* Posts by Bainshie

8 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Nov 2011

Cars, lorries stalked via GPS to create live traffic super-map


Re: From the original article...

"You really seem to love the idea of Big Brother looking over your shoulder at everything you (and we) do, don't you? I bet you also think that "if you've done nothing wrong you've got nothing to hide" too.

Remember that the last Government wanted to put ANPR cameras at intersections on all major roads and then issue automatic speeding tickets to anyone who got from A to B quicker than they were supposed to. Of course this would also have allowed them to track exactly who goes where and when, but, hey, if these people have got nothing to hide, why should they worry?"

Actually that's a good question. Why are you so against the storing of things done in public? You see, I can understand privacy in your own home. Inside your home you may want to do things that although are legal, are also socially disliked. Such privacy allows law abiding people to avoid prosecution from the public and government alike.

However, once you step outside of your door, those rights disappear. Everything you do becomes public knowledge. I can legally photograph you and your surroundings all the time you are on public property. I can tweet to the world where you're driving. I can store that information and do whatever I like with it.

And that right and freedom to public information is a lynchpin to modern freedom. If the government introduced a law to protect public information from being shared, these comments would be filled with people claiming it's a big brother plot to hide the wrong doings of government. Yet when the government attempts to use those rights to public information, it's a big brother plot as well? You can't have both. Ether all actions in public are protected, or none are. Anything else is Hypocritical and being less about freedom and more about just being anti-government for the sake of being anti-government.

“As for your imagining of your putative interlocutors, I am a member of the IAM, I have passed my Advanced Motorcycle Test, I am neither fat, nor balding, nor drive a van, nor eat sandwiches, nor use mobile phones when moving, nor engage in any of the other ridiculous behaviours you wish to ascribe to me. In fact the only bit you did get right is that I'm white.”

So you're one of those 600cc+ idiots weaving in an out of traffic like a idiot? I say this as a motorbike rider myself.

“Not very successful imaginings, then and when you add in your belief that the system you support would eliminate hit-and-runs, tailgating and all the other nonsense, well, I can do you a good deal on Tower Bridge...”

See my previous post about more detailed explanation on how a simple system could detect those. And although it wouldn't eliminate them, it would reduce them dramatically. If you seriously couldn't see how having a GPS system in every car would help find and convict hit and run drivers.... then you seriously need a better imagination.


Re: From the original article...

That's piss easy to fix. In between MOT's, check the mileage, then the amount of data sent. If they don't match up, BANG! 20 years in jail for possession of a dangerous weapon (Lets face it a car in the hands of a idiot is basically that).

And you seriously underestimate what computers can do. Excessive speed, lane hogging, tail gating. All easily spotable and enforceable with simple positional data.

You could then enforce nationwide variable speedlimits. It the middle of the night on a motorway? Increase the speedlimit by 10MPH. Pouring it down with rain. Decrease the speed limit. Accident just happened up ahead. Decrease the speed limit for a while.

No more hit and runs. Increase safety, insurance claims made a LOT easier.

Ofc, the real reason you lot don't want it. Because you're those 'Speed limits are just a guide, I know how to drive' wankers. I can imagine you now, fat white balding idiot in a van, a mobile phone in one hand, a sandwich in the other and steering the vehicle with your ballsack going 50MPH outside of a school honking your horn at anyone going at the speed limit.

And yes, technically cars nowadays have the ability to safely travel far higher then the average speed limit, if the driver has enough skill. How do you know if you have that skill? Rather simple. Do you drive for the F1/other racing competition? Same answer.

Also I never get this 'Late at night' argument. Last time I checked hitting a kid at 50MPH, the physics involved doesn't give a damn whether it's light outside or not. Neither do the laws of physics when you end up losing control and smashing through the front of a innocent families house. If anything you're more likely to have a incident due to the reduced traffic inducing a level of false security, and the reduced vision (40% of all fatal and serious injuries happen during this time, even though there is a 60% reduction in traffic).

So in conclusion. You're a arse. Stop being a arse before you kill someone. You are the reason this kind of system needs to be put in place.


Re: From the original article...

You know how much Speed cameras cost? How much Police officers (who could be, you know, solving other crime rather then making sure people follow the rules of the road) cost? A lot. Each device would cost less then the price of a low end smart phone (Unless the thing in my £100 android isn't a GPS system that gets my data? I guess that's just magic).

Heck if you're that worried about. Security, make it open source. That magically makes it awesome around these parts.

And older vehicles are rather simple: Make not having one of these devices a MOT fail.within 3 years all cars will have one.

Having more police don't work, as it is physically impossible to have without having a literal police state with a officer on every street corner. And 99% of all driving issues can be detected with the simple GPS.

