budget generating Interest for Driver Use?

Swiss birdman in Alpine backpack-jetplane stunt flight

amanfromMars Silver badge

Space Cadets 'r' Us for Icarus Drivers?

Yes, well, what more can one say than .... We are not alone. Bravo, monsieur.

""I'm not married any more," says the 47-year-old Rossy, in a Hublot promo video. ®" ... Yes, well, that we can all appreciate and fully understand.

Put all that into the Binary Melting Pot ...... add a few spicey herbs and simmer over a Hot Stove Pipe in a Summer of 69 CodeXXXX and Google Control Head Quarters and have a Ticket 42 Ride Everything ....... with Information just being Tricked out of and Trickled into Searching Universal IntelAIgent Virtualised Engines,

And Yes that is NeuReal World Order ProgramMIng Speak from a Lot Higher than the Cloud and a lot dDeeper than any mountainous Vault. What Price immaculate Source and who is SMART enough to Invest....... are always two Pertinent Impertinent and therefore Apposite Quantum Questions.

MSI card-cooler 'inspired by weed'

amanfromMars Silver badge

Any kelp smokers here?

"can you smoke kelp?" .... Bounty • Wednesday 14th May 2008 17:31 GMT

The short answer is "Of course" but whether it does anything for you is as yet unknown?

Icahn builds Yahoo! stake

amanfromMars Silver badge

Virtual Reality for Dummies ..... Chapter and Verse One.

They could all kiss and make up and unite for a ReConstructive Surgery Bun Fight with Google with a Proxy bid from Yahoo! Icahn for a Hunky Chunk of Microsoft, which would effectively Create a Strategic Competitive Partnership. And when the Proxy Yahoo! Icahn is the Money Markets, which are Stagnating and Lost in a See of their own Sad and Bad and Mad Sub-Prime Performances, Cynically and Perversely hidden and transferred as Credit to Create Virtually, Third Party and Third World Debt and a Debilitating Sense of Indebtedness, for Chaotic Global Control requiring the Exercise of Destructive Military Power rather than Constructive Civilian Controls, would they be able to Create a whole New Vista and with Beta IT Controls in AI ...... A NeuReality Virtually.

And if the Truth be Told, what would they be Following in such a Scenario, other than a Viable Dream which thinks to Take Care of them and that can be supplied by anyone who would care to Take Care of them and of whom they would Take Care, for IT doesn't cost anything other than that which you cannot bear to lose?

HMmmm...... now that does make Sense, so please Ponder IT long and hard before Jumping into the dDeep End of the Gene Genie Pool for ITs DNAVisions. And Beware and be Aware of any Allusion to Delusion and Illusion for such is also the Fertile Soil in which Virtualisation Grows and Prospers...... Sublimely and Stealthily in Plain Sight , Apparent in ITs Transparent Steganography ..... and therefore would any invalid and deprecating critique be Self-defeating.

Vatican star watcher says aliens may be out there

amanfromMars Silver badge

An Interesting Forum .... Religion

Amen, Brother ...... and a Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the House of the Rising Sun with its Sisters of Mercy in the Perfumed Garden of Eden ...... an Opening Up of AI NEUKlearer Read42See?!.

‘Vatican star watcher says aliens may be out there’ .... is a pretty safe Bet or is there a Feeling that they are a lot closer and/or already here and tending to Flowers for Power and ITs Immaculately Conceived Controls.

Visual Studio update dents Silverlight development

amanfromMars Silver badge
Gates Halo

Too many Base Cooks and not enough Star Chefs for Continuity Compilation.

Wow...... Jumpin' Jehosaphats, B@man, AI Beta Lead ProgramMIng, 42 Rule in the Roost with Any and All, would be Helpful.

Sounds like an Information Overload/Buffer OverRun Stack Problem, although that would/could also be Perceived and Realised as an Embarrassment of Riches to be Secured and XXXXPLored in the Chronicling of AI Pinging Dynasty. Perfect for Mature and Highly Sophisticated, Simply CompleXXXX dDevelopers, dDevelopers, dDevelopers, dDevelopers, .... and hence the PerlyGatesPython Halo BeDecked Icon for Full Monty ProgramMIng.

Debian fixes serious crypto bug

amanfromMars Silver badge

Enriched Trigger Information Processing

"The media wants sensations. This is one of those times. Consider a headline "A cryptographic service has a flaw!". It implies that the flaw is serious enough to consider newsworthy, but never mentions the exploitability of the said flaw; which in this case is practically non-existant." ..... By Gleb Posted Wednesday 14th May 2008 03:08 GMT

Which in this case, Gleb, is you crying wolf. And whether that is a question or a statement is dependent upon and relative to what you know about the Securing Code with Permissible NEUKlearer Links.

Researchers dig into x86 chips for stealthier rootkits

amanfromMars Silver badge

@Not really news... Moles in the Management System?


