The INI are bigots!
I am deeply offended by the notion that the language which I have thusfar been using is in any way non-inclusive or that my choice of language could or should be more inclusive. I am also offended by the fact that this, so called "inclusive" initiative does not in fact include myself. This demonstrates the lie of their alleged inclusiveness.
The initiative, by virtue of it's choice of name (being a "NAMING initiative") makes an intentional decision to exclude those among us that have, for whatever reason, chosen to leave the binary path of having a name and may have chosen to be partially named or have chosen to avoid having a name entirely. This decision is also deeply offensive to those of us in the tech field who have chosen to eliminate the distress caused by naming things and thus write code using purely anonymous functions.
Finally the decision to call their initiative an initiative is highly offensive because this could be taken to imply that they are initiating something, which is plainly false, or something which is worthwhile when this is also clearly not the case.
I hereby demand that the Inclusive Naming Initiative should be immediately disbanded, all members undergo extensive, mandatory inclusivity training, and a replacement should be instituted in the form of, "The Possibly Inclusive But Not To Offend Those Who Are Not Included In The Process Of Naming (Or Not) Things Which Might Be Named Or May Have Chosen Not To Be Named Or May Never Have Been Named Initiative Which Should Not Be Taken To Mean That Anything Even Remotely Productive Or Worthwhile Is Taking Place Or Ever Will".
Once this has been completed, I shall commit to attending the inaugural meeting of TPIBNTOTWANITPON(ON) TWMBNOMHCNTBNOMNHBNIWSNBTTMTAERPOWITPOEW, if only to insist that acronyms be banned (because this might offend people who have trouble remembering acronyms) and that the 'initiative' read out it's full name every time that it is referred to. That should keep them too busy to waste our time.