wake me up
when every application gets it's own menu bar.
207 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Nov 2011
I've been scammed as a seller. Sold an item for $200 (it was worth a lot more), buyer sends me a message that it's not as described (not true). I give him my phone number, never calls me, keeps sending nasty messages. I tell him to send it back. He doesn't want to. He contacts ebay, who investigate. They put a lock on my money on paypal. They tell the buyer to send the item back. He refuses. No way to contact anyone live at ebay. Took two months to release my money.
I have Win8 on my new laptop, use all desktop programs, and it works great. In fact it seems faster than Win7, and looks nicer and cleaner.
In fact I don't mind the removal of the start menu. Gives me more space on the taskbar. And you can use the full screen start menu the same way as the old one: hit the windows key, type the name of the program, hit enter.
"Contrary to the opinions presented in this thread, we didn’t do this to screw the customer. "
No, probably not with the adapter. You screwed the consumer when you made the lightning connector (or whatever hipster name you came up for it). It's a crappy connector (to hard to remove because it's way too tight and the part you hold is too small). It's not compatible with accessories (I know, there's an adapter for that, too, but how do all these adapters jive with the magical design philosophy?).
But the real screwing is that there's a perfectly awesome, widely used connector out there: the micro usb. I have dozens of those cables and chargers around, because all my devices use it. Some firm who never innovates, just copies (sam sung what?), even shoots HDMI over it.
Paris, because she loves what you did to her.
Uhmmm... so when they break you buy a new one?
Actually this is Apple's game: look at the aluminum body laptops and ipads. The worst material to make a mobile device out of that will be handled and moved a lot. They scratch so easy, people sell them and buy new ones faster than replacing their undies, in fear of scratching the damn thing and losing resale value.
"Working habits haven't changed. People still work in cubicles."
Yes they have. Workers might still be in cubicle, but instead of working they are updating their facebook profile.
"Kids still do their homework sat at a table."
Ummm... wrong again. Kids are not sat at the table because their parents are too busy playing angry birds on their tablets on the couch. The only reason a kids would sit at a table is to play angry birds on their tablets because there's no more space on the couch.
"Teachers invariably still stand at the front of a classroom projecting onto a board while the kids look on."
Well, ok, you might have a point there. But this point is nullified by the above.
"The iPad mini is being sold at a lower margin than (e.g.) the iPad,"
Just keep telling yourself that until you believe it. However you could do the math yourself: an iPad mini costs $300, a similar specced non-Apple tablet is half of that. So even if we assume that the non-Apple tablet is sold at cost (which you should also keep telling yourself), then Apple still has 50% margin. But of course the margin is higher than that.
This is exactly why I switched back to my first car, a 1975 Fiat 850. It's so much easier than all the buttons, displays, numbers, dials on modern cars.
Want to open the window? no fussing with buttons, just use the crank.
Want to turn on the radio? Just turn the volume dial. Want another station? just fiddle the __only__ other knob on the radio.
The dash is also so much better designed. Shows the speed, engine temperature and how much gas there is. Doesn't overwhelm me with too much information. Helps my inner peace.
And why on earth are they sticking all those controls on the the steering wheels on new cars? Radio volume, change channel, toggle dash display, toggle audio source, cruise control? First of all who needs cruise control? And all those other buttons? Duplicated functionality!?! MAJOR DESIGN FAIL!!!
"How about solving the difficult problem of making a phone that works well as a phone?"
Yeah, I know what you mean. I know exactly when the person on the other end has an iPhone, because I can't hear anything they say. Then they have to call back every 10 minutes because their iPhone dropped the call. It's pretty pathetic. My first cell phone (some Ericson model from mid 90s) had better call quality.
Maybe it's some conspiracy with the providers to push up minute usage. Like:
"Garble garble ten garble."
"What was that?"
"I'll be garble garble garble."
"Come again?"
"Garble there garble garble minutes"
"Oh, you'll be here in 10 minutes?"