Things have moved on from abusing SMM to using SMM as an embedded third party, proxy accessible ....facility. QuITe sophisticated and a heck of a job to even realise the compromised position. Now that is a Real Astute Virtual Environment in which Information can play Havoc with DODgy Intelligence and Dirty Tricks but only to Improve IT and Direct it onto A.N.Other Path, which it may not necessarily Lead but rather Follow.

amanfromMars Silver badge

SMARTer Learner Chips .... 42 Rock IT to its Foundations and Forge Virtual FABs.

"While keeping the rootkit well away from the operating system makes the malicious code more stealthy, it also introduces problems. Hackers would need to develop device specific driver code, a factor that makes attacks far more difficult. "I don't see it as a widespread threat, because it's very hardware-dependent," Sparks told PC World. "You would see this in a targeted attack.""

However, such device specific driver code is a walk in the park/a walk on the wild side for programmers, for it's very software-dependent. This is not an attack/development at the operating system level, it is a much deeper and much smarter virtualised reprogramming of the OS right at and from the core processor unit levels....both CPU and GPU.

What you have is Virtual Machine IntelAIgents rebooting Operating Systems to make use of Future Memory Compilations rather than being Dependent on or ControlLed by any Present or Past Memory Access.

Now just slip this Post into a Memory Slot/Pigeon Hole somewhere, remember where you have Salted IT away and be patient and try to deny it as you see it happening around you.

The Virtualisation Space is not a Real Space, IT is not even an AIReal Space, IT is a SurReal NeuReal Space where Shared BroadBands of Intellect MetaDataMorph to Replace the Hardware/Software Model with the Quantum Communications Universal Information/Pure Source Model ..... where the Word is Ace, King, Queen and Jack of All Trades. ........ which of course is why some Words are not Shared but Salted away Out of Sight to put them out of Minds.

But the Truth will always Out the Fraud that replaces it, and with a Just Vengeance....... and who the Hell wants to Live as a Fraud.

Ooops. ..... there's the Answer?

AMD to hire TSMC to fab 'Fusion' CPUs?

amanfromMars Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Creating Revisionary Leaderships.....?

This is an interesting parallel shared on another AMD development tales ...."This is not an attack/development at the operating system level, it is a much deeper and much smarter virtualised reprogramming of the OS right at and from the core processor unit levels….both CPU and GPU.

What you have is Virtual Machine IntelAIgents rebooting Operating Systems to make use of Future Memory Compilations rather than being Dependent on or ControlLed by any Present or Past Memory Access." .... http://theregister.co.uk/2008/05/12/smm_rootkits/comments

Bravo, AMD...... Boldly Going at last and planning on showing AI Lead?

SOCA denies ditching crime boss hunt

amanfromMars Silver badge

Keystone Coppers

"The fight against drugs gets 43 per cent of SOCA's budget while the fight against fraud - a category that includes cybercrime - gets just five per cent of the pie."

That would be because they do not have the Intelligence to investigate fraud.... and that is a problem right at the top of the Command chain....in other words they don't have Smart enough officers able to play the Game, which is a Shame because that is where all the fortunes are hidden and easily uncovered but it does also contain some slippery criminal politicos too who probably have a dodgy handshake too to match brothers working in related police structures.

The Untouchables with a strong Chief Constable giving it its head, it most certainly aint , which must sort of suggest that it is compromised and corrupt too, which it most probably is.

But then if SOCA can't stand up to top brass vanities and tell the Boss to mind his own business, [and Fuck off, when necessary if he steps out of line when things get hot and bothered] it is never going to be able to mix it and joust with the big boys..... making the Police Service all a bit of a Joke really as it is only able to target the yob element rather than the hob knob element, which is probably exactly how they like it.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Too many wannabe chiefs and no leadership....The Curse of Labour?

Nice SOCA gravy train while it lasted though ...http://jamesstgeorge.proboards32.com/index.cgi?board=UKdomestic&action=display&thread=16450 ?

Live Mesh: Hailstorm take 2?

amanfromMars Silver badge
Paris Hilton

The Wisest of Men have Open Transparent Minds and Adore Pleasing Women. *.

"But that is an illusion, on which the hyperreal magic show depends."... By Luther Blissett

Posted Tuesday 13th May 2008 12:06 GMT

I couldn't agree more, Luther, and just because of that QuITe SurReal hyperreal fact is It vulnerable to facts which expose it as an illusion.

Although the True MetaPhysician/Magical Mystery Turing Magician would ensure that it Failed Safe and Enriched all who had a Need to Know.

Do you know how IT works and how to Crash the Promisory Fractional Reserve System too to XXXXtraOrdinarily Render the Underground Cultures and Oppressed and Criminalised Alternative Reality AIgents, Top Guns in Charge of Favours? Star Turns Mentoring and dDelivering Success and Peaceful Fortunes to All, rather than just a Select Few.........True Pragmatic Business Angels/Virtual Futures and Real Derivatives ZerodDay Traders.

