* Posts by csumpi

207 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Nov 2011


House passes, Obama disses 55,000 visas for educated immigrants


Re: Of course migrant workers don't take away american jobs in the long run.

Facts, or never happened.

It's not apparently an offence, it's a well known fact to people applying for citizenship that they either stay in the US, or leave the US for the length of the citizenship application.

Connections don't get you out of this bind. Maybe a good immigration lawyer does.

University with access to nuclear weapons? Did you mean they can see one, or do they have a launch button?


Re: The Big Lie - We Can't Find Skilled Americans

"are not legally required to ever consider Americans for American jobs"

Having come to the US on an H1B visa, I can confidently say that you have absolutely NO IDEA of what you are talking about. One of the major requirements for H1B is to prove (through advertising the job and interviews) that the company can't find American workers for the job.

What can save the Xmas PC market? Not Windows 8, say analysts


Re: Reverse Vista effect

--I prefer GIMP and Inkscape. They are amazing software packages, and free to boot.

It depends on what you need it for. Make a couple of buttons or some lolzcat images, sure, But there is absolutely no replacement for photoshop for professional work. It can handle a bunch of 10k images at the same time, and there are some amazing tools like healing brush, smart layers, fx layers etc. And then there's the gpu acceleration.

I don't like adobe for flash and the pdf mess they created, but tried every possible phtoshop alternative and nothing comes even close. (That's actually generous. All other tools are 5-10 years behind.)

Dell launches Sputnik Linux Ultrabook

Paris Hilton

My thoughts exactly. I just ordered my xmas present, a i7 15" Sony Vaio with 1080p screen, backlit keyboard etc for $500 less, Windows license included.

And I can still install linux on it (although with i7 it's much better to run linux in a VM, that way I don't have to worry about the lack of hybrid graphics, multi touch pad etc support from linux).

I understand that it took lots of development to get linux running on a laptop with all hardware supported. I love linux (linux machines way outnumber windows in my house), but this price tag is ridiculous. Maybe linux on the laptop was just not meant to be.

Convert your iPad into a foosball table and relive the dot-com days


Re: I hate iPads and all things Apple...

"Exactly right. If you make an Android version you need to make about 30 different versions, different sizes, ports in different places and so on."

Exactly. The best thing it that all iDevices use the same 30 pin, magically perfected connector for USB hook up. And they will never change that.

Oh, wait a second....

Minecraft coming to Raspberry Pi in hackable edition

Paris Hilton

Re: @ AC 0653h - all very well but..

"Choose your corner..."

Obviously by stating facts you chose the corner of downvotes.

Ten Linux apps you must install


Re: Only 2: GParted and Libre Office

"And seriously, where is emacs?"

This is a list of "do"s not "don't"s.

Retailers report slow Windows 8 sales, low demand


Re: The problem is this....

But it worked for Apple. Just try a bit of Xcode4 after Xcode3.5. What used to be seamless, is now a click, some scrolling, and another click or two. Except there are no 3rd party apps to fix it.

Lawyer sues Microsoft rather than slot an SD card into his Surface


Re: Returning for a full refund I could imagine...

"Oh, greed that's why."

More like stupidity. I can't imagine how a lawyer would pursue this. Being a lawyer he must know that if he wins, MS will have to pay for the damages it caused him. Which is what? The price of the tablet, shipping, or maybe the gas used to drive to the store? There's no way he would get more than a couple hundred $s. Which is far less than the money and time he spent on the lawsuit (which MS would not be liable for).

That of course assuming he would win, which he won't. MS doesn't say that the product has 16gb of free storage. Apple doesn't say that. Samsung doesn't.

This dude is just some jackass who wanted 15 mins of fame. Unfortunately for him, no respectable law firm will hire him after doing something so idiotic. So back to ambulance chasing and slip and falls.

Apple MacBook Pro 13in Retina display review


Resale value, my experience:

I sold a unibody mbp that cost me $1400 for $650 after 11 months of pampering. I was afraid to move it around much to avoid scratching it, it pretty much sat on my desk for the time of ownership and managed to get only one tiny scratch on the back.

I just swapped my Sony Vaio S for a newer one, cost $900, sold for $500. I lagged it all around the world for the past year and a half, used it daily, in and out of backpack, and the thing looked like the day I pulled it out of the box (less the windows license stickers on the back, those faded a bit).

