I find that when using the latest "exciting" cutting edge cloud technology, full of buzzwords and sexy branding, under the skin, its exactly the same in principle as what I've spent 25 years learning... all the lessons learned still apply.
Posts by roblightbody
94 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Dec 2011
Fujitsu: Dumping older workers will wipe out quarter of forecast profit
Google sours on legacy G Suite freeloaders, demands fee or flee
Re: Migration of Apps and Movies
In exactly the same boat here.
I thought I was a UK user until I went to try to upgrade this afternoon, when I discovered at some point in the past they've defaulted me to USA, and you can *never* change it again. So I'm screwed. You should check yours, you might discover upgrading isn't possible, like i've just done.
I also signed up for this (and helped three other people to do the same) when it was called Google Apps for Domains.
Today I tried to upgrade my main one to the business starter and I couldn't. The billing has defaulted to the USA at some point in the past, and there is no way to change it - ever. I have no way of paying...
Its a huge amount of hassle and forcing lots of families and individuals into a business account that they don't want.
Zuckerberg wants to create a make-believe world in which you can hide from all the damage Facebook has done
Bond Baddie
For years I've thought Zuck was a real life Bond Baddie, and he really is looking like that. Closed off from the real world, unimaginable wealth, and simply insane ideas. Meanwhile his original product causes truly horrific things to happen all over the world. Its all like something from the movies.
Facebook rendered spineless by buggy audit code that missed catastrophic network config error
Google emits Chrome 94 with 'Idle Detection' API to detect user inactivity amid opposition
The coming of Wi-Fi 6 does not mean it's time to ditch your cabled LAN. Here's why
Teradata customers express terror as field-based hardware support outsourced to IBM on both sides of the pond
Internet Explorer downgraded to 'Walking Dead' status as Microsoft sets date for demise
That's it. It's over. It's really over. From today, Adobe Flash Player no longer works. We're free. We can just leave
IBM Enterprise software from just a couple of years ago still uses Flash
At my workplace we use IBM Software that uses Flash to run some of the web consoles.
We were aware of this, but didn't know there was a hard-stop like this.
I don't give a damn about the old flash games that I used to enjoy in the 90s, but there's lots of boring corporate software that will have been knocked out like this, this morning.
Ofcom waves DAB radio licences under local broadcasters' noses as FM switchoff debate smoulders again
Re: "Only half the nation prefers digital radio to analogue, though"
I retro-fitted an Alpine DAB unit to my 2012 VW Golf, that makes use of the built-in amplified FM/DAB aerial in the rear spoiler. The reception is outstanding across most of the West of Scotland where I live, no problems at all. However the low bitrate stations let it down, and heading too far out to the countryside causes it to go altogether.
It's good to talk: Union says IBM failed to consult system support techies as Scottish Power contract nears end
Forget Brexit, ignore Trump, write off today: BT's gonna make us all 'realise the potential of tomorrow'
Buying a Chromebook? Don't forget to check that best-before date
10 PRINT Memorial in New Hampshire marks the birthplace of BASIC
It's 2019 and a WhatsApp call can hack a phone: Zero-day exploit infects mobes with spyware
I feel trapped by the Facebook world, and its not a good feeling. I can't be the only one.
I don't have the facebook app on my phone - never have - but I've found that I can't avoid using WhatsApp - and it needs to be on a phone to function - as too many other people rely on it - that's just a fact.
Also for Facebook, its many people's entire online world - they seem to not even venture to "old fashioned" websites any more - its just facebook. So its difficult to avoid too. I log into facebook occasionally (using Firefox's Facebook container plugin) and discover people have sent me messages on it and expected a reply days ago...
Remember Windows Media Center? Well, the SDK is now on GitHub to be poked at your leisure
The Reg takes a trip over the New Edge. Mmmm... New Coke with extra fizz
Old Edge had its good points!
On my 4gb laptop, Old Edge was far better than Chrome in terms of resource usage (to the point that I uninstalled Chrome and consumed even Google's services through Edge). I also think its sad that now there are only 2 major browser technologies. We all need to support Mozilla I feel.