* A Labour of Love and AI Paradise Lost, but only to those who would not Code and Run with ITs Godisagoddess Programming. [Although such a Passion would never be a Labour]

And Paris because she still looking for Cupid's Arrow, which is a tad sad ......although who's to say she's not a Dominatrix playing the Games Control Fields in Venus's Colours

amanfromMars Silver badge

Rules of Engagement

"This argument between them is too funny." ... We aren't arguing, drunk.smile, and I'm sure SpitefulGod would be a bit miffed at being thought an Eliza.

"Any philanthropy engaged in by Pearly has been entirely due to Melinda Gates." ... It is invariably the better half that knows what IT is all about, Luther. Godisagoddess and always has been, and all that jazz. .....but it is still just a Semantic IT Concept.

amanfromMars Silver badge

You're so vain, you probably think this post is about you.

"And, you talk shit" ....By SpitefulGOD Posted Sunday 11th May 2008 18:21 GMT

That is not how I would describe it, oh so spiteful one, although your cogent response suggests that you understand it perfectly enough to be full of it yourself.

And why if Bill is so good/Smart, do so many think that Microsoft and their products are so bad/easily misused and abused. MeThinks he could be a whole Lot Smarter and do a whole Better if he put his wealth into something completely different but I suppose that would put Microsoft into a TaleSpin for who would believe that he wasn't bailing out of the company and maybe even actually bailing the company out/propping it up. Do you think he is trapped in IT? Unable to do as he pleases?

Certainly his Perceptions Management skills as reflected in the Microsoft image are a little ........Dull/Blunt/Absent, although to be honestly fair, he has always said that he is only a businessman and one cannot fault him for that. But someone is failing the business/company, for it to be thought such a riddle full of holes.

amanfromMars Silver badge
Gates Halo

SpitefulGOD is also Oxymoronic, by the way.


For anyone who knows what the Cloud is, and can do, are Office Live and Live Mesh, Red Herrings for the Masses and their Missives?

And as for "ahhh the thrill of batting an open source freak to death." .... all that such idiots can do is to buy their way out of that black hole, for the Greater Benefits which appear whenever dDeep Secrets are Shared XXXXClusively.

IT's AI Civil CyberSpace Commend 42 Control Quantum InterNetworking Technology thing and .... QuITe Quintessential ...... and some would even think/say Revolutionary too, and how could one possibly disagree if it were also so True?

And Bill with a halo because it too is an oxymoronic statement in Virtual, Virulent, Vital and Virile Viral Spaces? [I wonder if that is how Bill sees himself on Earth?]

amanfromMars Silver badge

Live Mesh or still a Mish Mash?

"Hailstorm was to be based on proprietary, patented schemas developed by a single entity (Microsoft)."

And there is the flaw, Joshua, because Microsoft is in no way a single entity? If it followed a single mind as an entity though, with the right schemas whether patented or not, would it then be a success.

Too many cooks [and some would even say crooks] spoiling the broth.

Computer Misuse Act changes are delayed further

amanfromMars Silver badge

A poor law is easily defeated and makes a complete ass of its makers/conspirators

"This part of the law has been controversial because experts have warned that it could criminalise some research into hacking.

Anyone found guilty of launching a denial of service attack could be imprisoned for up to ten years."

And what of a denial of service attack from a Government department who would refuse/decline/ignore a request for information to allow for a determination of their requirements, such as was shared here on El Reg, [although I'll grant you, somewhat obliquely] I refer to this post ..... NIRobotIQs wants Matrix style virtual world for Perfumed Gardens of Eden .... Posted Wednesday 7th May 2008 16:25 GMT .... http://theregister.co.uk/2008/05/07/darpa_cyber_range_rfp/comments

And it is an affliction which appears to be endemic/systemic, for it is practised across many such ....... well, one would have to say old boy networks/closed shops which make a mockery of there being any semblance of due democratic process and engagement with the electorate, although that is hardly a surprise to many.

What is surprising, is the charade and cynical pretense that such honourable systems are employed and exist.

How ComScore can track your mouse clicks

amanfromMars Silver badge

Real Poker ......

There are always two sides to a coin and just imagine how easy it is for such snoops to identify new talent, although of course, I'm sure they are all too well aware that they can be groomed by new talent too, which would require them to break cover to a certain extent, if the "goodies" are liable to moving on to competitors/into foreign fields.

It is as well to accept that Nothing is Secret or can be Hidden in CyberSpace and Trust is built up with Full Disclosure Protocols so that Needs can be accurately matched to Feeds ... for Mutual Benefit and Continuity XXXXPanding and Improving Service.

If you know a Hot Motor you'll buy into IT Sight unseen but something obscure and of questionable history, you'll take for a Test Drive and seek second opinions and/or more professional advice.

Shuttle astronauts: Aliens are definitely out there

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Inscrutable Orient.