And your last arguments are just the ramblings of a retard. Just because SOME people might 'They'll just turn the stereo up' doesn't mean everyone, or even most people will. Sure that might be what you do while driving, but most of us take at least some care and attention.

The fact is simple. What additional powers would such a system give the government. Considering that they can already trace 99% of shit/Ask witnesses.

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Re: From the original article...

Personally this and the new EU stuff should be expanded even further.

Being able to tell when someone is messing around on public roads (Speeding, tailgating etc etc) without having to rely on expensive police patrols + speed cameras. Moving the two systems together has two main advantages

1: Costs of enforcement go down

2: Everyone drives safer. (It's kinda funny to see the retarded maniacs all of a sudden learn how to drive whenever a police car comes into view.)

With a little bit of imagination you could make even more cool stuff.

Someone steals your car? Report it stolen and get it back within the hour.

Broken down on a blind corner? Press a button and your location appears on nearby cars GPS maps with a voice warning.

etc etc etc.

Google to skew search results to punish PIRATES


This is a good thing.

Not for the anti-piracy reason (Hardly pirate anything nowadays anyway, Steam + itunes is just easier), but to get it through the thick IP companies heads that trying to bypass the legal system for this kind of thing can hurt them as well.

What do you really think is going to happen once 4chan gets ahold of this?

Heck half tempted to write a easy to use script to easily automate the process, drop it on 4chan and the like, and then walk away and see what happens.

Microsoft: It's not Metro, it's Windows 8


Re: Finally it's official!

Hmmm, kinda shows how retarded people on this website are

A linux Distribution removes/never had a start menu:


Windows 8 removes the start menu:


The main issue with Windows 8? Microsoft made it and people here don't like microsoft.

Main issue with microsoft? Their a successful company that makes good usable products that make a good profit, and the neckbeard basement dwelling idiots on this website are jealous of such success that they'll never reach in their wildest dreams.

Windows Metro Maoist cadres reach desktop, pound it flat


Just the same for commentards

Ah don't you just love commentards here?

Microsoft introduces 500 layers of shiny crap that slows shit down:

Micro$shit is bad. Linux happening, rabble rabble rabble rabble]

Microsoft goes back to more standard design without the 500 layer of shiney crap.

Micro$shit is bad. Linux happening, rabble rabble rabble rabble *Dies of stupidly and being a twat*

Reading the comments on this website all follow the same sad pattern.

Big company <X> is bad and terrible due to <badly thought out Y involving actually living in the real world>. Everyone will switch over to <Badly maintained and impossible to use open source program that nobody knows of> This honestly isn't a cry for help down to a crushing envy due to me dying alone and never having accomplished anything that amounts to even a 1/100th of worth that these companies have. Rabble rabble I'll get my coat.

UK.gov to build child army of software coders


So much fail in this thread.

Firstly: How the hell do space ships get into the sky in the first place without programmers? You know the mega ton of on the fly calculations needed to be done by computers with not enough resources to do so (FYI you can't just stick a super computer on a spaceship already tight on space. Good to know that all those physicists are also proficient in several programming languages.

Secondly: Please, everyone ignore Field Marshal Von Krakenfart. In fact if a moderator can add a warning to the top of his post stating 'This post is 100% bullshit, reader beware!.' it would probably help unsuspecting readers thinking he actually knows something.

For starters ipconfig, HLSL are both not languages. ipconfig is a piss easy linux based firewall (That fails compared to more robust programs against important attacks like DDoS) that my dad can use (And he does terrible terrible things to if statements in his 'code'). HLSL is a library designed to be used with a C based language.

Secondly. Asking a programmer (Who programs games lets say) if he can use ipconfig is like asking a theoretical physicist 'But can you add 2+2?'. Honestly system admin isn't hard, it's a job most companies outsource to people who can't program. If I got asked that question at a interview (for a software engineering job) I'd be the one shouting 'NEXT!'

Thirdly: Programming isn't like other subjects. You don't learn to Program with X language. You can gain experience in X language, but what you learn is programming overall. Whether you decided to start with java, c++, C# cobol or even LOLCODE, the basics the underpin the entire theory of programming stay the same. There are differences, but the core stays the same.

Fourthly: Programming video games is a very very versatile subject, one that can move between industries easily. A game programmer can program financial stuff with a few teething problems. The visa versa can't be said. A video game can contain the following subjects.

Data management. Efficient programming, AI, Graphical interfaces, Security, server management, etc etc etc.

And lastly: This is freaking 11-16 year old kids we're talking about. Not 20+ year graduates. Which do you think is going to get more people interested in programming (And eventually going onto computer science)?

"Lets program bankers programs (Who we all hate) in a command line language. Yay!"

"Lets program pacman in java!"