* Posts by csumpi

207 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Nov 2011




Re: Blah blah blah -@AC 14:24

@Steve Todd 14:41 said: you missed the bit where Apple said that fingerprint data would only ever be stored inside of the A7 chip and be accessed by their security API

And you obviously missed Obama overruling the ban of iPhone sales handed to Apple by the courts, weeks before Apple introduced a fingerprint scanner into iDevices? Coincidence?

Apple sucking triple the phone switchers as Samsung – report


Re: It's probably just that

> some people have better things to do with their time than to waste it on customizing their fucking phone

Like what? organizing their fucking iTunes library?

Peak Apple: Samsung hits DOUBLE the market share of iPhones


Re: Druthers

"I'd much prefer to make fewer, higher margin items"

Aha, right. Worked out well for the Range Rovers, Volvos, Saabs vs the Hondas and Toyotas.



You just spent a lot of time and presented many opinion pieces as facts. For example:

"Cost of development for Android, for those wishing to address the "full and larger market" is much higher than for iOS"

This is complete misinformation. I develop for both iOS and Android. If you said this a couple years ago, sure. But not today. Making an iOS app to work on all the different iDevice screens takes a lot more work than doing the same on Android because the Android API was designed to support multiple screen resolutions and aspect ratios from the ground up, vs the afterthought hacks in iOS. And if you are developing games and use unity3d, developing for iOS and Android takes exactly the same amount of time.

But there are some real facts that you are ignoring.

Android vs iOS is not Samsung vs Apple. Yes, Samsung is the most successful Android phone maker, but there are hundreds of others.

It's not all about smartphones, either. You can put Android on anything. TVs. Game consoles. Cars. Fridges. Watches. Glasses. And the best thing? Google doesn't have to do all the work. They don't have to develop a game console. Any other company can.

What Google did with Android is similar to what MS did with Windows: it can work on anything. Except Google took it to the next level.

New blinged-up 'iPhone 5S' touted by Jobs FROM BEYOND THE GRAVE


Re: After the news concerning the NSA.....

Whatcha chirping about? Android (which is software) adding a fingerprint sensor (which is hardware) without users knowing about it?

You need to take your meds.

Obama proposes four-point plan to investigate US data spooks


just a reminder

> Snowden is a Patriot and without him you'd still be up there smiling away, doing jack shit, while our Liberties were squeezed out of us, one law at a time.

But... he's still up there smiling away and doing jack shit.

Android approaches 80% smartphone share as Apple's iPhone grows old


Re: "mobile market share" matters, "smartphone market share" does NOT

Come again?

"mobile market share" matters, "smartphone market share" does NOT

What the hell does that even mean? Or you just copied this from an Apple shareholder meeting slide?


Re: hmm

Sad thing is, their new phones and os are really nice. My wife got a new Q10 for work, the keyboard is excellent as always, the screen is beautiful and finally there's a decent browser on it. It's the best phone for businesses that require lots of emailing (and emails without typos).

The problem is that the Z10 and Q10 are 2 years too late.

Paris Hilton

"iOS decline in the second quarter aligns with the cyclicality of iPhone"

Just keep saying that, you might start believing it and feel better.

Paris, she's already a believer.

South Korea: We're 'concerned' that Obama saved Apple from ban

Big Brother

now we know

the price of a NSA backdoor in all apple devices

Moto X: It's listening to you. But can voice control finally take off?


Re: battery life

> "swipe up on the lock screen to open the camera" gesture on iOS for example

Another revolutionary feature Apple brought you after they saw it on Android.

Typical! Google's wonder-dongle is a solution looking for a problem



you mean products like the ipad?

Apple crushes all competition in US Brand of the Year survey


Re: Newegg. Never heard of them

> Newegg. Never heard of them

Makes me doubt the rest of your post.




- in phones HTC beats Samsung

- AT+T makes the list on mobile networks

- Microsoft and Best Buy make the list on online computer retailers

Verizon joins T-Mobile, AT&T with early phone upgrade plan


Re: One thing to keep in mind....

I don't think CDMA or Verizon lock is an issue. And the reason is simple: Verizon offers best coverage and best service. There's absolutely no reason to move to another provider.

Apple patents touch display that KNOWS YOU by your fingers

Big Brother

NSA [heart] Apple

The contracts are already being crafted.

Seven snazzy smartphones for seven sorts of shoppers

Black Helicopters

Re: Note II ... 2 days battery life ??

Something's wrong with your phone then. I have a note 2, use it all the time, runs for more than two days without the battery even dipping under 25%.


