Google is an advertising company. I doubt they consider adware a bad thing unless it interferes with their ability to siphon data.
Posts by toadwarrior
822 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Dec 2011
Avast there: MEELLIONS of Androiders scuttled by 'adware' game app
Erik Meijer: AGILE must be destroyed, once and for all
Unit tests aren't a TDD only thing. His complaint was against TDD rather than unit tests.
However he has a point. A bad developer writing unit tests is pointless. If he writes bad code why on earth would anyone think he'd write good tests?
Moon pig uses TDD, C.I. and all those cool buzzwords and look how safe their api turned out.
Relying on the code writer to test his own code is just about pointless.
Amazon hiring drone flight ops engineer in Cambridge, UK
I'm sure it's not just a stunt but I wouldn't expect this to take off. Not everything Amazon touches turns to gold and so far they've done quite poorly with hardware.
I'm sure they would to have drones simply to have 24 hour delivery and eventually it could mean sacking warehouse staff. The drone can find the item in the warehouse and then take it off to its location. But I think they also realise this is a long way away. It just happens their shareholders let them piss away money.
Google Glassholes are undateable – HP exec
Re: never forget though
Led lights have lifespans anywhere from 15 to 30 years and it works fine because the of the bulb is adjusted.
But as an added bonus the bulb you buy now will either get broken or won't go with a new light fixture so the consumer buys another expensive bulb 5 years later. The bulb company wins either way.
Apple's SNEAKY plan: COPY ANDROID. Hello iPhone 6, Watch
Yeah the nexus has all these features that weren't terribly useful at the time they came out so they were pretty much a non-event. Even when the iPhone 6 comes out NFC won't be as useful as it should be.
But at least the iPhone won't feel cheap and have a battery that goes to pot after a year like Android phones so I'm quite happy to wait for the features if it means I get it built in a quality way rather than being built of plastic and sadness.
Is the tech jobs market really on the up-and-up? Tell us about it
We've just unboxed our Google Android Wear. We're not appy
Russian law will force citizens' personal data to be stored locally
Aereo has to pay TV show creators? Yes. This isn't rocket science
Boris: Look on 'London's digital tentacles', ye mighty, and despair!
Re: London is a stupid, stupid place to encourage a technology startup boom
Cambridge also nearly London prices for homes, it has London style traffic problems and yet it has none of the conveniences of London including the wages.
That's why a lot of companies struggle to find talent in Cambridge despite the university being there and then they end up moving down to London.
Google: Why should we pay tax when we make 'intangibles'?
Re: Evil?
I would say tax avoidance is most certainly evil.
Those taxes help keep everything running. Even though google claims they make intangibles their goods still rely on utilities working so helping pay for them isn't asking too much.
Just look at the US with it's infrastructure slowly starting to fall apart. Is that what everyone else wants? A handful if super rich monopolies a bunch of life-threatening busted up roads and bridges?
I certainly don't.
Stephen Fry MADNESS: 'New domain names GENERATE NEW IP NUMBERS'
Google Glass? Feh. Behold Dyson's 2001 pocket 'puter techno specs with own 'Siri'
Google CAN be told to delete sensitive data from its search results, rules top EU court
Chrome lets websites secretly record you?! Google says no, but...
Re: Firefox all the way !
Still on snow leopard? Let me guess you're one of those texh "geniuses" that can't handle change due to not really being all that bright with tech but that hasn't stop you from mucking about and putting your computer in such a state that any change actually bad.
Firefox works like a dream on my 2013 MBP, my 2006 thinkpad and my eee 901. My guess is your real problem is behind the keyboard.
Google stabs Wikipedia in the front
Why 2014 might just be the year of the Google Chromebook
The numbers aren't entirely accurate as NPD exclude custom built laptops. Everyone reporting on their findings misses that bit out. Given both windows and MacBooks allow customised system purchases I would say their numbers are higher (especially windows).
Chromebooks are toys. I can't see how anyone would take them seriously especially given that storing everything in the cloud means the NSA has access to all your stuff.
