* Posts by KenSweep

4 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Jan 2012

Adobe, 'hyper personalisation' and your privacy


The example given by Adobe isn't just poor for the reason Warm Braw gives. Why would a company give a product away for free that the customer has just expressed an interest in buying? They wouldn't.

In reality, with enough data, Shell would know to mark up this guy's petrol, given he's the kind of weirdo who shops for petrol by brand rather than price or location. And then when he goes to get his car washed they will urinate on him. And it.

Amazon UK to offer collection service at corner shops


Bigger picture

While you're all seeing how this affects you as consumers, spar a thought for Amazon's competitors - i.e., half of the high-street and local shops. This is one more nail towards their coffin.

GiffGaff boots freetards off mobile network

So allegedly 1% of GG users are using a third of the bits the other 99% use. Some of the users here who are part of the 99% don't like how the 1% are taking up their 'capacity'. With these figures though, it's incredibly unlikely any one of these 99% is within the same transmitter as one of the 1% whilst both are trying to use data at the same time. That'd really be the only time the 99% are impacted by the 1%! if you agree with that, then what it comes down to in fact is that the 1% are costing GG money instead of gaining them profit. So surely GG needs to make a decision on whether to absorb this as an overall business cost, as part of cost of being allowed to market freely as truly unlimited mobile data, or not? I udnerstand 90% of Dropbox users are on free basic accounts - yet they still make a profit overall. So what's GG's problem really?

Videogame piracy figures show decline



To AC above:

So you go out and buy films if you like them, after downloading and watching them for free. Earlier you said your disability stops you getting out to the cinema to watch (and pay for) films.

All the best with finding a cure for freetarditis x