-- call dropped --
-- ring ring --
"Garble garble dropped."
"Oh that's ok. So you'll be here in 10?"
"Ok see you then."
-- hang up phone, and smirk about polish --
But hey, they can play Angry Birds, so what do they care.
"about the only thing Tizen would seem to have going for it is its pedigree"
Seriously, WTF? How about the fact that it would actually be installed on phones from the largest phone manufacturer? Or that doesn't count as "going for it"?
"Ever tried a RaspberryPi? Plenty powerful enough for office tasks and a bit of homework and research, even enough for a bit of entertainment. And that is powered by a single core ARM @ 700 MHz."
Yes, I have. It's absolutely useless in a desktop environment, and especially for office work and web browsing. If you said command line python tutorial, maybe.
My cell phone on the other hand, with a decent dual processor and quadruple memory with an OS designed for it can actually run a web browsing. But for office work? Not really.
Linkedin is for losers.
If you are on linkedin to find work because you can't find work based on your real life accomplishments, you are a loser.
If you are a manager looking to hire someone from linkedin based on "endorsements", you are a loser.
If you are none of the above and on linkedin just to socialize, then you need to get out more and hence you are a loser.
"why aren't they pulling this stunt outside Apple store"
Exactly my thoughts. Apple, especially with the lock down on iOS completely disabled creation on their devices. I'm talking about programming for kids, not about some hipster instavomit photo manipulation. In high school we were hacking x86 assembler code and soldering parallel port "sound cards". I have not seen any kid using iDevices for much more than shooting birds to kill pigs. Nor could they do much more, as Apple forbid any sort of scripting in apps. So even if anyone wanted to, you could not make a programming environment.
The worst of then gnus are the ones running around with Apple laptops, supporting Apple's quest to destroy kids brains.
"iPads will hold their value though so when a new one comes out you can still get roughly 60% value on the old one".
60%, maybe in your dreams. But let's play along with the 60% imaginary number. Let's say you paid $500 for your ipad (plus some more for the magical cover, idyllic power supply, fairy dusted usb cable and whatever else). According to you, you can recover $300 (minus all the poetic accessories), so you are out $200. That's the price of a nexus 7, and if you wanted a new one, you could've given it to some poor kid to save you the hassle of dealing with craigslist scammers and actually would've made the poor kid happy.
"Plan C - Genuine innovation. In other words they are toast :-)"
Not really. At this point Android and Samsung are several years ahead of Apple, so there's plenty stuff Apple can copy, call magical and patent as their own ideas.
Although they are starting to suck at copying, too. All the iphone 5 got was the bigger screen from about 3 years ago, the panorama photo from last year and a second microphone for noise cancelling from at least 10 years back.
"my iPhone 3GS is still going strong after 4+ years and still supported / running the latest OS"
my four year old droid is still running fine, has high resolution screen (you guys like to call it retina), still running a three year old android and still can do more than ios6. but I'm pretty sure in the next couple of years ios will get better and be as functional as a android from 2009.
I agree with everything you said, but I want to add one more point.
Glossy screens suck. They are absolutely useless outside, semi useless inside (unless you are in a completely dark room).
With laptops getting touch screens, it's hard to even find those with matte screens anymore. This world is going insane.
" I don't think even Apple fans will buy this, not if they understand anything at all about price:performance. "
Whatcha talking about? Of course they will buy it. It's thinner. (Or at least it's made to look thinner by adding a bevel at the edges. But that's beside the point.)
Fixed resolution? Really? And we should believe that even though your programmers suck at graphics/ui, they can pull off some IQ routing magic?
I mean, really, please tell us, how did your IQ programmers manage to create a drawing view that only supports fixed resolutions?
If you are a programmer for TomTom, you should be ashamed. If you are a manager for TomTom, you are an idiot.
And I haven't even gotten to that cheap-crap looking mount. You guys apparently also suck at product design.