* Posts by Hi_tech_guy_18

3 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Nov 2011

Wind, solar could provide 99.9% of ALL POWER by 2030


One thing we have plenty of is Rain water / Sewage Water / Rivers and streams

When you think about the peek demand for Power is also the peek demand for water / waste water

Advert brake/show/match ended on TV people go into the kitchen Fill the kettle and switch it on then go use the toilet then flush.

Now if you retro fit a few Archimedes Screw Generators



to the Sewage system you can both make use of Sewage Tide's to generate the surplus needed for all them kettles Plus also control the tides so there bit more tamed for the sewage plant to mange the waste

When the kettles are done the remain surplus can go into cryo of gases for long term storage

Sewage has more than one way to be useful

You can make Organic Bactria battery's where as the Bactria brake down the waste into other chemicals (ones that can be used as a battery different electrolyte's ) DC AC Inverters can make this low voltage useful and the Bactria gas generated can be stored and power a gas engines or cryo stored

You also have the Solid waste that can be used a Fuel / fertilizer You can even make use of the Bactria in the solids to still make power

Archimedes Screw Generators can also be Put on rivers and streams

You can also blend them in with the natural surroundings as if they weren't even their

They aslo keep water on the land for longer so more water will make it into water tables plus also stop flooding due you can now control the water flows into rivers

Archimedes Screw Generators also don't hurt fish so a big help to sea fish stocks due you have more ponds to breed them in

There also self clearing to any jam and it will auto chew it up

The true, tragic cost of British wind power


Water Power is better for the UK

We have plenty of rain in winter time to run

Micro Archimedes Screw Generators


They Can Also be hidden away in protected arias

Not to mention they can also be deployed in Both Storm Water and Foul Water Sewers

in Towns and Citys and make use of the Sewer Tides at Peek Toilet Times (When Fav's TV Shows is over people norm put the kettle on and go to the bathroom then flush the Toilet)

It will solve water table problems due you holing water back to allow it to soak into the ground longer / or divert surplus water to dry arias

Superhero oil-burping algae will save the world


Algae will grow in salt water too

Just walk to any beach in the UK / world wide and You find of it on rocks.

Algey is also a plant so it easy to cross bread and make new salt water loving Algeys

And it's Not that hard in a high solar region (dessert) to make Salt water into Fresh water

Gravity pipe sea water to any well access point in a dessert then pump it up to surface level using wind or solar

The Salt water into Fresh water Array doest need to be that big all you need is 8x to 16x Vacuum Tube solar water heaters and your able to make water steam. and a chamber that allow this steam to be taken away form the warm salt water and condensed in another chamber to make pure water

You don't exactly need a (Rivers volume worth of water ) all you need is Just a garden hose pipe volume (Or fire hose) worth to fill / top-up your Algey system since its sealed loop it doesn't suffer with evaporation.

Salt water into Fresh water Array could also be used for growing Fish and they can be used to Both improve Algae production + hydroponic farms + fresh water for a small village