* Posts by Syx

19 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Nov 2011

FreeNAS releases version 11, so let us put the unpleasantness of failed V.10 behind us


Serious question

What were the issues with 10? I've not faced any and wondering if I am sitting on top of a pile of potential problems...

Haven't deleted your Yahoo account yet? Reminder: Hackers forged login cookies


Re: Until we fine

And not only that, but when you try to log into the admin panel you CANNOT obscure the password by default meaning it's visible to anyone reading over your shoulder. Good one VM.

China lunar mission readies for return to Earth


Re: Fake

I think that was the entire point of the joke.

Super-heavy element 117 DOES exist – albeit briefly. Got any berkelium handy?


Re: What? Renaming atoms?

You must have missed the "joke alert".

Microsoft's Windows 8.1 secrets REVEALED ... sort of


Re: Put the start menu properly back

Going by the "skip one" history of MS, Win10 will also be a flop - Win9 will be the one to switch to ;)

P2P badboy The Pirate Bay sets sail for the Caribbean


Set sail for open water!

Maybe it's just me, but whenever I see an article on TPB these days I imagine a pirate ship stuffed with racks in the lower decks sailing around from port to port looking for somewhere to plug in an ethernet cable...

Makes *me* smile, at least!

Crap computers in a crap box: Smart-meter blackouts risk to UK


Just use a Faraday cage?

So, what's to stop me surrounding my "smart meter" with some form of faraday cage to protect myself from all this unwanted wirelessly-controlled faff?

DropBox adds single sign-on


Business use?

Trusting a third party supplier to hold potentially sensitive business documents securely?

Nope, can't see any issues with that.

Dropbox will never be suitable for anything other than personal use.

NASA chief: Earth is DOOMED if we spot a big asteroid at short notice


Re: Question

Ignore me I didn't realise there were three pages of comments before posting...



How reliable is the "93%" figure quoted, if some slip through the net? Surely there are those that slip through and we fail to detect entirely?

Software bug halts Curiosity: Nuke lab bot in safe mode


Re: NASA does not have a computer simulator

That's some effective sleuthing there.

The presentation file was last modified in September 2004.

Hacking bazaar ExploitHub gets hacked, database leaked


Re: Hackers hacking the hackers?

Trolls trolling trolls?

Apple building 'tactical' data center with 'mantrap' doors


Re: Isn't this normal?

I'm yet to enter a datacentre that didn't have 1-person mantrap doors (a "bubble"). And only one of them was not equipped with a scale in between the doors.

I figured that it was normal.

Hong Kong operators fudge unlimited tariff conundrum


Unlimited data amount, but not data speed?

I guess the telcos argument will be that your data usage is still unlimited in terms of how much you download - they're just throttling the speed. Different ways of interpreting "unlimited" I suppose.

5,000 Virgin Media workers unchained to slog away remotely


And at the other end of the scale

I very rarely see anything less than the 30Mbps I'm paying for.

Kung-fu tweeting Carl Douglas wins El Reg prize - with expert timing


"Professional procrastinator" is right!

Unbelievably I went to university with Carl - amazing how people crop up further down the line.

Samsung hauls Apple into court over emoticon patent :-(


Why would you ban two Mexicans being viewed from above?

Ebuyer knocked out by own £1 deals site



So, it's over - despite promising that it would go on until midnight.

Seems to me that it's more like cutting your losses than being sold out... especially since there were a number of items left moments before the change!

Well played ebuyer - we can only guess at the number of customers you've lost yourself today.

Thumb Down


Not only did they remove my comment suggesting a competitor, they barred me from further posting.

Can't really understand what I did wrong as you can't even get to their site anyway.

Bunch of jokers.