Sales tax?
So did they buy it in the locality of nowhere, and have a 0% sales tax bill?
219 publicly visible posts • joined 19 Nov 2011
Penguin master lol.
Reasonable people can disagree, but Nvidia's license explicitly says "interface with our interface if you want to use our hardware". Linux is about (AFAIK, I'm not a kernel developer) writing drivers directly to the hardware. Those two worldviews can't work with each other.
I'm leaning towards the Linux worldview. I'm honestly shocked that Nvidia isn't requiring Debian, and Red Hat, and all the other distros out there write their own interface layer.
That said, I don't actually care one way or another.
On the one hand, it would be *absolutely fucking fantastic* if we could trust everybody involved in these transactions to do the right thing and use this data for furthering humankind.
On the other hand, everybody involved in these transactions are trying to turn data into money, and no fucking thank you to that.
We have the technology to be living in a Star Trek era right now, but each of F, A, A, N, and G want the whole pie to themselves, which is the diametric opposite of Star Trek.
Fuck everyone.
First of all,
Individual artists? Knife City, Jellica, The J. Arthur Keenes Band, Nullsleep, too many more to mention
Video games lost something when you could stream digital audio instead of generating your soundtrack on a synthesizer. Not that current games are bad, but there was something special about everything coming out of your game being done on-the-fly.
Sorry, three months late posting a followup.
Red Hat doesn't care that you share your code. Red Hat sells a product, a part of which is your code that you shared for free.
Red Hat wants money in exchange for their product. CentOS was RHEL with the parts that said RHEL filed off. Functionally identical. Red Hat bought CentOS and put a stop to that. So there's another fork going to provide a RHEL-clone for free under the terms that Red Hat has accepted for their product.
So you took offense to the word "freeloader". I apologize. I was attempting to get across that CentOS users aren't paying CentOS or Red Hat for the work being put into their respective products. I don't think that was an inaccurate description of end users of the product.
Red Hat agrees with me, though, which is why there's a new project to recreate what CentOS was before Red Hat bought it.
CentOS is literally not fit for purpose now, since CentOS users wanted (and were getting) RHEL without paying RH. I can't blame either side for their positions, but I tend to blame CentOS users more.
I've been using Debian forever*, though, and Debian wants my help, not my money. I'm looking into adopting a couple of packages that have lost their maintainers.
*1999 was my first permanent install, so not literally forever
"I’m less concerned about the attack than some observers, because it presupposes access to known CSAM hashes," said Mayer. "And the most direct way to get those hashes is from source images. So it presupposes an attacker committing a very serious federal felony."
Shirley the most direct way to get those CSAM hashes is to have a copy of the official CSAM hash database. It wouldn't surprise me to know that Apple have a copy of all the original CSAM images themselves, though.
Pancreatic cancer, which is probably going to kill you whatever you do.
ISTR Jobs went and did some stupid new-age regimen when he got it, but because he had the cancer he did, it didn't much matter what stupid thing he did. There wasn't any smart thing to do. Although he was in the position to spend any amount of money for as long as it took for him to die.
(plus all of the supporting packages)
I haven't used a "desktop" in years, although I try KDE every once in a while and it's not much worse than Windows 10, tbh,
I'm trying to drink the flavoraid at work and tied my Google accounts into Windows, but it's not working very well.
I will migrate to something other than awesome when X11 stops working. Maybe the Devuan guys will have gotten over themselves and worked on something important by then :)
>And before you down vote me: on your flight in 5 years time, do you want the flight control system written by exactly the 'correct' ethnic diversity of people, or the best people, regardless of ethnicity?
I'd rather have a plane that didn't fall out of the sky. None of the teams working on that problem seem to have figured it out yet.
I work at a SMB where our licensing costs for VSphere and Windows Datacenter (which we also license) are roughly the same. We've been running everything on VMWare products since VMWare Server 2 (the app you installed on top of Linux, back in the late 00's). Yes, we're paying for Datacenter to run on top of VSphere. We get really good deals on both of them, that will become untenable if our footprint gets much larger.
The one huge factor influencing the platform we're on is pricing. If we added too many more hosts than what we have now, VMWare would be out of the running purely on cost. Microsoft has their *entire history* working against them, so I don't really know what I can stomach once Dell prices themselves out of the running.
I don't ever want to spend $1000 on a tech bauble again. My wife bought a G7 Plus last year with the insurance check we received after her previous phone died. It does what she wants it to do and it seems to be a really nice device. I can't tell if it's supported by lineageos or not, but it doesn't seem like we need to take that step because the stock android install seems to be pretty much unfucked.
I'm still using a OnePlus One, but it can't last forever. If Motorola can keep this up, they're certainly on my list of replacements.
I did my y2k stint for NCR. Except they didn't know what equipment they had out there, so I spent the first two months of the job getting paid to stay at home playing video games while they figured out what they wanted me to do. After that, they sent me out across the country for training on how to identify their equipment, and then out across my home state to find it. Except their training and real life didn't match up, so they sent me back home again so they could figure out what was going on.
I made a lot of money for very little work. Goodness knows how much it actually cost them.
"When questioned by police after the robbery, Adams at first claimed he wasn’t at Target with them and knew nothing about the phones. He then changed his story and said he was there but didn’t know what was in the bag that Davis emerged from the store with. And then changed his story again and admitted he had in fact given Davis $100 to buy the two phones."
First of all, I had nothing to do with it! Second of all, someone else did it, I'm completely innocent. Third, okay I did do it but I did nothing wrong!
My hand is not a hammer. My hand is what I use to wield a hammer, with which I drive nails.
Github is not a version control system. Github is what I use to host my Git repositories, with which I control my versions.
A metaphor is a glorious thing. A diamond ring. The first day of Summer.
On the one hand, our cheeto-in-chief loves wikileaks, so clearly he won't be extraordinarily renditioned.
On the other hand, the deep state gonna deep, so clearly he will be extraordinarily renditioned.
The never-never-Trumpers get to have it both ways, whichever way it goes.