Re: One-handed operation is key to Many buyers' needs

> The iPhone 5 is at the limit of that, really.

Show me proof. Other than the brainwashing Apple commercial (the one with the thumb).

You could argue (but would lose), that my galaxy note 2 is too big for one handed operation. It's not, I do it all the time, and I'm a normal size person.

I also want to say it on record, that your statement is only true until Apple introduces a larger iPhone. At that time, the larger iPhone will embody the perfection of one handed operation.

Ex-HTC execs launch UK-based smartphone maker Kazam


Re: Phone for grown ups

Blackberry Q10. Seems very close to what you want.

Obama weighs in on NSA surveillance imbroglio


Re: I don't call this "making choices as a society"

Of course society made this choice, by reelecting this idiot.

Tea, Earl Grey, hot! NASA blows $125k on Star Trek 3D FOOD PRINTER


Re: handfull of generic ingrediants?

You forgot yeast. I would love to see what yeast does in a weightless environment.

Surface Pro to hit Blighty priced 25% up on top-o-the-range iPad


Re: Yeah, but ...

"for Web... they are excellent"

What are you talking about? A device where you can't block ads, is excellent for web browsing? That's not web browsing, that's subjecting yourself to mind fucking. But you could say it's excellent for the latter.

"book reading"

Whatever. Glossy screen, lcd. No, thanks, I keep my eink for books.

Steve JOBS finally DEFEATS the PC - from BEYOND THE GRAVE


Re: Prognostication

" People get the 7" BECAUSE IT IS CHEAPER! "

BS. People get the 7" because it's portable and easier to hold than the 10". The 7" fits in my coat or back pocket. It's also not an ergonomic design disaster like the 10" (especially 10" with metal case that has edges to create cut marks), so my wrist doesn't feel like it's going to break after 10 minutes of use.

Apple adds Galaxy S 4 to Samsung patent suit


Hey, Apple!

Fuck you.

Why not invent something? Oh, wait, you only copy shit. Whatever. Then copy shit.

Your phones are years behind Samsung, you crappy wall of icons OS is years behind Android, so I can see how it would be obvious when you return to what you do best, copying.

Adobe kills Creative Suite – all future features online only


Re: Somebody PLEASE!!!!

"GIMP cant even compare with the 80's Photoshop."

You speak the truth and get downvoted. I'll jump in here to ease your downvote count:

The GIMP sucks. It's more than a decade behind Photoshop. It's not even comparable to Photoshop, you could probably say that it's a good replacement for MS Paint. Except its UI sucks even more.

Bring on those downvotes.

Plans for fully 3D-printed gun go online next week


Re: Be careful for what you ask for, you might get it!

WTF are you talking about?

"the NRA will pass a law"

The NRA is not a branch of government, so it cannot pass a law.

"a 5 year old boy does not need to ask his parents for a Kinder rifle"

And where will he get the ammunition?

What work? Tablet owners prefer to slack off with their slabs


Re: not ready for any work

They were not meant to be for work. They are web browsing, fecesbook status updating, bird shooting, media consumption money vacuums.


What did they expect?

What did they expect when they purchased fashion toys instead of laptops? Might as well have given out a bunch of Nintendo 3DS, those would've been awesome for those 3d presentations.

Bill Gates offends Koreans after sticking hand down trousers


Re: So?

Don't South Koreans have more important things to be worried about? Like how about that bubbling shit bucket just north of them?

Ubuntu 13.04: No privacy controls as promised, but hey - photo search!


Re: Amazon...

"I don't understand why people complain about the Amazon lens so much."

Maybe, because, let me see, perhaps there are still people who use their computer for work or at least something constructive, other than updating their fecesbook profile, twatting, or buying crappy stuff that they don't need.


Re: Been using this

"quicker than Win7 on my Thinkpad T400"


"Also finding the interface less fiddly than Cinnamon."

Fiddly? Really?

Paris Hilton

How about changing the color scheme?

The Ubuntu color scheme with the oranges, browns and purples just makes my stomach turn. In fact it kinda looks like vomit after a long night out. It's pretty much _the_ worst designer job, ever. And even after changing controls, themes, colors, you'll eventually find some orange highlighting somewhere.

Who cares about privacy, when the freaking thing is so ugly it can't be looked at?

Paris, matching the taste level.

Another blow for Flash as Unity gaming engine kills support


good riddance

The biggest achievement of Steve Jobs was the major dent he put in flash. Flash needs to go away. Sooner, the better.

Facebook to plonk $1.5bn data centre in Iowa - report

Paris Hilton

"Profit usually works."

Not working for AAPL right now.

