Yes matts post was so jumbled it didn't make much sense but i think u got a few things a little out of perspective as well.
"Yes, because we don't hang people for being gay, jail, beat and torture women for being raped and arrest people for getting a haircut."
What u describe there is more the US's ersnt while ally Saudi Arabia which by all accounts is the most extreme country in the world; the only one that doesn't allow women to drive by law. I think u have been digesting to much US propoganda on Iran. Also as for supporting terrorist/freedom fighters (depends on ur perspective really) I think u'll find that the US probably wrote the book on war by proxy.
As a side note America carried out more executions a year than Iran, go figure. Also who says they have to find acceptable what u find acceptable anyway, take a look at our society, hardly something to hold up as a beacon of all we can be.
As for not abusing Iranians i think ur missing something rather relevant the US has pushed as much of world against Iran as it can (including Saddam ironically) ever since their puppet the Shah was toppled by popular revolt, funny that a countries people deciding their own destiny and not what the US said it should be.
And as for irrational patriotism and support for armed forces I think i'll make my own decisions on who to support or not and not start waving a flag just because its whats expected. And i do have a fair grasp of international politics and its extension by other means (military power).
I'm on no side really and just like to point out these things, criticise that position all u will but it works for me :)