Re: Get it right
Baryonoic Dark Matter:
I suggest 'globule clusters' for gravitationally-bound (Boki) globules which themselves are composed of gravitationally-bound aggregates of H2 & He at such that their (luminous) stellar metallicity has 'snowed out' to the solid state, sequestering luminous metallicity from detection into icy chondrules, rendering the remaining H2 & He invisible and thus 'dark'. (Molecular hydrogen and helium don't absorb electromagnetic radiation below ultraviolet frequencies, rendering it essentially dark.)
The familiar (Bok) globules of giant molecular clouds are globules in the 'excited state', in which a portion of their stellar metallicity has been sublimed into the gaseous state by exposure to stellar radiation, rendering Bok globules opaque and thus visible. And gaseous stellar metallicity raises the sound crossing time (lowers the speed of sound), promoting Jeans instability. So stellar radiation in the disk plane can cause CDM globule clusters to 'go nuclear' and convert to star clusters.