Ocucon already did this with Aldi.
92 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Jun 2007
Originally switched to Mint on my laptop as it ran Minecraft a LOT better than Windows did.
Have since switched all my machines over (dual boot with Windows on my desktop for Oculus gaming and the nipper playing Fortnite) and couldn't be happier. *Everything* is quicker.
If you play Java Minecraft, you should definitely give it a go. :D
Have they changed their ridiculous password policy yet? Last time I changed my password with them I was limited to something like 12 characters and they all had to be alphanumeric.
Edit : Apparently not.
To create a secure password you need to:
Use between 8 and 15 characters, without spaces or special characters.
Back when I got on board, it was nothing but email and calendaring. There was no Android, no app store, no google drive, none of the other stuff that was later tacked on. Had I envisaged a future mobile operating system with apps I could buy and ad free video service that I wouldn't be able to use to their fullest I'd probably have chosen differently.
Never had any restrictions on what Google services I could use, it's only recently that they've started offering other services like YouTube premium, Google Home/Assistant etc that the problem of not being able to use the account fully has popped up.
I pay for Google Drive, I pay for YouTube Premium. I am a paying customer that is unable to use some of their products together for some arbitrary reason.
Been stuck with this issue myself for a long time. I'm grandfathered in on the free service from back when it was still called Google Apps. All my family have an email address on my domain running through it.
Because of whatever policy they have in place, I can't sign up for Google One, I can't get a shared family YouTube Premium account, I can't invite family members to my Google home.
"Switch to a normal Gmail account!" they say. Brilliant, so I then lose access to all the apps I've purchased and there is no way to migrate years and years of email, calendar entries and all the other data Google holds on me. I don't want to have two separate Google accounts, it sort of defeats the point doesn't it?
They need to do something to sort this out. Either allow Gsuite users into the fold or give us an easy way to migrate everything over to a normal Gmail account without losing everything!
You should have received an email telling you that your service is going to continue as is. There's a few people in the Slashdot comments who were on the lifetime membership that did.
It reads as follows.
Dear Customer,
Since Oracle acquired Dyn in 2016 and subsequently acquired Zenedge. The engineering teams have been working diligently to integrate Dyn’s products and network into the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure platform. A majority of Dyn products have now been integrated and upgraded on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Accordingly, DynDNS Pro/Remote Access is decoupling from the Dyn brand and business unit this summer, and will remain a business unit within Oracle.
Your organization has the right to access and use DynDNS Pro/Remote Access. This product will continue to be available from Oracle without any disruption of service and no action is required on your part at this time.
Additional Resources
Blog Post
We look forward to supporting you on our new platform.
A customer of mine got hit by the ACCDFISA v2.0 ransomware on Saturday, they didn't realise til they got back on Monday. Business was down for all of Monday before they decided to pay the £3750 ransom. A day later we got the decrypter though and the following day they were back in action.
They didn't have regular backups in place so this was their only option. If they'd remained closed any longer they would have started losing customers and may not have survived.
It sucks, but what ya gonna do.
They learnt an expensive but valuable lesson.
Number of people that will return a £500 brand new mobile device because it might burn their face off?
Nearly all of them.
Number of people that will return a £40 IP camera because it makes some websites fall over?
Close enough to zero for it not to make any difference.
All very well having a massive recall, but you've got to get the device owner to climb up a ladder, take down the camera, wait for a replacement yadda yadda yadda. There's too much effort required by the end user for what appears to them to be zero benefit.
The only way to make the device owners take notice would be to make the devices stop working, or curtail their internet connection in someway.
Works nicely, 8GB partition for it on the SSD. Runs swift, no wifi though. Only ethernet.
90% of apps seemed to work fine, it looks promising. I can see myself using it for the usual stuff I use my laptop for, but not yet.
It's just not quite there, impressive nonetheless.
Have done this on a number of Windows 7 and 8 machines and not had any sign of Windows 10 return.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
Have had smart meters for about 7 years now. No fancy display in the kitchen, just replacement meters that send readings off to our supplier every day so they give us an accurate bill at the end of each month.
What's the problem with this? I see a lot of people flapping their hands about when it's been nothing but fantastic for us.
What have I missed in the last 7 years?
Microsoft do.
Windows 7 : http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-recovery
Windows 8 : http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-8/create-reset-refresh-media
There are other links available for office, all direct from Microsoft, just provide them with your legit key and away you go.
To get your Windows 8 key (as they're usually stored in the bios/uefi) you can use pkeyui.
We're stuck with around 8Mbit ADSL2, the industrial estate we're on and the industrial estates near us are surrounded by residential estates that can all get FTTC.
Us? We've got the fastest connection on our industrial estate and BT have no plans to improve things.
Oh, and the government grant thing for covering the installation of a leased line or whatever? Doesn't apply in our postcode.
I like the ability to do away with the Search and Task View buttons in the latest build, but what I really want is a way to get rid of the Start button.
I use it SO rarely that I'd rather have the space for another application shortcut or open application.
The times I do use it, I have the Windows key or even CTRL+ESC.
I'm not talking a few months, this is going back about 4 years maybe. New cards have been issued during that period and since that first time of setting it up I've never once been asked to enter my password again.
Same with our cards at work, mixture of Visa and Mastercard, never asks for the password.
I never understood that extra verification step. I did it once for each card I have used online and have never been asked for the password again. I don't think I could even tell you what passwords I used now it was so long ago.
When a transaction goes through now, the verification window pops up, whirls around a bit then returns to the merchant and the sale is complete.
Am I missing something?