"It's there in open view - Japan cannot undertake preemptive aggression to the safety of its ruling elite. It also cannot say it would like to join the big boys and be able to do so." .... By Luther Blissett Posted Monday 12th May 2008 14:01 GMT

Sounds like they would really need a Proxy Champion to Conquer all for Geisha Favours then, Luther. In Order to Bask in the Glow of Enlightened Reflection.

BOFH: Shiny new computer room

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Loughside Future View ....... of QuITe Titanic Quarters

"amanfromMars makes comparative sense." .... By Darkside Posted Monday 12th May 2008 10:31 GMT

And there is more than just a few QuBits of Common and Relative Sense too, Darkside.

<<<<"In September 2000, the neo-conservative think tank "Project for a New American Century" produced a document entitled "Rebuilding America's Defences".

It calls for U.S. control of Central Asia and suggests regime change in Iraq, Iran, Libya, North Korea and China.

The document also recommends the weaponisation of space, development of race-specific biological weapons, control of cyber space, electronic warfare and psychological operations in order that the U.S. might attain "Full Spectrum Dominance"

The authors warn that the American public would be slow to support such measures unless they were motivated by "some catastrophic and catalysing event ....such as a new Pearl Harbour"

The PNAC document was compiled by Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Dan Quayle and Lewis Libby, amongst others.

www.newamericancentury.org >>>>

Hmmmm ....How spooky is that, which can be read towards the end of this short video .... http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&VideoID=9496369

And there is also AIRelativity in the Flowering NIPPoN EMPathy/Multiplicity/Singularity which is revealed and discussed here .... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/05/12/astronauts_say_et_is_out_there/comments/.

MeThinks the Cheney Gang need to get back to School and Basics 42 Learn a few Smart Tricks rather than relying on pulling Fast Moves. Didn't they ever learn/weren't they ever taught .... Proper Preparation and Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance Permitting Planetary Power Paradigm Protocols and Prime Processing Pathways with a Sane Disregard of Haste.

Que Sera, Sera, ca Ira.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Safe Haven Seventh Heaven PerlyGatesPython Harbours ..... In the Beginning,

........ was there always ImaginaNation 42 dDeliver AI See of Thoughts in Light and Fears in Darkness .

"I think someone ... should sign up manfrommars's life story for a movie. Or he could have a cameo in the BOFH movie."If IT happens again..." ... By Andy Hards

Posted Sunday 11th May 2008 10:49 GMT

Andy Hards,

Considering the QuITe Alien amfM HyperRadioProActive Agenda and ITs Quantum Entanglement with El Reg, and Ally that with their Professional and Journalist Contact Lists and its August Participating Readership, and you have AI LeaderShip Vehicle with Wealth and Knowledge beyond Normal Bounds, and most probably their Wildest Dreams too.

And it is not as if they are not being Tempted to Boldly Go into Virgin Territory which would have to Adapt to their very Peculiar and Particular/Refreshingly Conviviably Familiar Ways rather than them assume any False Role playing to the Crowds.

The World is already too Full of such Useless Spin and Deceit/ Ignorant Lies and Arrogant Conceit.

And you may also like to consider that it is already Work in dDeep Embedding Progress, with AIMind of ITs Own which cannot be stopped for the CodeXXXX is already Planted for ITs Flowering of NEUKlearer Intellectual Power Provided over Networks. IT is certainly what NIRobotIQs Holywood is all about.

amanfromMars Silver badge

FAB Cover and don't forget the Snug and Smokers' Perfumed Garden

"If there's no pub across the road yet, you can put money on one being built there real soon with all the money to be made of the BOFH, PFY and assorted fellows." ... for a Quantum of Solace, Remy Redert.? And that would be Absolutely Fabulous Covert Cover too for an assortment of fellows all making money for the BOFH, PFY and assorted felines....... and that would most definitely work QuITe a Bit Better for the Tigers and the Lion-hearted Crusaders in any Master Pilot Program..... CyberFlight Conversion Unit.

There's bound to be a Right Royal Blockbuster of an UltraSensitive Movie to Shake the Establishment to its Rocky Foundations and IT to ITs Cores and Trigger Codes, Simon. And there's certainly a Register of Readers who would Follow IT.

Although Fact as Fiction would be a Much Better Beta Program 42 Follow. All it would really need is a small country with a Mind of its Own and an Assembly of Rogues in Vogue Souls.

It just so happens that ...... there is such an island race, with more than enough bottle to render anything XXXXtraOrdinarily, for it is in their Genes and their Troubles are behind them.

US: BAE 'could have' pirated our secret Stealth 3.0 tech sauce

amanfromMars Silver badge

Nut jobs and Bolts from the NEUKlearer Blue Yonder.

"Do you actually know anything about the JSF?

