Clean Coal - That's cute
Clean Coal doesn't and will not ever exist. Yes you 'can' pump CO2 underground at a huge energy expense, basically sapping a significant (30% at least) of your total output. Then to make up the electrical shortfall, you need to generate more electricity, burning more coal (or gas) when then also needs to be pumped underground. End result is power become stupidly expensive, and you have to mine 40% extra coal (which burns more diesel in the mining process) so please stop being ignorant. Clean Coal is a Hippie/Political dream.
Also in SA where are we going to get the coal from. We just closed out only coal mine and coal fired power station.
While I'm a Labour voter, there energy policy sucks and is driving big business out of the state. In addition to holding up major infrastructure investment. Simply because there is not enough power in the state. And what power there is is more expensive than anywhere else in the country.
There is but 1 real solution. SA is home to >10% of the worlds known Uranium reserves. There is a community and work force at Port Augusta that knows how to run a power station. There is also all the electrical distribution infrastructure at Port Augusta. We have refineries and smelters at Olympic Dam and Port Peri.
Connect the dots: Mine Uranium at Olympic Dam (and Beverly SA / Ranger NT,) Nuclear fuel (enrichment) processing and recovery at Port Peri, 3GW 3 Unit Nuke station at Port Augusta, Waste facility at Radium Hill.
Charge the world $$$$$$$$$$$$billionssssssssssssss. reprocess their fuel and store their waste. Power the state for pennies on the $:)
Pity no politician has the vision and scare mungers play on ignorance.