* Posts by LeeAlexander

13 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Dec 2011

Is this an ASP.NET Core I see before me? Where to next for Microsoft's confusing web framework...


Another nice thing about ASP.NET Core

I love the fact it's open sourced. I've built ASP.NET Core and used the debug assemblies whilst developing apps. It's great for understanding why things aren't working especially around routing.

Rant Time:

Regarding EF Core I've used it for quite some time now (forced to) and have to say it's been a pain especially version 2.X which had serious bugs / issues..I find migrations OK for small apps but for larger ones creating snapshots with thousands of lines of code per migration leaves an unpleasant taste in ones mouth.

I would have been happy using something simple like Dapper ORM, but the old snake of oil of "oh yes but we can just switch database engines seamlessly", comes out when the powers that be decide what to use...Never mind that Linq queries are translated at the provider level with no guarantee that they will work across Db Engines. The queries that are produced can be unpleasant to read as well.

Tuesday's AWS S3-izure exposes Amazon-sized internet bottleneck


In an ideal world

Yes in an ideal world where the grass is always green and the Sun shines 24/7 we all would have "hybrid", cloud solutions...BUT you are talking about doubling the cost of your cloud bill not to mention the development costs *trying* to create, test and run "hybrid" apps.

Dream on...

Huge if true: iPhone 8 will feature 3D selfies, rodent defibrillator


Yaaaaaaawwwwwn - No one is interested in over-hyped 3D let alone a tiny little phone screen!

Hands On with Project Centennial: A better app installer for Windows


Con: Installers with configurable user options not supported

If you have user options which most apps of any significance have then it wont work. I think that is a pretty big con.

Welcome to Heathrow Terminal, er, Samsung Galaxy S5


Familiarity breeds comtempt

As per title me thinks it could back fire!

Inside Steve Ballmer’s fondleslab rear-guard action



Enough has been said about Windows 8.X... personally the new UI is shite for normal desktop / laptop usage...However if you don't like it as the saying goes 'Vote with your feet;! I'll move to OSX when I WinRT encroaches too far in to my day to day activities.

Windows 8.1: Microsoft's reluctant upgrade has a split-screen personality


I've installed 8.1 also

I've had the same sort of experience...I was surprised that there wasn't an upgrade path but I didn't mind too much since I prefer fresh installs over upgrades anyway.

I love the aggregated search which on its own is worth the upgrade from 8; no more having to click different groups to see what was found. There was some driver issues as well - when I plugged in my Galaxy Note 2 it didn't appear in explorer which I'm sure it did when I was using V8.

Regarding the ‘Modern UI apps’, I still prefer the desktop versions Foxit, Skype, email to name but a few…Call me a silly old fuddy duddy if you will but I actually like being productive and using Modern UI apps feels like 10 steps back when sitting in front of a keyboard and mouse that is. I’ve been using Windows 8 since it came out so I think my feelings aren’t just knee jerk reactions.

Finally all of this doesn't bode well for the longer term so I may jump ships entirely over to OSX if Microsoft continue to push the modern UI down our throats.



Windows 8.1: Here at last, but is it good enough?


My 14 year old (who's a techie) hated it and went back to Windows 7.

I like Windows 8 when I don't have to use their Metro, Modern crap UI.. Unfortunately they persist with trying to shove it down our throats with each update so as the new UI moves in I for one will be moving out over to OSX which I already use at home.

Not got 4G? There's a reason we aren't called 'Four', sniffs Three


I use three and love them - their sale's line is crap but then most others are as well. I also get better bandwidth on my phone and tethered than my broadband (Sky).Coverage is also excellent...I've used Vodafone, o2 && EE and going from Exeter to Paddington Three blows the others away!!!

Twenty classic arcade games


Where's Asteroids?

Behold: First look at Office 2013, with screenshots


Oh Joy

Hmm another reason to move on to OSX.

'Dated and cheesy' Aero ripped from Windows 8


It's the new Coke but not as we know it!

Remember the new Coke recipe - After the public uprising against it Coca Cola went back to the original recipe....and sales actually rose better than any ad campaign they'd ever done. I think Microsoft will also revert *but* I think heads will roll at MS and the long term damage will already have been done. Developers are already cheesed off with the way MS keep changing the technological ball every few years and so maybe this will accelerate their looking at other technologies more WEB centric. Long live HTML 5 :-)

The secret to getting rich in 2012: Open APIs



"The next Kingmaker" - I'll bet you that that next Google or Facebook won't be because of APIs If you think you know what the next wave is your probably wrong. Did you guess that search could make the money it does now in the late 90's? Did you think social networking would be big before MySpace, Friends - Facebook?

Fact is no one knows - and if they did, do you think they would be spilling the beans to the world?