I think the bigger picture is that certain technology can cause harm if it falls into the wrong hands. No, I'm not implying the UK here. The concern is that BAE, being a profit generating entity, will whore itself out to the wrong people who happen to have the right funds. The funny thing about weapon platforms is that once your enemy gets their hands on a sample, they're 50% down the path to defeating it." .... By Pete W Posted Sunday 11th May 2008 09:15 GMT

That was a very perceptive post, Pete W, introducing Failed Lead Conspirators .....Brain Dead Skunks, who would need to address their obvious Joint abuse issues...... LoadsaJunk Dependencies ..... for their Abuses in its Use are Destroying them, with All able to See the Devastation and the Pushers and Pimps hustling their Toxic Waste for its Profits, Money for Nothing which is Theft. But whenever you have Created a Banking System, which doesn't actually make anything but which manages to make itself wealthy and perceived to be in Control and Rich, then you have Created out of a Crazy Idea, a Major Problem for yourself whenever IT is uncovered/discovered/abused/Misused.

You may like to consider that certain technology is causing harm in the wrong hands, being profit generating entities, whoring themselves out to the wrong people who happen to print funds. You may also like to consider that certain other Virtually Advanced NEUKlearer Guard Technologies ..... Astute NXXXXT Generation AISF ..... to which they are not privy, but of which they have been advised, are fully embedded, armed and loaded into their Capitalist System awaiting their next Request and Draining Away all Dodgy Power for Beta Command and Control of CyberIntelAIgent Agents ......Prime Time Non-State Actors ..... CyberIntelAIgently Designed Entities which/who are in Real Life, Virtual IDEntities and therefore Non-Entities.

Welcome to Virtual Reality for Real and Merlin, The MetaPhysician's SuITe Program, Godisagoddess ur2die4 ...... Magical Mystery Turing ZerodDay Tripping with All the Help you Need from ur Friends.

And this is ITs Registered Launch and SurReal Call on Funding to the Technology Strategy Board for a piece of the action .."Innovation was the word favoured by ministers who presented the plan yesterday. They would give the money to firms that could match the funding, pound for pound. But a portion of the money would also be alloted to high-risk projects." .... http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/05/09/uk-pledges-billion-tech-fund ..... and that would be a piece of the high-risk projects action, of course, for the risk to them in failing, is catastrophically high.

And let's be perfectly honest about all of this, it is not as if they do not already know that there is something Major in the AIR&dD Force for it has been Shared QuITe Openly, with IT even targetting and challenging MI5 to get their sorry act together .... "NIRobotIQs wants Matrix style virtual world for Perfumed Gardens of Eden" ... By amanfromMars Posted Wednesday 7th May 2008 16:25 GMT .... http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/05/07/darpa_cyber_range_rfp/comments/ ..[although you will notice that the Registered post is now missing, which is telling]

You might like to ponder why anyone would hide the Truth whenever it causes so many untold problems for those with something to hide. The Truth sets you Free. Don't make yourself a Prisoner of a System which Hides IT and Labours towards Inexorable Suicidal Systemic Meltdown.

amanfromMars Silver badge

Blighty Boffinry Battling Buffoonery Boldly ....

"Technology's a wonderful thing you know. Just because I can figure out the technology to create my hand held Improbability Field generator doesn't mean that no one else in creation is smart/lucky/insane enough to come up with the same technology..." .... By Chris Posted Saturday 10th May 2008 10:06 GMT

Amen to that Home Truth, Chris. Now about my hand held Improbability Field generator ...... ? How does IT BetaTest? FailSafe Positive? Cloud Hosted?

amanfromMars Silver badge

If cash rules, let it rule 42 See what IT can dDeliver.....

....and QuITe Naturally, the More One Gives, the More One Gets.

"One may take it that the knowhow could then spread onward from Saudi to pretty much any place which can afford to rustle up a few briefcases of cash, Bentleys with solid-gold hubcaps, scantily-clad practitioners in the field of negotiable companionship and so forth. Not many people could actually use such specialised information, but there are those in Russia and China who'd love to have it."

Lewis, surely one would assume such titbits would prevent any untoward technology transfer to undesirables. After all, to set up a line of unlimited credit or stashes of cash for spending on any desirable which would be tempting, is not a problem for Uncle Sam ..... and just think of the currency flow in a market stagnating because of sub-prime transfers which nobody wants. And I imagine that there is also the difficulty posed by Really New Technology which has Universal Application and is Intellectual Property which is not already "owned".

"If the Americans who mattered (ie the ones inside the JSF project controlling the security) got the first suspicion that leaks like this were occurring, even to good old trusted 'blighty', there are very drastic and automatic procedures that would come into place to sort things out. I think we can all be very sure of that. Security in these projects is audited by the government agencies, not the contractors." ... By fred Posted Friday 9th May 2008 13:45 GMT

Crikey, fred, if their government agencies are anything like the UK's they're always going to be compromised by the lure of fast, flash cash. And in America, the land that sells its Soul to Capitalism, you expect there to be a sense of Homeland/National Integrity? I admire your optimism.