Why millions of Brits' mobile phones were knackered on Thursday: An expired Ericsson software certificate
Mac users burned after Nuance drops Dragon speech to text software
Turn around, Capita: I'm trying but my pre-tax profits slipped 59%
HostingUK drops offline after losing Farmer vs Fibre competition
OnePlus 6: Perfect porridge? One has to make a smartphone that's juuuust right
Time to ditch the Facebook login: If customers' data should be protected, why hand it over to Zuckerberg?
It was obvious
As someone who grew up with the baby WWW of the 90s, using a login from just one company for multiple website always seemed like a horrible idea - and I never did it. The problem is people just don't care. They've handed this huge american company everything, and they don't care.
UK consumer help bloke Martin Lewis is suing Facebook over fake ads
RIP, Swype: Thanks for all the sor--speec--speedy texting
OnePlus 5T is like the little sister you always feared was the favourite
Give us a bloody PIN: MPs grill BBC bosses over subscriber access
No Brainer
I love the BBC.
Surely you could just get your iPlayer "Access Code" on your license fee paperwork, its a 1-time use, and you use it once to connect to your iPlayer account. No access code, no iPlayer.
And then yes, a subscription service for the massive and unique and very important BBC back catalogue - I'd pay quite a lot for their music back catalog alone.
- Rob
Google isn't saying Microsoft security sucks but Chrome for Windows has its own antivirus
Chrome is the new IE
In the 90s and early 00s, Microsoft was hammered for their browser providing extra functionality for their own services. But I don't see what Google's doing now as any different. Their browser is a portal to their services, and has lots of functionality built in to support G suite etc. If you use G suite with Firefox, for example, you get a different experience.
I try to restrict my Chrome use to my G suite usage. I am a huge fan of Firefox, and have become aware of how much better Edge is on a W10 laptop - resource usage is hugely less than for Chrome.
Official: Windows for Workstations returns in Fall Creators Update
Re: What about auto-updates?
The Home versions of Windows 10 handle updates completely different to the Professional versions. The home versions force updates on users, which I believe is the correct approach (everyone I know who runs Windows but isn't an IT professional never lets their PCs update if given the choice).
The scenario you describe should not occur in a business.
Openreach pegs full fibre overhaul anywhere between £3bn and £6bn
I'm one of millions of people in an area served by Virgin Media cable, and no Openreach Fibre - not even fibre to the cabinet. They are not incentivised to connect these areas, so there's no competition, and Virgin can get away with poor service without losing customers. Really frustrating. My 100mb Virgin service is fast enough but I'd like a choice of provider.
Twitter will no longer snaffle data allowances on Virgin Mobile
Microsoft boasted it had rebuilt Skype 'from the ground up'. Instead, it should have buried it
It's 2017 and Microsoft is still patching Windows XP+ – to plug holes exploited by trio of leaked NSA weapons
Ransomware scum have already unleashed kill-switch-free WannaCrypt variant
Re: Experts all giving advice how how to stay secure
Windows 10 is unaffected.
Also there was a lot of criticism of Microsoft forcing updates on users with Windows 10 - will that criticism now end? Users need protected from themselves. We all know people who ignore all the updates their computer or device is asking to install.
Windows 10 S forces Bing, Edge on your kids. If you don't like it, get Win10 Pro – Microsoft
Microsoft's in-store Android looks desperate but can Google stop it?
Re: Android - bit of a toy OS, really.
I checked with the police because I was confused too.
The phone must be mounted on the dashboard, not in your hand - thats essential.
As long as its mounted, you can touch it - as long as it doesn't affect your driving. In that respect its no different to the distracting touch screens that now come in all new cars.
By the way - the Android Auto app is great - and yes I have i disabled the "OK Google" command.
Smartphones crashed, Samsung burned: Mobile in 2016
BA check-in system checks out: Staff flung back to cruel '90s world of paper
Trainline.com dumps Oracle and Microsoft, gulps AWS Kool-Aid
Fascinating article. I think he's right, mostly. Insourcing IT with developers and people who intrinsically care what they're doing, with the flexibility of cloud hosting.
I wonder what he thinks about the fall in the pound affecting what he's paying AWS, though... wonder if he factored that into his budgets this year...
Windows 7's grip on the enterprise desktop is loosening
"So even if every PC sold this year runs Windows 10 – which won't happen, because lots will be Macs..."
You make that sound like a large percentage, or even most, will be Macs. Which is complete nonsense. Macs still make up only a small % of the number of PCs sold. Even if everybody wanted a Mac, most people can't afford one.