Another nice thing about ASP.NET Core
I love the fact it's open sourced. I've built ASP.NET Core and used the debug assemblies whilst developing apps. It's great for understanding why things aren't working especially around routing.
Rant Time:
Regarding EF Core I've used it for quite some time now (forced to) and have to say it's been a pain especially version 2.X which had serious bugs / issues..I find migrations OK for small apps but for larger ones creating snapshots with thousands of lines of code per migration leaves an unpleasant taste in ones mouth.
I would have been happy using something simple like Dapper ORM, but the old snake of oil of "oh yes but we can just switch database engines seamlessly", comes out when the powers that be decide what to use...Never mind that Linq queries are translated at the provider level with no guarantee that they will work across Db Engines. The queries that are produced can be unpleasant to read as well.