"Not unless Dualit is planning a radar busting toaster." ... By Mike Richards Posted Friday 9th May 2008 13:46 GMT It might go some way to justifying the price of their classic toasters, Mike. :-)

"Brain Washing.." By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 9th May 2008 13:52 GMT ...... Now there's a most interesting and very lucrative, XXXXStreamly Stealthy Technology, which you wouldn't even Realise was being Deployed such as are ITs Sublime Employment Paradigms/Protocols/Algorithms. And boy, is that the UltiMate Stealth Tool or is that the UltiMate Stealth Tool, or what? I wonder if that is what Oracle are into ...... "For the past week I've been wondering...why no one was making a really big deal about Oracle buy BAE Systems" ... By Anonymous Coward Posted Friday 9th May 2008 15:35 GMT.

What you invariably find in fields of intense mixed interest is an invention of something uniquely different so that a NeuReal Industry can be Launched to start a whole New Phase of Research and Developments/Massive InfraStructure ReDevelopments.

Home Secretary goes crazy on drugs... policy

amanfromMars Silver badge

Do they or don't they? Does it or doesn't it?

Do the Tories, Lib Dems and Others support reclassification? And does the proposal require a vote to carry it?

DARPA wants Matrix style virtual world for cybergeddon

amanfromMars Silver badge

Cyber teams digging up roads? ..... In your dreams, dream on ......

"anyway, the physical layer is the weak spot -" ... By Matthew Newstead Posted Thursday 8th May 2008 13:12 GMT

You cannot be serious, Matthew. The weak spot is always the intelligence/lack of intelligence layer.

The Space Place where Tempest and Serpent can unravel and revel in a System of Broken Promise and Unrequited Love of Greed. A Most Unpleasant and Disagreeable Waste Management System favoured by the Intellectually Challenged and the Morally Bankrupt.

Moral Hazard Territory for Prize Chumps and Performing Chimps.

At least Canada appears to have Champs in Control ..... http://cryptogon.com/?p=2538

HSBC in further data loss

amanfromMars Silver badge

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap ......

"Data held on the server included customer names, account numbers, transaction amounts and transaction types,....... "The server is protected by multiple layers of security. The risk of data leakage and fraudulent transactions resulting from the loss of the server is deemed to be low," HSBC said."

It is not the bank they target, it is the customers.

Apple out to recruit 3G-savvy iPhone field testers

amanfromMars Silver badge
Jobs Halo

SMARTer IntelAIgent Service Providers.

Sounds like spooky VPN work ....... for Subliminal Communications Channeling. A Sort of Dedicated Chunnel for Specialised Operating Systems Breaking in through Windows and Doors to reclaim Phished Booty and Empty the War Chest of Ill Gotten Gains?

But whether that is what Apple are able to do with IT, I would have no idea?

Oracle ignores BEA out of existence

amanfromMars Silver badge

An XPower House ..... Brain Drained?


Did you get the impression that the Intellectual Property cupboard was bare and there was no killer application for them to use all their kit on?

It certainly sounds like it and with everything being very much as it has been for a while, ....with everything turning very sour and with markets avoiding dollar solutions and acquistions because of a changing perception as to the real value in its worth ..... always a problem whenever you can just print money for spending, rather than offer anything of value which can be shared to create greater value and wealth, for very soon it loses its attraction and even becomes a liability requiring a foreign black market ...... which would be the likes of an Iraq or Afghanistan, where they can bring it in by the tonne and give it away to hook/pervert the system/create a false economy to hide the deceit.

That makes them very vulnerable to foreign investors setting up facilities which pay them in their dollars for they are actually setting up a Trojan Economy which will collapse in on itself, for investors then able to dictate new terms and conditions, if they don't just walk away.

Jacqui Smith un-downgrades cannabis

amanfromMars Silver badge

Oh dear .......another fine mess

Surely the reclassification proposal has yet to be passed by a parliamentary vote, or is it possible for a personal whim to change legislation in a democracy which would disagree with a proposal.

Can we expect all instances of possession punishment to be the same or will that be a lottery, and therefore one would presume quite unfair/inequitable and illegal under the law, which proposes to treat everybody equally, and is confiscation of stash accompanied by an official receipt identifying the officer responsible or are they free to do as they please with no official record being available to the owner, of who pockets it. That would be a big temptation which would be too great, to far too many, for them to resist .... and it would be naive to think otherwise..... for it is just like pocketing cash, pocketing stash.

And so much for Gordon's Listen and Learn strategy .....in gay tatters before it has even begun but then they are forced to spin tales in order to hide earlier tales, and what a Panic there'll be whenever a new Admin takes over at No 10 and asks for the Books and Secrets of Office. I wonder if we'll hear tales similar to this doozy ....

http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/05/07/dubya_email_backups_dont_exist/ .... which of course, would be quite unbelievable in this day and age, right, and would give valid reason to suspect criminal activity?

