* Posts by Tel Starr

75 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Nov 2011


BBC report urges Halo troops to end bloodshed in Syria

Tel Starr

Re: Wait, what?

But it's not fair dealing as the image in question has nothing to do with the news report.

Biz social networking set for take-off

Tel Starr

Re: What's a KPI?

Key Performance Indicator - Any made up metric that makes an Analyst feels that their job\life is worthwhile.

Pints under attack as Lord Howe demands metric-only UK

Tel Starr

Re: Napoleon and his metric system conquered Europe,

'OTOH, if you want your kids to value logic and maths, you might start by giving them a proper system of units.'

Exactly, we need to switch to a base2 system ASAP, none of this count on fingers malarky.

Foxconn chief: we're gearing up for Apple 'iTV'

Tel Starr

Maybe in 2017 if Apple attack poodles are still around?


Carmageddon coder seeks gamers' cash for revamp

Tel Starr

I thought this was another Google Car article at first.

Tablets are the future of the PC, says researcher

Tel Starr

What this report really does not tell us...

Is that most content consumption is going to end up via TV Screens.

The idiot box is smarter than you think.

Compulsory coding in schools: The new Nerd Tourism

Tel Starr

Re: Hobble-de-hoi

How do you know who the good coders are if no one ever has the chance to code?

How do you prioritise resources when you don't know where to concentrate them?

With this ring, I thee frag

Tel Starr

'After repairing to a restaurant, ...'

For a Sandvich?

Nokia invents teeny throbbing tattoos to make your skin crawl

Tel Starr

Re: MRI + metal tattoos

Why do people keep quoting a non-science program like 'Mythbusters' as 'proof'?

Most of the time they don't even attempt to go into any details of the physics involved and a lot of the 'simulations' are nothing like the actual situations they are trying to prove\debunk. You always get the impression that they have decide the result in advance, and are fitting the tests to match.

It's an entertainment program, thats all.

SimCity to return after 10-year holiday

Tel Starr

'robust multiplayer mode'

With Nukes?

Ten... e-cars and hybrids

Tel Starr

Re: But...

Can't you just trail a lead from the ciggy lighter?

Euro banks slam dot-bank plan

Tel Starr


For loan sharks only?

E. coli turns seaweed into ethanol

Tel Starr

I'm not sure providing the Welsh with that much alcoholic Lava Bread is a good idea.

First ever private rocket to space station in launch delay

Tel Starr

"the first time a private company had ever achieved such a feat (the orbital flight and return, that is, not the cheese)."

So which other private companies (other than satellite TV providers) has sent cheese into space and back?

French court fines Google $65k over search suggestion

Tel Starr


By the time the input reaches 'Lyonnaise de G' and the search has worked out it's an insurance company...

Google does not just autocomplete words, it autocompletes phrases (or more accurately appends secondary keywords), but, as others have pointed out, why is this company so closely linked to the term 'crook' in the first place?

And if a conviction does exist against them what right does a court have to help hide this fact? (Can company convictions end up 'spent' in France?)

Apple said to threaten legal action over Steve Jobs doll

Tel Starr

To 'G.I. Jobs'?

Germans increase office efficiency with 'cloud ceiling'

Tel Starr

Looking out of my window...

Not a good idea. I think they might be trying to cheer the workers up not depress them.

Can imagine this causing all sorts of problems to sleep cycles if used at night. It might require a 'twilight' mode (as in time of day, not sparkly vampire stuff) with less blue.

Deep-fried planets discovery offers hope for Earth’s future

Tel Starr

Only One

Unless your Ian McShane no one can survive plummeting thru the suns atmosphere like that.

Lovejoy Lives!

Comet Lovejoy spotted plunging toward fiery doom

Tel Starr

Lovejoy Survives!

But a bit toasted...


McShane always was well bronzed, even more so now.

Whitehall Post-Its, Ministers' GMail to come under FOIA?

Tel Starr

Shirley it's not the "Mandarins 'sh*tting bricks' at possible disclosures" but the Ministers, who are using the back-channels to bypass the Sir Humprey's, who will need the underwear change?

Navy pays 2x purchase price to keep warship docked for 5 years

Tel Starr
Thumb Down

Victory not cheap

Using interest to determine costs in the 'aircraft carrier' comparison is a bit lame as it does not take into account actual fiscal resources available.

Try government expenditure as per http://www.ukpublicspending.co.uk

HMS Victory (1865)

£63k out of a defense budget of £6mil (total gov spend £12mil) = ~1% (.5%)

HMS White Elephant + HMS Back Hander (2010 figures)

£7bn for 2, out of def budget £43bn (gov spend £660bn) = ~8% (.5%) per ship

When you spead the costs out over design\build time then the difference closes even further.

British Library sprinkles digital dust on dusty newsprint

Tel Starr

How much?

The price is over three times as much as the american equivalent - www.newsinhistory.com - which does not have 'credit' restrictions. (I've used it a few times in the past)

Plus the OCR has done its usual job of garbling things from the looks of it.

Wish someone would do a 'guttenburg' with all the old newspapers. Which is what the BL should be doing anyway.

Stonehenge finds hint at rituals far more ancient than the stones

Tel Starr


It's a good excuse to have a party.

I agree with you. Why do they insist on bringing mumbo-jumbo into it when no one can possibly tell what the ancients were actually thinking.

iPhone 4S is for failures who work in coffee shops - Samsung

Tel Starr

Barista - Barrister

Same thing really - Both makes Coffee all day and charge ridiculous amounts.

story gone

Tel Starr
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Marked down by accident

Sorry, thought it said Utterly Butterly not Utterly Terrible.
