Let the fanboi flaming commence!
40 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Dec 2011
But it seems as though all the Zynga games are more like work than play. One thing that really put me off was I bought my wife $20 gift card, thinking that she could use it on multiple games. Wrong. Good luck Zynga. Maybe if your games didn't require constant feeding with our hard earned cash, and having to add total strangers as friends to get new things, you'd might be doing slightly better.
One of the most important things that makes the WORST movie is how much money was wasted in "polishing the turd".
As for me, I voted for "Snakes on a Plane". Imagine sitting in the production meeting, and people actually agreeing to that premise. Although, perhaps there should be a separate category for movies that involve the most improbable scenarios on an aircraft.
Windows 8 is going to suck loudly if they're already trying to sell it. Who are they kidding? They did the same thing with ME (remember that?) and followed up with Vista (if a software company has to offer downgrades...), and then instead of improving a product that is perfectly serviceable, they announce that there will be no more support for XP. Suck it Micro$oft. My Linux is working just fine.
"the advent of cloud (which is really nothing more than a distributed data centre!)" is spot-on. I'm not really sure why everyone is knocking themselves out to put their collective data "in the cloud", there are a lot more options that can be kept in-house. Just because it's the "NEWEST BEST THING EVER!!!" doesn't mean it's all that good.
Those idiots at DARPA dismiss "Joe Snuffy" as being at best incompetent, at worst some country bumpkin that wandered into the recruiting station and managed to spell his first name correctly. I know for fact that the most efficient way to dispose of bad guys is a lot of direct fire, bluntly applied.
If the assholes at the top grew a pair of balls and started prosecuting the war as it was intended, there would be no need for some "magic bullet".