Report: Apple returned 8M shoddy iPhones to Foxconn


Re: quality control?

My thoughts exactly. If Apple didn't keep an eye on the production and truly let 8 million rejects made, they deserve to eat most of the cost.

Paris Hilton

Why the negativity?

Can't we just look at this from a positive angle? Why not use this headline:

"Large Asian corporate buyer purchases batch of 8 million iPhones."

Throw some iPads in there and fingers crossed that would even prop up the AAPL stock a bit so I could dump it.

jQuery 2.0 kicks old Internet Explorer versions to the curb

Paris Hilton

"It's much more likely that jQuery 2 adoption will suffer due to the lack of support."

It could be worse though. Like the botch up that python2 -> python3 was (is). From the news:

"Python 3.0 final was released on December 3rd, 2008."

That was over _FOUR_ years ago. And most of the important software packages I use still only work with python2.

Black Helicopters

Re: Necessary?

I'm working on a small HTML5 mobile site. It's awful. HTML5 is a disaster as well as browser support. So yes, you do need all the help you can get.

Bug-atar, if you worked with HTML5, you know why.

Google's Page drops the A-bomb: Google Glass runs Android


Re: "Android" or "Linux + Toolchain"?

"I thought linux + toolchain was all that was needed"

No. What's needed is supports of binary drivers. And since the linux kernel doesn't do that, Android is the name.

Yahoo! Axes! Yet! More! Products!


"Why do they need apps at all? Wouldn't supporting HTML5 be a better and safer bet?"

You must be saying this because you have never developed HTML5. It's a complete utter mess. You have to support a multitude of browsers, mobile phones, with all different flavors.

It's much cheaper to make an ios and android app.

BTW, fecesbook went the html way. It was a complete disaster.


Yahoo! Groups!

Please also get rid Yahoo! Groups!, the worst ever discussion platform. The world will be a much better place without it.

Game designer spills beans on chubby-fancying chap with his stolen Mac

Big Brother

Mr Nerd, you need help.

What you are doing is kinda.... creepy. Not normal, for sure. In fact probably even illegal. You need help.

Linux in 2013: 'Freakishly awesome' – and who needs a fork?

Paris Hilton

Re: "Freakishly Something". Dunno About Awesome Though...

"Then again, (most versions of) MS Office runs perfectly well under Wine."

So you are suggesting to install linux, then wine, use a windows license, and run ms office in it? You already purchased the windows and office license, why would you add two extra layers on top of it? Paris can't see the point.


Re: And yet, and yet ...

"I've been doing so since 2008 or thereabouts. My business is photography with many associated design activities..."

Bullshit. You are either one of those leach "photographers" who take crappy headshots of my kids at school than (attempt to) charge and arm and a leg, in which case you are not in the business of photography, just a scam artist. Or you are lying.

No way you are running a photography/design business without Adobe products. Yeah, I know there is gimp, but it's not even close to being in the same league.

Netbooks projected to become EXTINCT by 2015

Paris Hilton

Re: Netbooks are dead

Unfortunately your claim cannot be backed up by AAPL's quarterly reports nor their stock price. The day your purple bubble bursts, you'll be surprised. Paris, because she'll be there to comfort you.


Netbooks projected to become EXTINCT by 2015?

What are you talking about? We simply removed the keyboards, crippled the operating system, crippled programs, renamed them to apps, and got the tablet. Now they look cool, can do even less, but they do live on!

Foxconn's revenue down on slowing iPad, iPhone sales


Which one is it, reg?

There's been several articles on the reg recently about how idevices are totally overtaking the market, now you're saying that idevice sales are down (which we've known since september, when the aapl stock started crashing).

So now which one is it?

Microsoft says WinPhone outselling iPhone, BlackBerry

Paris Hilton

Re: Statcounter tells us something else

Statcounter also tells you that from January to February, Android lost some 25% market share in China.

Paris, still a virgin.

Paris Hilton

Re: Pont of view

"1: iOS's share rose last quarter

2: Adroid's share fell last quarter"

And you really believe that? After the beating AAPL took for slowing iDevice sales? And GOOG going through the roof?

Paris, obviously, because she's a virgin.

Apple share-price-off-a-cliff: Told you that would happen


Re: Don't blame Apple for the price drop


The reason the stock price is dropping is not because aapl is not making money hand over fist. It's because there's no more innovation*. In the meantime, others have not only caught up, but left aapl in the dust.

Aapl needs a new wildly successful product to sustain its stock price. They can't keep growing on small upgrades to the iDevices.

So aapl is largely to blame.

*aka taking other people's inventions, tweaking them and slapping a designer case around