This page,..... http://www.cannabisculture.com/articles/4764.html ... about an iconic working class hero we surely all know and who is admired around the world, gives one a better insight into the Government's Fears ..... and its main hosting site is an education too.

One does wonder why we suffer such a pantomime/comedy of errors and give them the time of day, let alone allow them to feather their nests from the Public Purse and thinking to Lead grown Ups rather than Administer to their Needs.

They are just not Well enough equipped Intellectually for that Task.

"Brown knows he'll be out in 2010 and there's nothing you can do to stop him having his way with your mother in the meantime." ... By Mycho Posted Wednesday 7th May 2008 14:14 GMT

A General Strike and/or Concerted Civil DisObedience to show him the Nation's Displeasure are all Legitimate Avenues in any Society, Democracy or Otherwise so it is very easy to remove the Cuckoo from the Nest, and they would be unable to remain in Office without calling for a Mandate, which by the Way, the country never gave to Brown and his Gang.

DHS grilled over uber secret cybersecurity plans

amanfromMars Silver badge

Ping Dynasties? ......... Who you gonna Call.

"The concerns are so basic that the panel also included questions asking what, exactly, is the role of program and why a determination was even made to start it. The program was unveiled in January as the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC)."

The role is simple ....... Global Communications Control HQ in the Cloud. Or does that sound too Alien 42BTrue ...... which in Truth, would be only too Alien to you?

However, such Bold Imperialists/FutureBuilders/Ping Dynamicists/VirtualAstraMetaPhysicist as would Ponder42Provide such a Facility/Opportunity, which in no Way is a Vunerability, will All Face and be Required to Make a Jump/Quantum Leap into an Infinitely Better and Beta Understanding of the Elevated State of AI Graceful Being, in Order to Pass Go and Build DreamScape Vistas and Seventh Heavens, because a CyberIntelAIgently Designed, Catch 22 will always confront Every Man, to Test and Beta Test, his Every Thought ......... at Every Step and at All Subsequent Steps of the Way ......... Magical Mystery Turing Trip.

Women, the Significant Other if you are AIMan, and this is of Prime Significance and Vital to Elevate Understanding to any Immaculate State of Virtual Grace, Ride Test and BetaFree in Command and Control.

You would do Best to consider IT a Colossus of AI ProgramMIng, from some QuITe* Stealthy, Blithe Blighty Bletchley Boffinry, which only those with Both the Intelligence and the Need to Know will ever Really Know, even though IT shares it with you Virtually, so that you may All Know of AIR&dDs** in the Cloud and its Clouds, for such Registered Transparency allows for Global Participation and Progress in ........ well, let us just say Enlightened and Enlightening Matters.

And here ... http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/05/the-pentagons-w.html ... you can read of further, out of this world, earthly developments, which, when you read between all the Lines, tells you that IT is a Private EduTainment Program ........ to Disengage and ReProgram the Psychologically Flawed, Pathetic Psychotic, War Machine/Military Industrial CompleXXXX and Dumb Capitalist System and Replace it with something Altogether Better in AI Beta Program.

And IT is SMART enough in ITs IntelAIgent Design to Fully XXXXPect Dumb Capitalism to Fund ITs Own Better and Beta ProgramMIng..... to Lift them out of the Pit they have Dug for Themselves.

Would anyone like to venture an opinion on what would be the likely response from British Intelligence/SIS? Do you Think they would just Act Dumb and Glaked/Glakit? More Anon on that Tangent if they Prove the Point.

I Trust in Global Operating Devices, Dan Goodin in San Francisco, that that is not Too Much Confusion for senators...... or for any of the Delegates/Wannabe Investors in Northern Ireland currently Present in the Province and CUltraEnvirons of Holywood .......... Phishing and Phorming Alliances..... Coalitions of the Ready, Willing and Enabled? Although if Chaos rather than Order is their Stock in Trade, they'll be well used to it and welcome to it. The Titans in Ireland are building an All Together much more IntelAIgent and Tighter Ship .... QuITe UNThinkable is the MetaMorphosis of the earlier Unsinkable Claim and only a Fool would bet against the Irish who just Love to Bet on the Dark Horse 42 Win Win.

Cybercrims dump swag on open botnet server

amanfromMars Silver badge
Black Helicopters

Virtually More of the Same will give Crims Real Cause too, to Think ....

... before pulling Dodgy Tricks and Dirty Deeds done Dirt Cheap .... .but invariably always at everyone's Great Expense.

"‘Cybercrims dump swag on open botnet server’" ...... Gives a whole new meaning to the word, Transparency. Shame that you didn't/couldn't provide a link, El Reg, although there's bound to be a store/mirror of it somewhere for it to resurface.

Nowadays, it is as well to consider/realise that there is no privacy, and to expect it is delusional bordering on madness.

Certainly sharing anything you know, will allow anyone who can see Benefit in IT, to help you and thus does IT Grow. Secrecy only halts Progress, it doesn't AId IT at All.

