* Posts by Snowball Solar System

8 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Dec 2011

Dark matter surveys turn up new satellites … orbiting the Milky Way

Snowball Solar System

Re: Get it right

Baryonoic Dark Matter:

I suggest 'globule clusters' for gravitationally-bound (Boki) globules which themselves are composed of gravitationally-bound aggregates of H2 & He at such that their (luminous) stellar metallicity has 'snowed out' to the solid state, sequestering luminous metallicity from detection into icy chondrules, rendering the remaining H2 & He invisible and thus 'dark'. (Molecular hydrogen and helium don't absorb electromagnetic radiation below ultraviolet frequencies, rendering it essentially dark.)

The familiar (Bok) globules of giant molecular clouds are globules in the 'excited state', in which a portion of their stellar metallicity has been sublimed into the gaseous state by exposure to stellar radiation, rendering Bok globules opaque and thus visible. And gaseous stellar metallicity raises the sound crossing time (lowers the speed of sound), promoting Jeans instability. So stellar radiation in the disk plane can cause CDM globule clusters to 'go nuclear' and convert to star clusters.

NSA installed '50,000 malware sleeper cells' in world computer networks

Snowball Solar System

Nosy Human Nature

The Constitution is no match for nosy human nature, so surveillance will always increase at the rate of the technology to do so, regardless of the threat.

Notice that the only people upset are those outside the loop, including Congressional intelligence committees, but were you or I or Congressional oversight committees in charge, the state of affairs would not likely be so very different.

'Weird' OBJECT, PROPELLED by its OWN JETS, spotted beyond Mars orbit by Hubble

Snowball Solar System

Gravitational Instability

Planetesimal Formation by Gravitational Instability:

The growing understanding of planetesimal formation is that it occurs by gravitational instability, explaining their spherical contours; however, excess angular momentum often causes them to fragment as they gravitationally collapse, forming gravitationally-bound binary comets, asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs). And perturbed binaries may frequently spiral in to merge and form peanut-shaped 'contact binaries'.

An alternative hypothesis suggests that gravitationally-collapsing stars may form bar-mode instabilities which become isolated pairs of giant planets when the protostar collapses to form a core, abandoning its two 'bar-mode' arms. If the arms are gravitationally bound within their own Roche spheres, they may go on to gravitationally collapse to form proto-planets.

And giant proto-planets may go on to fragment (bifurcate) due to excess angular momentum, forming binary planets. Then the energy and angular momentum of their binary orbits cause them to spiral out from their progenitor stars until their binary components spiral in and merge, forming solitary planets.

Moons may similarly spin off from gravitationally-collapsing proto-planets during their own bar-mode instability phase, forming moons that bifurcate and spiral out from their progenitor planets. Saturn's moon Iapetus may be a contact binary without sufficient gravity to form a completely spherical surface, hence its contact-binary walnut-shape and the raised ridge around its equator.

Largest ever spiral galaxy spotted - may give birth to dwarf baby

Snowball Solar System

Re: I'm confused...

Older is younger, but larger systems likely also have longer development times.

The real mystery of dark matter in galactic clusters is its apparent prolate nature, as evidenced in this youtube video of the Andromeda galactic system:


So why does dark matter prolate while luminous matter is oblate?

Could galaxies have formed along cosmic strings composed of spin-axis-aligned dark-matter Planck masses?

Swollen SUPER-GIGANTO PLANET sighted in Andromeda

Snowball Solar System

Astronomical Dope Slap

Our extraordinary observational prowess has far outstripped our theoretical models to explain these marvels.

We keep getting bushwhacked by nature, with hot Jupiters that supposedly migrated inward or Kuiper-belt-distant Jupiters that supposed migrated outward or stars too big to have formed planets, and our response to this and every other dope slap has been to finesse the very models that keep surprising us with failure after failure. Surrender Dorothy!

The accretion model for planet formation is an utter failure that needs replacement by a gravitational instability (GI) model occurring at L4/L5 (Trojan) Lagrangian points around the smaller B-stars in binary star systems, which are the only stable locations in solar systems (solitary or binary) where vortexes can form leading to GI.

Astronomer's recognize that most stars form as multiples, and yet most planets surround solitary stars, but that's not because the multiple star systems break up, but because close-binary star systems merge in luminous red novae (LRNe) to form solitary stars.

The asymmetry of 'Trojan planet' orbits (gravitationally bound to the A-star and unbound to the B-star) results in secular (core-collapse) perturbation which causes the Trojan planets to spiral out, while the close-binary solar pairs to spiral in (leading to stellar merger). And core-collapse perturbation can strand planets born in the stellar realm in low hot orbits or can lift them 10s or 100s of AU from their former close-binary pairs, and objects formed by GI in Trojan points can run the size gamut from super-earths to dwarf stars. Finally, the kidney-bean shape of L4/L5 Lagrangian points tend to cause vortexes to bifurcate prior to gravitational collapse, tending to form Trojan pairs, like Venus-Earth, Jupiter-Saturn and Uranus-Neptune.

Mega squid use HUMONGOUS eyes to spot ravenous sperm whales

Snowball Solar System

Oort Cloud Cephalopods

The ability of cephalopods to see by the light of disturbed bioluminescence may stem from their origin in Oort-cloud compound-comet oceans of the Ordovician period, rather than from their transplanted home on earth.

The Appalachian Basin Platform may be one such compound comet core from the inner Oort cloud that formed around the resonances of a companion star (Nemesis) orbiting our sun. Oort cloud comets may still be forming around the resonances of Nemesis (such as the hypothesized Younger Dryas comet impact 12,900 B.P.) in the same way that asteroid-belt planetesimals formed around the resonances of Jupiter.


Deep-fried planets discovery offers hope for Earth’s future

Snowball Solar System

Been There Done That

Oh, no not again!

This is observational confirmation of an alternative model of the solar system that represents a paradigm shift second only to the Copernican Revolution of 1543. Snowball Solar System suggests that our solar system formed with a binary star whose components merged in a luminous red nova (LRN) at 4.567 Ga to form our solitary sun. And the red giant phase of the LRN engulfed the inner planets out to Jupiter, resulting in their present volatile depletion (planetary volatility trend) and their metallic-iron cores.

If so, Earth and Venus may have originally formed as ice giants like Uranus and Neptune before their direct exposure to solar plasma.