Haters of lurid supershow CES: The consumer tech market is still SHRINKING
Bay Area plots Googlebus tax after local residents riot
GitHub wipes hand across bloodied face, stumbles from brutal DDoS beating
Apple's new non-feline Mac operating system, OS X Mavericks, ready to go
Which version are you including? Windows 7 ultimate is showing up as $179 on right now.
Vista ultimate was far more over $250. Windows 7 was over $200 too if you had bought it in 2009.
and vista's launch cost was $450
But even if you take your prices into account, that only just works out because of Apple's price structure change. In the next 8 years, if prices stay the same, OS X is 80% cheaper.
That and $19 covers as many installs as you want. Apple even has a help article on it
If you want to stay legal on Windows, it'll cost you for each machine.
New iPhone sells out, millions in hands of lucky fans, Cook cock a hoop ...
Apple ups revenue estimates in wake of nine million–phone weekend
'WTF! MORONS!' Yahoo! Groups! redesign! traumatises! users!
Re: Insight.
The reg keeps taking a bigger dive into the shitter anyway so it's no surprise.
And the reg has no right to call something a pisspoor redesign when they've got this dumbass flash heavy O2 business theme going on that brings the website to a crawl.
Yeah, thanks Reg for running an ad theme that cripples a computer capable of running high end games, visually processing gigs of mapping data and many other tasks that should be more processor intensive than a lame ad campaign.
I'm ad blocking this site permantly. It's freaking ridiculous.
Amazon: OK, OK. We'll let traders flog tat more cheaply elsewhere
Hey, you know Android apps can 'access ALL' of your Google account?
Apple MacBook Air 13-inch 2013: All’s well that Haswell
Google loses Latitude in Maps app shake-up
Google platform cloud now takes PHP apps
10-day stubble: Men's 'socio-sexual attributes' at their best
Beards and masculinity go together because women generally can't grow beards. Some nations have a corporate culture that frowns upon facial hair but these are generally nations that are run by sexually repressed religious nut bags.
And anyone saying facial hair is unhygienic is just butt hurt that they can't grow a beard.
Continued lack of women in tech bemoaned by ex-techie lady MP
Re: Maybe they just don't want to!
I worked at a company where the majority of employees (and managers) where women and IT was very much a man's department with the exception of the IT director. There could possibly be a more woman friendly company and they still opted to avoid IT both internal and external applicants.
I'm sure sexism plays a part in area like Silicon Valley where you have a bunch of 20 year old guys in a company but that is not the vast majority of IT work and I suspect any reasonable human understands that. I suspect women just aren't attracted to it.
Who can blame them? I question why guys want to work on a IT help desk or even as a Db admin. The only attractive job imo is programming and while I enjoy it the job can be unnecessarily stressful and unrewarding in some companies.
Apple's next OS X said to be targeted at 'power users'
What work? Tablet owners prefer to slack off with their slabs
Microsoft off the hook for billions in Motorola Mobility payout
New Google Play terms ban non-store app updates
Peak Apple: Cupertino belatedly spends some money on R&D
Apple beats revenue estimates but margins are falling
US Senate vote to add internet sales tax this week
Amazon: We're expanding into TWO HUNDRED countries
Re: Several problems however.
It's google's problem because they built a very insecure way of adding other sources. The problem is already solved. You do it like a package managed and only allow sources you've added.
If I had to guess google didn't want to that because they can appear open while at the same time scaring most people into staying with them. If my guess is wrong, I'd like them to explain why they've implemented it so poorly and require me to make my phone vulnerable to anything just to use one credible source of my choice.
Google Glass will SELF-DESTRUCT if flogged on eBay
More Brits ditch Apple tablets for Amazon, Google, Samsung kit
So how much do you get paid to spout such rubbish? If you're having to jump through hoops that's more a sign of your mental capacity.
A 3 year old android phone simply will not out perform any reasonably priced current release tablet. If you're going to say something so stupid then back it up with proof.