So that's $750 loss on the MBP in a year (that I was afraid to carry around), $400 on the Sony in a year and a half (a sharp looking kit that can actually be used as a laptop).

Based on my experience, I'm never buying an aluminum laptop again. Not only did my Sony get better resale value, but it actually worked as a mobile computer.

Microsoft Surface Touch keyboards self-destruct – and more


Re: failure rate 360

If they handle the Surface issues the same way they did the xbox360, there will be no issues.

My xbox360 had the power supply red ring death, MS fixed it promptly.


Re: It just keeps getting better,

There's absolutely no reason for a disabled lesbian atheist to hate on the Tea Party, nor vice versa. This hate between blue and red has to stop. There's no yin without yang. With this attitude, the US of A will go down the shitter.

As you expect others to respect the way you think, you should respect the way others think. And then things will get better.

Apple iPad Mini 8in tablet review


Re: Sheltered Life

"They use thin, horrible plastic"

There is somethign nice about plastic. My kids' $120 chinese ICS tablet survived way too many drops, with no damage. My pampered iPad on the other hand, has dents even though it never flew.

In fact the chinaPad is much nicer to hold with the rounded edges. And it's lighter, too.

Paris Hilton

What happened to perfection?

So was 10" not the perfect size? How can 7.9 be better?

There is very little space next to the screen in portrait mode. How does one hold it (other than wrong)? Or is it so light that it floats?

Microsoft: TypeScript isn't a JavaScript killer


Re: Static typing is not the right solution

Untyped languages are not as fast as typed languages. Typing allows the compiler to optimize the generated binary. Read the dragon book.

Boilerplate code? you mean all the checks you have to write in untyped languages to make sure that you received the right type of data? Or you don't do that because it's not "fun"?

As I said above, both typed and untyped languages have their place. But to say that typed languages are just something from the past, is just plain silly.


Re: Static typing is not the right solution

You have no idea what you are talking about. Typed and untyped languages serve different purposes. If you need speed, you use a typed language. If you don't care about speed, just need something quickly up and running, you use untyped.


For a decent programmer, neither typed or untyped languages are an issue.

Forgetting Microsoft: How Steve Ballmer's Surface could win

Paris Hilton

"Google's Android takes the mass-market lower-end"

Looking at the wife's Samsung Galaxy S3, should this not read "mass-market higher-end"?

Forstall ousted from Apple after refusing to apologise for Maps


Re: Guess the fairness of it depends on the situation

@a_been: Please, turn the spellchecker on. Or stop typing on the screen.

Apple's iPad Mini mishap: scratching out the retina screen


Re: Nexus 7 smooth scrolling??

Nice try. What are you? a politician?


"And yes, I own a Nexus 7."

No, you don't. Because what you are saying is just idiotic trolling.

Apple unveils iPad mini, upgrades its big brother


Re: apple innovation harvest low this season..

Apple products are stylish, not ergonomic. I found out about that when I accidentally invested in a 13" macbook unibody a couple years back. The edge below the keyboard was so sharp, it created painful cut marks on my palms. The thing would get extremely hot as aluminum conducts heat (I was trying to use it for work, not just organizing itunes library). The no button touchpad is a disaster for usability. (Unfortunately other manufacturers started using the clickpads also and got rid off the physical buttons.)

Paris Hilton

Tough year for the Apple addict.

Three iPads (new, newer, mini): $1500

iPod Touch5: $300

iPhone5: $200 (with new contract)

MacBook Pro retina display: $2200

new iMac: $1700

apps: $?

cases/covers/pillows: $?

adaptors/connectors: $?

Man, that's almost like a downpayment for a house.

Massive strike at Foxconn's iPhone 5 factory

Paris Hilton

or maybe those trillions

Or it might be that couple trillion $ stake they own of the US. They got US by the balls, cause we put everything on the credit card. But Paris is still ours.

iPhone 5: the fab slab to grab


"it would indicate that I was walking along a street parallel to one I was actually on"

Wow. It has never occurred to you that the reason might be that the shitty GPS hardware in your phone is giving the map app incorrect location?

Your thinking sir, not the old maps app, is rubbish.

