Linux/Unix powers the Internet
You would not be on this forum if not for Linux/Unix variants that power routers/switches/servers and the myriads of other devices like smart phones.
You are speaking of applications, you do not need Windows to create a (.doc) and/or a spreadsheet.
The public Internet is full of bot networks powered by non-else than Windows machines.
If Microsoft was so wonderful why is the iPad and Macs taking a strong hold.
You can virtualize any application, you do NOT need a Windows server to run an app that requires Windows.
Before you start trashing all Linux/Unix variants that make the Public Internet available you might want to do some research.
There are many countries that have abandoned Windows and run pure 100% Linux distro's and a lot of other companies have made the switch.
There is no need in paying for software when you can have a hardened OS that can withstand the Public Internet such as Linux distro's. A Windows machine cannot face the Public Internet without some barrier to protect it with the 50-70 MILLION lines of code full of security holes and back doors.