* Posts by Gazmataz

2 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Nov 2011

Cameron hardens stance on UK web filth block


I'd never heard of cleanfeed ... until now

It seems like I'm not the only one either!


YaCy takes on Google with open source search engine


El Reg Who?

Just installed it on an old machine and the big problem I see staright away is that it takes 30-60 seconds to load the results page?!?

And when it does finally get their the results are less than impressive. A search for our favourite tech new site and it doesn't appear on the first page of results, even if some people might argue what the register page of imgur.com is more important but we know better!

On google it's the first result of the first page .... (just saying) ... maybe by watching what I search for they know what I want? I guess this software could learn as well, but not a great out of the box experience.