Tim Cook: 'So sorry for Apple's crap maps app - try Bing or Nokia'


Re: Maps must be fun

Well, since you are "elderly and confused", let me give you a hint here. It doesn't matter what mapping application you use, whoever wants to, can still track you. They don't need a google ID for it. Your internet connected device (phone, computer, tablet) sends enough information that "they" can connect the dots and know exactly who you are, what credit cards you use, what you buy, how much you pay in property taxes, your eating habits, your sexual orientation, voting record etc... All this information is available for sale and purchase.

So, since "they" already have all this info, you might as well just install google maps. It's much better than anything else anyway. At least you get the benefits.

Democratic congresswomen 'less feminine in appearance' than Republicans


Both of those you mentioned, overshadowed by the Pelosi effect.


Re: Fits in with Republican Ideology

Everyone knows there are only two type of Democrats - Liar ones and Freeloader ones.

Neither characteristic is commonly associated with good looks...

Intel launches ARM battery life Windows 8 Atom chip


Re: "Intel Graphics Core"

Can you elaborate on your "nothing but bad experiences"?

Typing this on a laptop with Intel HD chip (also have an AMD gpu, but rarely gets used), no issues whatsoever here. As an added benefit, gets over 6 hours on battery, half that with the AMD Radeon activated. Runs 3d animation packages perfectly fine, too.

Hacker uses Kindle as Raspberry Pi screen


Awesome pairing.

This is great, because the speed of the rpi (or rather lack of it) matches the refresh rate of the e-ink kindle.

Visual Studio 2012: 50 Shades of Grey by Microsoft


"Microsoft’s all-encompassing IDE loser"

Ok, I stopped right there (first paragraph).

Show me a better IDE.

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about. I don't mind some MS bashing, but VS is one of the best (if not the best) IDEs out there.

GPS trigger will light LOHAN's fire

Paris Hilton

Raspberry Pi?

Atmel? WTF? No more love for the Raspberry Pi?

Paris, not happy.

Apple's new Safari snubs older Macs, drops Windows version

Paris Hilton


What happened to Foxconn-rebrander? Fruity firm sounds so pretty.

Intel, AMD financials: Bad news for Obama campaign


Re: Best current summary of economy and politics in America

"Just so unfortunate the President's support base is so dumb as not understand that the President had full control of three executive branches for 4 years, did not fix the economic problems and ran record deficit to push the national debt to soon over 16 trillion."

There, I fixed that for you.

Behold: First look at Office 2013, with screenshots


re: the amazing 'Jumble' function

Awesome argument you make: user stupidity. Just because you didn't care to learn it, nobody else should use it.

You actually don't even have to learn. A simple google search, or help search would've told you that after you paste a little icon appears (paste options) that lets you choose to keep the source formatting, match the destination formatting, merge it, link it or paste as text only.

Now I wonder how using libre/openoffice solved this issue for you. Because those have similar functionality in paste special, but I doubt you would know about it without reading the help or searching for an answer. Which would've also solved your problem in word.

But we love you anyway. You provide job security for a herd of help desk people.

Sleek new Macs violate fanbois' Retinas with display garbage


Re: Display glitches

I have not seen any display glitch in the in the past 20 years. That on a wide range of machines, windows, many flavors of unix, even os x. (Although I don't have the new macbook.)

Or are you just telling us that display glitches are perfectly normal?

Panasonic Eluga DL1 waterproof Android


Re: Why is battery life not a desirable feature anymore?

Thanks Steve Jobs Jr. for clearing this up for us. It's obviously user error. People just use their phones too much

Police called after Romney's email and Dropbox accounts cracked


Re: classic "talk without think" episode...

Just like democrats. Listening to things like hope and change, public health care that will be better and cheaper, free government jobs for college grads and their loans forgiven after 20 years, closing gitmo, waterboarding terrorists bad but killing them and civilians with drones ok, ...

I mean seriously. Let's just call this even.

Facebook stock plunge leaves tax-dodge Saverin WORSE off. Haa ha


Re: Watch the slide...

""" I wouldn't feel sorry for those types they clearly fall into the category of bad investors or as I like to call them feckin' idiots. I think the term you're looking for is "dumb f*cks" or "zuckers". """

Except if you have a 401k or mutual funds, most likely they bought some for you, too. You just don't know about it. So we are all "zuckers". Unless you have any investments, that also includes you.

Ten... Qwerty mobiles


motorola droids

This article is incomplete as I'm typing this on my droid3, which is the best keyboard enhanced phone I've every had.