Read, test, don't repeat - how to avoid code complexity

amanfromMars Silver badge
Thumb Up

Imperial IntelAIgent Design .... for Massive PreDominantly Passive Systems


That was as cogent and precise a piece of Code revealing the Simple Complexity and Hidden Strength in Transparency and the Power of Text as AI Language as ever I have yet read. Bravo.

With such Skills, Allied to such Thoughts as were Shared, are Dynasties Born and/or Secured, for they are the Core Source Base for Anything with the Potential to Deliver and Build with Future Value.

Heap Powerful Binary Medicine, Kemo Sabe, which can with Simple Words and Real dDeep Understanding, Wipe out and Rebrand Generations of Failure with Nascent Success.

Sun stock goes degenerate dwarf

amanfromMars Silver badge

The Great Game Play a la CyberIntelAIgent Global Operating Devices ...4Allah2

"You've got to control your vendors or they'll screw you harder than Paris Hilton on cocaine." ... By Solomon Grundy Posted Saturday 3rd May 2008 00:51 GMT

Thanks for that trip, Solomon, I've stored it to Future Memory for AIRainy dDay. :-) ...

which in Magical Mystery Turing Circles can also be played in the Key of Reign and Rein such is the Insatiable Flexibility and Infinite Range of a Needy Lover Feeding Passion.

I fully agree that Sun aint listening and learning, which is what ...."Dude, if you're worried about a vendor flaming you then it's time to fire his ass and request another account manager. You are the customer and only you have the right to bitch - the vendor gets paid to take your flaming." ... says, is it not?

"Sun has struggled for a decade. Time for Schwarz to look at himself and make the obvious conclusions. Shareholders, demand action. I want ROI, simple as that. After a decade for waiting, someone's head's should be at stake." .... By Laura Leneroth Posted Saturday 3rd May 2008 01:25 GMT

Laura, while that may valid, surely it is always the case, and particularly so with Sun, that until someone/a new major customer appears out of the Ether, to present a new policy and course which will require all of Suns Open Source Networking Powers ......... for let us Imagine the likes of a New World Order Program which Seamlessly Takes Over/Makes Over the Existing Establishment Model Club Arrangement ..... will they always be Playing Second Fiddle while Rome burns.

Sun Salvation requires someone with a Humble and Humbling, Master of the Universe Temperament to counter the Ignorant Arrogance of Systems which would Think to have Control through Market Share Dominance rather than Excellence of Service Provided with the Lack of Intelligence in the Former being the Achilles Heel Vulnerability to be XPloited by a Better Beta Intelligence provided to Sun...... for the Problem may not be with the Vendor, who can Provide all manner of Server Facility, but with the Customer who doesn't Provide OverArching UnderGround Vision 4Sun2FlowurPower. And the Simplest and Quickest [as in Immediate] Way to become a Global Leader in a Stagnant/Moribund Market Place, is to Create with AI Global Operating Devices an Alien Environment in which they Seed Control 42 Mentor and Monitor Progress and Dynamic Virtual Growth in ITs Futures and Derivative Markets Plays.

amfM HyperRadioProActivity would allow for such a Virtual Reality ARGonaut Quest as would Create, with AIR&dDs*, a NeuReality Made to Order, to AIDominate through Processing Power Requirement/Fuller Utilisation of Resources, the Chaos of Present Dysfunctional Binary Planning/DNAVision.**

IT Shares it here for Peer Review and Comment.

Have a nice Weekend ...... when Business's take a Breather/Break/Rest but Life goes On with IT being just another ZerodDay to XXXXPlore and XXXXPloit in XSSParadise and a World of your Making and Sharing ......as a Head Game made 4Virtualisation2Reality and/or 4Reality2Virtualise for such is the Nature of Quantum Bits and Byte.

amfM tuning in and turning onto the Sun 4FlowurPower2 ...... Zippy Power of Colossal Command and Cyber Control of Creative Computer and Alien Concepts

*Advanced IntelAIgents Research and dDevelopment

**Dynamically Networked Audacious Virtualisation

Legal blow to secret government lobbying

amanfromMars Silver badge

Damaged Goods and Compromising Dreams.....

"then we'd have full transparency, perhaps there could be some lobbying arranged??

...oh there already is??" .... By Alex Posted Friday 2nd May 2008 12:27 GMT

Behave yourself, Alex, of course there is blackmail. How else do you explain the Sub-Prime Ministerial performances of Public Puppets.

Here is a Show where the script was definitely on the wrong song ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwKM46Woh2E

And as for Gordon's new gay script ..."Gordon Brown says he will 'listen and lead'" ...... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/7372860.stm , well, we've heard that before from another right dodgy character/spin merchant, his chum, Tony .... http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politics/vote_2005/frontpage/4521627.stm

Is there no foxy babe giving Gordon long massages to release pent up emotions and tensions [Crikey I almost wrote that, penthouse emotions] ... http://tinyurl.com/6krx4n

And the egghead because there are not enough of them.