Steve Jobs' death clears way for rumoured 4in 'iPhone 5' screen


How about:

- get rid of the shared menu bar in osx

- option to disable workspace switch animation

- itunes and app store as optional, not default installed

- real buttons for the touchpads

And please:

- round the edges of the unibody macbooks. they hurt.

Intel bakes palm-sized Core i5 NUC to rival Raspberry Pi


Re: Fan = show stopper

The fan makes this less sexy, but not worried of failure. I've run many computers non stop over the past decade, never had a fan fail.

Lesser-spotted Raspberry Pi FINALLY dished up


Re: It's an admirable project to be sure...

Thank god the RPi dudes came up with the most ingenious way to make sure that the first batch gets into the hands of the best developers. The idea was similar to finding the toughest in a prison population: take a huge box of cigarettes, throw it in the middle of the holding area and let's see who gets there fastest.

But seriously. If the launch was supposed to get the devices to educational software developers, it was a miserable fail.

Wonder how many of the 10000 units (well, 9999 because one was reserved for Justin Bieber) will be used to develop educational software, vs collecting dust on a shelf (we know Justin's will be put to good use).

Laptop computers are crap


Re: My Air, running Lion, has it: Option+up arrow

@Armando 123

I'm holding a Macbook Air 13" in my left hand and a Sony Vaio 13" in my right (well actually now I put them down to type this). The Air is as heavy if not heavier than the Vaio.

I give you this: the Air LOOK lighter. But it's not. You been foolzed.

Oh, and the trackpad on the Air sucks ballz. While you do have 1,2,3,4,5 and probably even 6 finger gestures, it does not have buttons. So as soon as you place your thumb to get ready to press the imaginary button, it detects a multi touch and the cursor stops.

So now add to the weight a mouse that I have to lag around, just because some idiot thought up the magical idea of getting rid of the trackpad buttons. For looks.

Google's Page: Dying Jobs called ME, I didn't call him



Wonder what product you typed that on. I'm typing this on what you deemed a "dead" one, and look, you can actually read it.

Apple's stock price swells above stuttering Google


Re: Wrong index

Right there with you. I sold around 220 before the ipad came out, because I thought to my self "who on earth would buy such an expensive, useless gadget". Well, now I know the answer: pretty much everyone.

Coders' 'lives sucked out' by black-and-white Visual Studio 11



What respectable coder clicks on colorful UI buttons instead of using a shortcut? Or displays toolbars to waste screen space?

Apple iPad sales slip as cheap Android tablet tsunami looms


Re: Apple's not interested in highest marketshare...

Yeah. You are right. Just this morning, as Tim Cook was sipping his breakfast coffee, he was thinking how awesome it would be to give up another 5-10% market share to Android. Not only that, he also decided to drop all the lawsuits against Android manufacturers. Because he realized that you were right: market share doesn't count.

I mean come on now, does what you're saying make any sense to you?

Ten... Valentine's Day gifts for her


Lost me on first page.

Lost me on the first page with the aroma diffuser. The real gifts against smelly situations are soap and cleaning products. Although ladies with hygiene issues are not really worth the money spent on them.

Apple's new TV allegedly spotted... in Canadian office



Except if it's up to Apple, you won't be able to hook up a DVD player at all. There won't be any input ports on the TV, as they will explain to you, DVDs, BDs are considered sub-standard quality and would mess up your user experience.

The only thing you'll be connecting to this TV is your credit card.

Has Microsoft finally killed off Windows 8 Start button?


Win7 taskbar and start menu rocks

I use xmonad with dmenu on linux. I love xmonad because it allows me to switch between full screen applications quickly. (Mod4+1 = shell, Mod4+2 = browser etc.)

I always wanted a similar setup under windows. Recently I made a stunning discovery: after rebooting from linux, I accidentally hit Mod4+1 (win button +1) to open a shell, and windows opened the first program that was pinned to my task bar. It works similar to my xmonad workspaces! In fact I can easily move around the pinned icons, so now I have win+1 for git shell, win+2 for chrome, win+3 for visual studio...

Why did I not know about this for all those years!

Try it!

In fact, I can hit the win key, start typing the name of a program and can easily launch it. Just like dmenu. I can even find documents, email, whatnot the same way.

All these power features in a user friendly interface, that even my lawyer wife can use.

I wonder what other awesomeness MS added that I don't know about.
